Sorry it took so long for me to see this @Shirley Martin It is true that during Biblical times and even now there are many Jews who do not accept Jesus as the Messiah. The Biblical explanation for this is that the Jews expected a King to come in all power and glory and take the throne and rule over them and also punish, etc. their oppressors. So when Jesus showed up just a "regular guy" and kingly in no way through their worldly eyes...these same Jews could not even see the truth that was written to them in the Old Testament. But the Old Testament also clarifies that most of the Jewish people would not accept Jesus when He first came...and that because of this God would open up salvation and eternal life to anyone who believed in and on the name of Jesus and accepted the free gift God offered first to the Jews (as His chosen ones) and now to all others who believed and received Jesus' sacrifice for their sins. The Jews are still God's Chosen Covenant People, but now we all can enter into this covenant too by the sacrifice of Jesus. Biblically, when Christ comes again to take His earthly throne and imprison satan and his evil ones for 1000 years....the Jews will then recognize their Lord and Savior and be saved. There are Jews now that have seen the Truth and are saved now but many of the Jews are still waiting on their Messiah promised by God. And God has promised never to break His Covenant or leave and forsake them. And His Word is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
I'm extending this conspiracy to exist not only in our America as a whole, but also in many American Churches today. Why? Because I realize that it used to be the different denominations in America fought over which denomination was the true Church of God but now in many of America's churches God is not a priority...nor is Biblical Truth. Instead political correction and worldly ways have invaded our churches and changed what God considers of value...into what the world considers of value. Sin is not mentioned or glossed over and churches that once would not have allowed what God calls evil and perversion into the house of not only allow these things but also place perverted people into positions of church leadership. I knew a lot of people who may have attended a Church of a different denomination than I did...but we all believed in the same God and the same Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Now, God and Christians have become minorities and even the places that used to worship worship the world and its values in so many denominations. To me this is no surprise as the Bible warns Christians of all these things happening right before Christ comes back...but it is still a shock to me to see it actually happening in my lifetime! Satan did start this battle in heaven, and once God threw him and a third of the angels out of heaven, he continued it in the Garden of Eden with the first woman and man God created....and satan continued this war to this day even though he has already been defeated by Christ's sacrifice on the Cross. Satan has a goal to take every human being with him to hell that he can before he's toast...and from the way things are going...he has quite a following already. The Bible says satan is the father of lies and that he comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. He's doing an excellent job of this so far...and I can honestly say I hate him for this! Yet, there is no one that has to perish, neither God or the Bible is hard to understand. It is a statement of God's love, mercy, patience, and grace for all mankind...and it is the truth of how to receive the free gift of salvation and eternal life. Satan doesn't want anyone to open or read God's Truth and he has lots of ways to keep someone from doing so. God is real, His Word can be understood by anyone willing to open it and ask the Holy Spirit to show them God's Truth. You don't have to be a casualty of this Conspiracy of satan's or his evil ones here in America. God is not asking anything of you but that you trust, and believe Him and His Word...and accept the gift His son gave His life to offer you. You don't have to do anything after that but open your heart and receive the Holy Spirit of God...and your life change naturally and you will love the changes. It's coming down to two choices now...God or the world. Satan wants you to choose the world which is fading away more every day. God wants you to choose Him and eternity. It's a simple choice with eternal consequences.
No, the Jews will not be dead when Christ returns...not all of them anyway. Not anymore than all of us will be dead either. The Jews of the Old Testament lived under the Law and they sacrificed animals to atone for their sins and this was considered by God to be sufficient. Under the New Testament Jesus became the atoning sacrifice.
The Jewish people are still under the Law until Christ returns and they accept Him as their Messiah. If they atone for their sins as the Law of the Old Testament stipulates, and if they died, they are with God awaiting eternity whether they sleep until Christ returns or their body is in the grave and their souls in heaven. Some things are not perfectly clear...but the important thing is that if they have atoned for their sins in the way God asked of them...they are God's children and will be with Him in eternity.
Shirley, God has given you that assurance through the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross. All you have to do is accept that Jesus is God's only begotten Son who died for your sins, repent of them, be baptized and ask the Holy Spirit into your heart. Believe and receive. That's it.
Thanks. I did that long ago. I have been told by Him that my life is eternal. I do hope yours is, too.
Because I have no doubt that God our Father has told me the Truth, and I have believed and received...I have no doubt also that I will see you my sister in Eternity.
I don't know if it is a conspiracy. All I know is that the public schools are too liberal and it concerns me. I remember in second grade when my teacher, Mrs. Ivy, would say a prayer before we ate lunch in the public school I attended. I read an article that stated if the Ten Commandments were the only biblical item taught in each school district, that it would go a long way to curbing some of the social ills that keep our society in chaos. Not a bad idea.
I don't think "in God we Trust" was on money til the 1950's, Babs. I don't believe in Satan so what you posted in the first post starts out wrong in my opinion. It is what you believe and you have that right. My beliefs are different and Satan isn't in them. I am just as right in what I believe as you are in what you believe. There is no absolute proof of any of the religions or non religions. We only have the Bible which was written by man. If you can't believe something that happens now and call them conspiracy theories how can you believe something so old? I think religion served a purpose back then and it serves a purpose now. I think it's a good start for children to learn about bible stories and the commandments, it gives a good moral foundation but as you age you can make up your own mind as to what religion is right ...if any. But those teachings will stay with you hopefully. I'm talking about the basics ones. I think this makes a better person than one who does evil and then at age 50 finds Jesus in Jail.
Also, America was founded on freedom of Religion. Jefferson coined the phrase "separation of church and state". Although those aren't the words used in the constitution, it's held up in the courts.
@Chrissy Page I respect your opinion Chrissy, we both know our beliefs are different in this and that's fine with me. As to how I can believe in something that is so's easy...there is lots of eye witness accounts by Historians, and Archaelogical materials to prove much of the Bible is true, plus there is the fact that almost all the prophecy in the Bible has come true too. There are some things in the Bible that cannot be proven except by faith, just as Scientists can not prove some of their truth. But even if there were no proof at all I would still believe God's Truth because I am His child and my Father would not lie to me. This is my belief me without a doubt there is a God, His Son Jesus Christ did die on the Cross to bring salvation and eternal life to every person that wants that free gift of God, there is a heaven and hell, and Satan does exist. Satan is ruler of this world right now and he is doing everything he can do destroy everything God loves...and right now he is doing a very good job of this. I see this happening all around me and that's why I started this tread to discuss it. No one has to agree or believe as I do. That is what this Forum is all about. All of us being able to discuss things whether it be or beliefs, our just general things we are interested in.