Many thanks to all of you... It's one of those days when I sort of review things. For instance the saying, "everything is down hill from here" comes to mind and admittedly, I have some mixed feelings about. I know what is at the bottom of the hill so I think I will continue to find other hills that are more uphill than down. Oh yes, I do thank everyone for the cakes............I think I gained about 10#'s just looking at the pictures!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SWEETHEART ! ! ! Here is a nice birthday cake that will not have you gaining anything, so you can enjoy the whole cake ! !
Ah, plenty of fiber and few carbs! Guess I had best put my teeth in before tackling that kind of cake. Thanks Babydoll
Thank you @Shirley Martin, the anniversary of my birth was just great! So far as being late, at 12# , I am absolutely sure that my actual birth date was a lot later than my mother wanted, so not to worry my dear friend.