My 27 year old grandson’s favorite holiday is almost here. He told me that when he was a kid, he had always wanted to decorate his house, but they could never afford it. So I snuck out to Lowe’s yesterday morning to buy a bit of fun for him, and when he was busy I went out and set up my purchases as a surprise for him. Then around 11:30pm, I told Elexa to play the sounds of a heavy thunderstorm really loud. Around midnight, he got up to see where the storm was coming from, then he went outside and saw my surprise. He told me he was so “stoked”.
We have some outdoor décor up. Three strobe lights with sound, three grave markers and a couple of other things. Some residents think the stuff is pretty cool looking, while others just don't care about Halloween at all. Shoot, from walking around our complex during Christmas, only a few people (including us), out of 200 units, decorate outside and inside. Didn't use to be that way, but it is now. Actually, last night I put on my entire Supreme Darth Vader costume. Haven't had it on since last Halloween. The jumpsuit is still hot as heck, but it still fits, so that's good. Depending on weather (wind/rain), we have a Halloween Party to go to next Thursday and possibly the following Saturday. My wife will put on her Stormtrooper costume and "away we will go".
When we lived in a small older apartment complex in JAX the Management would always hold decorating contests for the apartments...especially at Christmas time. They would award prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. We won 1st prize for the best Christmas decor one year and the prize was a $50 Walmart gift card. Just my style!
@Ina I. Wonder I bet you are having a lot of fun "spoiling" your grandson. And you get to have some fun and bring joy to someone you love too.
Three years ago, when our complex had. Halloween Party, wife and I won 1st Prize for our old Star Wars costumes. Thing is, we were the only two at the party with costumes on, so, we won 1st and only Prize.
I put up our fall decorations in September. Today I added our Halloween decorations. We celebrate Halloween, it's my wife's birthday and was my Father's birthday as well as my wife's Aunt's birthday. My wife really enjoys handing out goodies to the kid's trick-or-treating and loves their costumes.
We don't decorate but I'll have to remember to get some stuff for the trick or treaters. The past five or six years we've had very few, how ever young families have moved in on our block, and I can hear kids playing even if I can't always see them so I again will be prepared.
No comments about my costume??? One thing for sure, it cost enough. But, my wife says “well worth it”.