The Problem I Have With Muslims

Discussion in 'Politics & Government' started by Lon Tanner, Jul 7, 2017.

  1. Kalvin Mitnic

    Kalvin Mitnic Veteran Member

    Feb 2, 2017
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    Where and when did he (Obama) profess to be a Muslim may I ask simply for my edification. Admittedly he has stated positive things about Islam. Admittedly he has stated there were Muslims in his family, and from my research I find he seems pro-Islam to a fault. But that a church going family is Muslim in part or whole I'm unconvinced to this point of time. Clips and excerpted remarks he made can be used to show his praise of Islam, but others too praise Islam and ignore Islam's warts without being Muslim.
    Bill Boggs likes this.
  2. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Okay sooooo, do please enlighten us as which secular laws supersede those of Judeo Christian belief systems?
    If we say that the civil laws deem abortion and homosexuality in the area of personal rights, the secular laws do not command each of us do those things. Not wishing to bake a cake for homosexual weddings is a personal conviction and not an en group religious law.
    The law of Moses is laid down for individuals for which there are no laws in the U.S. which contradicts any one of those edicts. And as for any other doubts, do please read Romans 13:1-3 and be doubly enlightened by what scripture has to say about the entire matter.

    Just because there are some people out there who will break secular laws because of their personal thoughts regarding again, their PERSONAL convictions does not reverse or minimize the actual religious stance.
    Ina I. Wonder likes this.
  3. Kalvin Mitnic

    Kalvin Mitnic Veteran Member

    Feb 2, 2017
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    Religious beliefs, particularly those of Christians given their being the subject, have many laws or punishments that have been eroded and in some cases totally consigned to the rash heap. All were to follow Christian values and laws to the detriment of the secular world. Specific Civil law now allows for secular laws to take precedence. Free speech and free press and freedom from religion's 'laws'.
    Blasphemy though is still on the books in some locations. There ought to be a law against imposed religious laws.
    Laws today negate and supersede such Christian laws as:

    Christian archaic laws include Blue laws Sunday closing laws.Blue laws were on the books almost everywhere, forbidding activities like playing baseball or changing wagon wheels on Sunday.
    Homosexuals MUST DIE!!!

    The killing of homosexuals is condoned and encouraged in the wonderful laws of Leviticus. Leviticus 20:13 clearly states "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." Well there you have it, Homosexuality is wrong, and they must pay the ultimate price... IN THE NAME OF GOD!!!

    Who else shouldn't people do?

    Don't let cattle graze with other kinds of Cattle (Leviticus 19:19)

    Don't have a variety of crops on the same field. (Leviticus 19:19)

    Don't wear clothes made of more than one fabric (Leviticus 19:19)

    Don't cut your hair nor shave. (Leviticus 19:27)

    Any person who curseth his mother or father, must be killed. (Leviticus 20:9) Have you ever done that?

    If a man cheats on his wife, or vise versa, both the man and the woman must die. (Leviticus 20:10). I wonder if Dr. Laura would like that one to be enforced?

    If a man sleeps with his father's wife... both him and his father's wife is to be put to death. (Leviticus 20:11)

    If a man sleeps with his wife and her mother they are all to be burnt to death. (Leviticus 20:14)

    If a man or woman has sex with an animal, both human and animal must be killed. (Leviticus 20:15-16). I guess you should kill the animal since they were willing participants. Are they crazy?

    If a man has sex with a woman on her period, they are both to be "cut off from their people" (Leviticus 20:18)

    Psychics, wizards, and so on are to be stoned to death. (Leviticus 20:27)

    If a priest's daughter is a whore, she is to be burnt at the stake. (Leviticus 21:9)

    People who have flat noses, or is blind or lame, cannot go to an altar of God (Leviticus 21:17-18)

    Anyone who curses or blasphemes God, should be stoned to death by the community. (Leviticus 24:14-16)

    Don't let cattle graze with other kinds of Cattle (Leviticus 19:19)

    One must wonder why there are so many people wanting to site Leviticus for gay bashing, but they never mention these rules. How strange. It is common that a Christian will blow off these old rules with "Jesus came to change the laws, so these are outmoded, and we don't need them", but throughout Leviticus God states that these laws are to be followed forever. Hmmm.
    Frank Sanoica and Bill Boggs like this.
  4. Bill Boggs

    Bill Boggs Supreme Member

    May 13, 2015
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    I'm fan of the former president. Born in a museum country doesn't make him a museum. But if he is he's a fine man.
  5. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I do not blame you for going that direction but do please study a bit more to determine that which is the law of Moses as compared to cultural laws that were handed down for centuries before in the name of good breeding and diet.
    Even the idea of animal sacrifice was put aside because of the misunderstandings of reasonings and actual effects that were produced by humans expanding on an original edict. Past cultural edicts were mixed with the law right down to their dietary habits. A good orthodox Rabbi might be of assistance in order to sort things out.

    Uh, the coming of Jesus did nothing to the law. ANY Christian who says he or she is no longer held accountable by the original 10 big ones is crazy.

    Now, to get back to the Muslim thing in relation to Sharia law. On that, the orthodox Muslim will NOT back down on anything handed down by Muhammad no matter which country they decide to lay their heads on beds.
    Gary Ridenour likes this.
  6. Patsy Faye

    Patsy Faye Supreme Member

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Leviticus - sounds like a Muslim ............................. :rolleyes:
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  7. Kalvin Mitnic

    Kalvin Mitnic Veteran Member

    Feb 2, 2017
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  8. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    No, I think the one you are thinking about was a chariot driver in Ben Hur. Now, if it were Muhammad al leviticus it would be a sure bet its Muslim.
    Patsy Faye likes this.
  9. Kalvin Mitnic

    Kalvin Mitnic Veteran Member

    Feb 2, 2017
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    And by some similarly were it Barack Hussein Obama 11 :rolleyes:
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  10. Gary Ridenour

    Gary Ridenour Veteran Member

    Apr 27, 2015
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    Bobby Cole likes this.
  11. Bill Boggs

    Bill Boggs Supreme Member

    May 13, 2015
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    That's Muslim, Mr. Boggs, not museum. Rule number thirteen: Learn to spell.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2017
  12. Bill Boggs

    Bill Boggs Supreme Member

    May 13, 2015
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    I'm wondering how its going to be when some of these minorities get enough voting clout to have a majority in some of these states, like Texas and others so they can elect their own representatives. Hispanics are just about there in places, the Asian population is getting bigger, and these dang Muslims. It's a fact we mayflower decedents are not going to last forever and we're all having less children. And, Looks to me like we've about done all the gerrymandering we can with out a stacked Supreme Court. Could there be an El Presidente in our future? Or a Puerto Rican? Remember, some of them are wanting statehood.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2017
    Ina I. Wonder and Yvonne Smith like this.
  13. Bill Boggs

    Bill Boggs Supreme Member

    May 13, 2015
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    Okay, guys. I can't solve our problems; you can't solves our problems. Guess we'll just have to moan and bear it, and vote. I'm outta here.
    Ina I. Wonder likes this.
  14. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    Interesting fray, this!
  15. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    @Gary Ridenour
    When I was about 10 or so, my Dad was reading a book, unusual for him, where he got it, I dunno. Printed I would guess in the '40s, entitled "Inside Africa". What I remember is that the author had travelled extensively in that part of the world, and that the revelations, some of them, all but sickened the Old Man. Once, he remarked, the men in public, clad in clothing resembling skirts, carrying on a conversation with someone, often were standing in their own waste as they peed at will right under the skirts (or worse). About the women, I remember little. He likely would have allowed me to read it, if I expressed desire, but such faraway goings-on held little interest for me then.

    Today, I'd welcome finding and reading it.

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