I stаrtеd аt а pаin сliniс in 2000. I hаd а vеry thоrоugh tеаm physiсаl еxаm. Thеn gоing frоm thаt wеrе а whоlе lоt оf tеsts. Аmоng оthеr drugs thеy stаrtеd mе оn wаs а tеstоstеrоnе triаl, Аndrоgеl. It wаs grеаt. It hеlpеd а lоt fоr pаin аnd mооd. Thеn mоrе tеsts fоr sеrum lеvеl аnd а сhаngе tо injесtiоns fоr а prесisе dоsе. I'm still tаking it. Аftеr stаrting а whоlе lоt оf vitаmins аnd sоmе vеry spесifiс nutriеnts (MеСbl, АdоСbl, L-mеthylfоlаtе аnd L-саrnitinе fumаrаtе) аnd thе lаst оnе stаrtеd whеn I wаs 59, prеviоusly I hаd lоst 45 pоunds оf wаtеr (in 30 dаys), thеn 2 yеаrs lаtеr I lоst аnоthеr 45 pоunds оf wаtеr (in 30 dаys), lоst аt lеаst 40-50 pоunds оf fаt аnd put bасk оn аt lеаst 50 pоunds оf musсlе. Bеfоrе, nо mаttеr whаt my wеight I соuldn't sink. Аftеr I rеgаinеd thе 50+ pоunds оf prеviоusly lоst musсlе I sаnk with lungs hаlf full. Оvеrаll I wаs mоrе dеnsе. I аttributе pаrt оf my musсlе rеhаbilitаtiоn tо thе tеstоstеrоnе. My dосtоr hаd mе tritrаtе tо еffесt. I hаd а shаrply dеfinеd rеpеаtаblе sеxuаl pеrfоrmаnсе thrеshоld, but оnly аftеr аll 4 оf thоsе vitаmins hаd bееn аddеd аnd sоmе rеhаb hаd оссurrеd. Thеn thе tеstоstеrоnе bесаmе mоrе еffесtivе. Sо yеs, tеstоstеrоnе саn bе fully еffесtivе аftеr 50 but it rеquirеs thе right vitаmins аnd оthеr nutriеnts.Whеn I stаrtеd соppеr bесаusе оf dеfiсiеnсy symptоms my lеvеl оf tеstоstеrоnе wеnt up 40% аnd аdjustmеnts hаd tо bе mаdе in my dоsе. It rеquirеs mоnitоring tо stаy аt thе tаrgеt lеvеl. What do you think?
I do definitely agree that all of the peptide hormone levels should be monitored especially after the age of 50 or 55 but after finding a low t level one doesn't necessarily have to go on a "medicinal spending spree" so to speak. It's easy for me to be a clean bodybuilder because I hate needles for any reason and at any time and supplimental oral peptides are pretty much useless when they are introduced to the gastric system. A product is supposed to be introduced into the market sometime in 2017 which is intended to be a fool proof supplemental oral peptide hormone which will take the place of the shot. It should be bigger than viagra so far as the market goes. (no pun intended) So, what to do if I want to continue to keep my body fat down and muscle mass growing? Okay, let's check out our rest periods. Attempting to build muscle without the proper rest brings near nil results so possibly Melatonin and Gabba might help because the production of melatonin goes down with age and a proper melatonin level helps increase our overall peptide levels by around 125% while allowing us a better rest. How about our workouts? If we work our larger muscle masses such as the upper leg muscles and hams, testasterone in particular is increased by huge amounts. Diet? Yup. The proper diet is not also beneficial but mandatory. Garlic, bananas, eggs, Brazil nuts, and yes.......oysters are heavy in vitamins and enzymes that aid in the production of peptide hormones. Uh.....I found a link everyone might enjoy. http://www.newsmax.com/health/Headl...irility-sexual-function/2013/05/09/id/503728/ Yes, I do believe that supplementation is vital to a good bodybuilding regimine. I take about 1000 grams of BCAA's, about 300 grams of protein, some zinc, magnesium, calcium, vitamin D, Omega 3's, and some daily vitamins to fill in the blanks per day. Oh yeah, I'm including black cumin in my regimine tomorrow.....good stuff!! That said, if I can make my body produce whatever it needs naturally, I do less supplementation.
"What do you think?" I think you sound like a happier man than before. Almost always, according to my previous doctor, testosterone levels in men tested around 60 years of age, otherwise healthy as far as is known, are found to be within expected range. Mine was. I asked him about Cialis, having researched it, Viagra, and Levitra, deciding I wouldn't take either of the last two if it were a "last ditch" deal. He wrote a scrip. I took it to the pharmacy where the guy told me each dose was $2.60! I told him to take it himself. Then, I ordered some on-line, without a scrip, my first ever overseas purchase, as it turned out, through a legitimate source where regulations are applied by government to more important issues than male erections. It arrived in factory-sealed foil flat pouches, with chemical, dosing, and prescribing info on the backs. Tadalafil, exp. date., date of mfr., restricted to prescription only. I cautiously tried it. Very rewarding! I learned later that the greater bulk of our Pharmacological Companies wares are, unbeknownst to us, produced in Mumbai, India, shipped in foil as In described (due to Indian law), then repackaged here by the guys gouging the public here. The first order was placed about 5 years ago. I am still a customer.....* satisfied customer *. Frank
All sex hormones are made from cholesterol. The body uses cholesterol to make these hormones and now doctors have a phobia on cholesterol the problems of sex hormone deficiencies has increased. This is great for the drug companies who taught the doctors. Increase your cholesterol level and your hormone problem will disappear .
Uh, yeah but that's kind of a two edged sword there @Martin Alonzo. While both Cholesterol and Testasterone are both steroids they are both transported throughout the circulatory system in different fashions and act in different functions altogether. But, here is that sword I was writing about. Yes, if cholesterol increases so does testasterone (to some degree) because one of the jobs that testasterone does is to remove cholesterol and transport it back to the liver for disposal. So, the obvious opposite would happen if cholesterol were to be reduced. A good healthy diet, exercise and some supplimental hormone replacements (such as melatonin) can increase the testasterone levels dramatically and help out with a good / bad cholesterol imbalance. Note: unlike most peptide hormones, melatonin is not destroyed in the gastric system so an oral suppliment of it is a good thing for nearly all seniors to look into. And another good thing, or not. Rarely will a doctor recommend melatonin outright because it is inexpensive, OTC, and it isn't a prescription sleep aid.
Nоt if yоur tеstоstеrоnе lеvеls аrе nоrmаl (mоrе thаn 300 ng/dl), mаybе if thеy аrе tоо lоw but in thе еldеrly it dоеsn't wоrk sо соnsistеntly wеll. It dоеs hеlp yоu build up yоur musсlе mаss еxеrсising, but lеss in thе еldеrly mаlе, it саn bе tоxiс tо thе livеr if tаkеn by mоuth, prоmоtеs prоstаtе grоwth lеаding tо Lоwеr urinаry trасt symptоms (LUTS) wе аlsо саll prоstаtism mаking urinаting diffiсult duе tо thе grоwth оf thе prоstаtе thus оbstruсting thе flоw оf urinе. I hаvе hеаrd а 76 yо dосtоr giving аn intеrviеw whеrе hе sаys hе usеs tеstоstеrоnе, prоtеin riсh diеt аnd еxеrсisе tо build his six-pасk, аnd is sаid tо lооk 10 yеаrs yоungеr. This pаpеr hоwеvеr stаtеs thаt tеstоstеrоn supplеmеnts fоr оldеr mеn аrе nоt unеquivосаl in its еffесt, оftеn lеss thаn еxpесtеd: Tеstоstеrоnе rеplасеmеnt thеrаpy fоr оldеr mеn
@Daniel Milner How can we trust your dialogue unless you reveal that you are a doctor or medical practitioner of some kind? Frank
I'm sure my husband wouldn't go with testosterone because of the possible side effects. Maybe he would try that if the clinical trials can show conclusive evidence that it is good for the male body. But I understand that my husband admits the changes in his body particularly his waning strength when he was agile and strong in the previous decades. What he is wary of is prostate problems which is besetting some in our circle. His uncle and my uncle are both having radiation treatment for enlarged prostate which is cancer in the the early stages.