Yes @Patsy Faye it is good to laugh, and I like your sense of humor. I keep trying to get someone to play, but no takers so far. I know we have games, but it's not the same as being funny on the spur of the moment, with whatever pops into your mind. Silly is good too. If I can be silly or start something funny it helps me forget my RA pain. It's hard to laugh and be in pain at the same time.
@Ina I. Wonder - I could have written your post above, so agree with you We may not be able to dance anymore but at least we can keep the funny side going, although - as you say it can be painful
OK ladies, I have at least 20% of my brains left, now all we need is enough players to come up with the other 80% needed. Oh yeah, a few subjects would be a good addition. I wonder how many others we can get to admit that they too need have a few shenanigans to liven things up. Now let's see, @Ike Willis, @Frank Sanoica, @Bobby Cole, @Yvonne Smith, @Chrissy Page, @Patsy Faye , and @Babs Hunt are just a few that I've noticed can bring some laughter into this SOC world of ours. So how about it? I need to laugh my way out of the doldrums that take over my summer confinement. Here is a start with some funny faces. Many of you are good at jokes, and funny stories, so let's start a thread that will cheer us up with some laughter.
Slicing up a banana to top some ice cream and the old question came to mind. 'If they call an Orange an Orange, why is a banana not called a Yellow?' They both start out green, then turn to their respective colors. Carry on...
I can't hear in my right ear. If I got a hearing aid, wouldn't it make the voices in my head too loud?