Selling On Ebay

Discussion in 'Self Employment' started by Yvonne Smith, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. K E Gordon

    K E Gordon Veteran Member

    Apr 23, 2016
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    I did use Close5 initially @Diane Lane, but my phone was so annoying in terms of posting things and slow to run it and everything I gave it up. I may start using it again as soon as I get this new phone activated. I plan on doing more things with that phone, which I know for a fact will be more user friendly than my old phone. It is just one of the multiple sales apps that are out there. I really don't know whether any of them are any better than any others actually.
    Diane Lane likes this.
  2. Diane Lane

    Diane Lane Veteran Member

    Apr 10, 2015
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    I understand. I had the hardest time doing anything on the tablet I had, and the phone I have now (just use it with wifi at home) helps me do so much more, since the apps and internet actually work on it. I'm interested to hear how the app works for you. I'm not seeing any action in the Facebook groups now, and my items are just sitting on OfferUp, but that's still better than the constant scammer messages on LetGo.
    K E Gordon likes this.
  3. K E Gordon

    K E Gordon Veteran Member

    Apr 23, 2016
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    I want to sell a snowboard, and on eBay, there are dozens for sale, and of all the ones I saw listed, only a few seemed to have any action. The rest were just languishing on there. I am not going to pay listing fees and all that if I can't sell it. I posted it on the local Facebook groups and Craigslist. The picture ended up turning out strange though...I might have to post it again, or edit it or something. The thumbnail looked great, but it ended up getting cut off in the real pic. At least I listed it in CM this time, as that is how these are sold.
    Diane Lane likes this.
  4. Diane Lane

    Diane Lane Veteran Member

    Apr 10, 2015
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    If I have anything larger, I usually try listing it first on the Facebook groups, perhaps Craigslist or free classifieds, and now, the selling apps. I don't like having to hassle with wrapping, packing and shipping large items, and I despise charging a high shipping fee, because I hate seeing eye popping amounts when I glance at that field on a listing. However, some people don't seem to blink at high shipping, especially if it's reasonable for that type of item.
  5. K E Gordon

    K E Gordon Veteran Member

    Apr 23, 2016
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    I think I am going to try listing this snowboard on Close5. I just really want to get rid of this item, that will never be used. My son didn't even use it, that is how I inherited it. Not only is it taking up valuable space, I could use the cash. However, anything less than 50 bucks would be a total rip off. I would sell it to my sister as they live in snow country, but both her boys have snowboards. Anyway, I will keep trying. I think there are some ski swap shops around here too, that might buy it.
  6. Herb McDonald

    Herb McDonald Very Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2017
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    I sell and buy things on ebay and also use my email for paypal transactions
  7. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Is this you?


    If not...then sorry but you're the one that posted your phone number and email addy on here. I just looked it up.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2017
  8. Jeanee Burke

    Jeanee Burke Veteran Member

    Aug 10, 2017
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    I would like to find some things to sell on Ebay. I've never tried it, though, but I could use some extra income. I know people who made necklaces and jewelry and sold it and am thinking of something along those lines.
  9. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Are any of you still selling on eBay? My wife has complained that they changed their policies and now the seller has to offer a full refund for up to thirty days after an item is received and that the seller has to accept the return for any reason. Apparently, this has resulted in far more returns, from people who might order a piece of clothing to wear once, or maybe they decide they don't like the color or whatever the reason might be.

    I often order books on eBay or Amazon that I use when I am researching something for a new category or an article for my work, and then I resell the book unless it's one that I want to keep for some reason. I wouldn't do that but under this policy, I could order a book, use it for my research, and then demand a full reimbursement. It's not fair to the seller when an item has been accurately described, and with a picture. At that, a thirty-day return policy is over the top.

    She has moved more of her book sales from eBay over to Amazon although Amazon doesn't pay as well. She still sells a lot on eBay. She finds stuff at garage and yard sales, and second-hand stores, although now that they do their own eBay sales, it's harder to find saleable stuff at a second-hand store these days. She sells stuff for our auctioneer neighbor, and she buys and sells for an antique collector here in town, getting a percentage from each transaction. She is off right now to talk to a lady who wants her to sell stuff for her. It seems the woman was going to open a second-hand store and had collected a garage full of stuff, but never opened the store, and now she's going to move. So if that works out, she'll have a bunch of stuff to sell for her.

    Meanwhile, being the loving, caring husband that I am, I pretend she doesn't have a real job, and I'll say things like, "Since you're not doing anything..."
  10. Von Jones

    Von Jones Supreme Member

    Jan 25, 2015
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    I haven't sold on Ebay for years and after reading all the policy changes decided not to sell again. The policy you mentioned @Ken Anderson certainly doesn't entice newcomers as sellers on Ebay.
    Ken Anderson likes this.
  11. Kate Ellery

    Kate Ellery Supreme Member

    Dec 12, 2015
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    I sold a fermenting crock on eBay about 12 months ago ...never again the time i paid listing fee and eBay take their share including a percentage of your advertised postage costs,I think I ended up,with about $25 of the $68 sale price after postage and eBay fees

    I rarely buy on eBay I bought an electric item about 12 months ago from England and it didn’t work ,eBay and the seller refused me a refund unless I returned the item which would have cost me $37 and on top,of that had to pay for them to send me a replacement so I was better off binning the item which I did at a loss of $78
  12. Neville Telen

    Neville Telen Veteran Member

    Feb 18, 2018
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    Try reading these:

    eBay For Dummies (ISBN# 978-1119260196)

    The Complete Idiot's Guide to Ebay, 2nd Edition (ISNB# 978-1592579693)

    Freaking Idiots Guide To Selling On eBay: How anyone can make $100 or more everyday selling on eBay (ISBN# 978-1482647723)
  13. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I don’t sell anything on eBay, but I have been buying things on eBay and then reselling them here at home, using the facebook online yard sales groups.
    I really enjoy watching the eBay auctions, and what i have been buying is the older iPads, and then I make sure that everything is working properly and then advertise them and resell the iPad.

    It is interesting that some people seem to not know what they are advertising, and I have to really check out the iPads to make sure that the model they are selling is the same ting that they are advertising.
    I wonder what happens with the poor buyers who think they are getting an iPad Pro 2nd generation, and it is actually only an iPad Air, 2nd generation ?
    Big difference in capability and value between those two. Do they have to pay to return the iPad , or does the seller just refund the money, or is the buyer just stuck paying too much for their purchase ?
    Anyway, so far it has worked out fine for me, and i enjoy buying and re-selling the little tablets.
    Von Jones likes this.
  14. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Tonight, something happened on eBay that has left me totally BAFFLED ! ! Maybe @Michelle Anderson might know what happened , since she sells. On eBay ?
    There was an older iPad Mini, 1st generation, and they usually sell for around $20-$50 , at most. This one had been sitting at around $12+ for the last several days, and it had about 10 minutes left on the auction, so I decided to bid $13, and see what happened.
    When I did, I got an error kind of message that said I could not bid that amount. Usually, it just tells you that you are not the high bidder, and you have to bid higher.

    The price jumped on the iPad to over $175 !
    I just sat there and stared at it and thought someone must have meant to bid $17 and made a bad mistake or something, and then someone else bid, and it went up to $176.50.
    I could not believe what I was seeing (I should have got a screenshot), so I watched to the end of the auction to see what would happen. At the end of the auction, it showed that the iPad sold for about $40, which was a lot more reasonable price, and the bidder showed as a different person.
    It showed that the $40 bid came in yesterday, so it should not have even been showing the $12+ that it showed when I was going to bid.
    I have been trying to understand how (and why ? ) this happened, and nothing makes any sense to me.
  15. Von Jones

    Von Jones Supreme Member

    Jan 25, 2015
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    @Yvonne Smith you may be right about the bidding error made. You can look at the bidding if you click on the #of bids to see exactly what occurred. It should show all the bid entries up to the end.
    Yvonne Smith likes this.

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