I was told I could find out the best way to eat a pomegranate. I might have been doing it wrong. I used to start one and then tell the kids they were not allowed to break any of the little seed coverings. Hours of fun, peace and quiet.
Now that we can really use. Just yesterday I had to get Jake to open a jar of preserves that looks exactly what I can see on that one, top is exactly like it.
I wish there was a dog ear cleaner. Just an hour ago while I cleaned the ears of 4 large dogs. Jake held them still or at least attempted to, 2 of them are very strong the Dago especially, [known for it's strength]. I also noticed how much the Dogo Argentino sheds really short hair. No way can we take them all to the groomer so maybe next time just groom one every 6 months. They charge $60 to groom a dog. We are also going to build a hanging bath platform for them. Jake hopes to start it in a few weeks, He bathed Getty once and said she is the strongest dog he has ever known. She jumped out of the shower 3 times, he gave up with shower, took her to bathtub, jumped out twice. He tied the lease around the handle he put up for us. Lets see how they jump around and push, pull and wiggle swinging.
I have used hydrogen peroxide for cleaning ears (dog and people) and that works pretty well, but you do have to keep them stabilized while you do it. The hanging bath sounds like it might be an excellent idea ! Years ago, when I lived in the country and had Great Danes, one of them tried to attack a porcupine, and got her whole nose and face covered with quills. They hurt badly, and she did not want to be touched for me to pull the quills out, and it was just the kids and I trying to do it. We could not manage to hold her, even with all of us trying. I ended up putting a horse halter on her (worked like a dog harness) and took her between two trees that were growing close together and cross-tied her, like you would do with a horse. She could still move her head, but when she threw her whole body backwards to get away from me, the harness held her in place because it was around her chest and body. I had to cut the ends off of the quills to release the suction, and then pull the quills out with the needle-nose pliers. It was a long process, but it worked, and if we had not tied her between the trees with the halter-harness, we would have had to taken her to the vet and had her sedated to remove the quills.
yes, Yvonne we need something to keep them from jumping, moving around. Poor dog with quilles, that was a great system you put up, I saw one kind of like it a groomer was using on YT for bathing dog. I've been using vinegar for many years but may try the HP you use, since it may be easier on the dog not liking the strong odor or maybe sting.
Th peroxide does not smell or sting, but it does bubble in their ears, and along with cleaning out any dirt, it will help fight any kind of ear infection. Anytime I think I might be apt to catch a cold, the first thing I do is peroxide my ears and my nose/sinus, and it stops any infection before it can get further into your body and make you sick. You will know that it is getting something when you hear it bubbling in your ears !
The ear bubbling is the peroxide interacting with the peroxidase enzymes in ear wax, but it does loosen and soften the wax. One thing we used to clean ear was 1/3 peroxide, 1/3 vinegar, and 1/3 isopropyl alcohol. They work together to clean ears and kill "bugs" (insects, mites and bacteria). @Marie Mallery do they have self-service dog washes near you? If you can take your dogs in the car to one of these, it makes the process easier. They are usually associated with car washes here, and they cost a little, but the often have restraining devices, In any case, it keeps the mess of washing large dogs out of the house. When we had large numbers of sled dogs, our daughters would do the shampooing outside then throw them into the lake to swim around and get rinsed off. That worked well too if you have fresh water nearby.
Don, I don't think so, I never heard of one. We can't keep spending on them and I'm sure if we have them, they aren't cheap. We have appt. with the vet last of this month for the 2 new ones for well test and to test for worms. The shelter is setting us up appt for Maisie to get fixed, but it won't cost us. The shelter pays for it. They fixed Leo too for $107. Only because we adopted Getty and Maisie. Also, I have been cleaning our dogs ears for 50 years and never had a problem, it's just I'm old now and don't feel good. This is also day 2 no walking the trails. Yesterday it sprinkled rain all day long My BP went to 193-97-70, Jakes was high too, usually we don't get high BP at same time, so we took med that makes me feel bad not real bad, but not good either. Maybe too much coffee. Meds brought it down. Losartan and Amolodipine.
The dog washes aren't bad. You can wash a large dog for $5-$7. I don't know, but I don't think that is too bad, and that is Alaska prices, so Florida prices might be lower.