How come on the right side of the forum, just below my name, it says there are seven people online but it shows only three?
It shows from 40-60 guests and robots, and I will assume guests are people or bots that haven't logged in but are reading or scanning the site. Invisible? Yes, if that's an option I suppose that's it. Thanks. I was just curious.
Yeah, Holly is right. There is an "invisible" option that a member can choose so that they can log in without anyone knowing they are logged in. The stats thing will show the actual number of members who are logged in, but will not name those who have chosen to be invisible. I use it sometimes when people are wanting me do do something about something going on in the forum and 1) I don't have time to do whatever it is they want me to do at the moment; or 2) I haven't decided what to do yet; or 3) I'd rather just see how it plays out, since people are usually able to to work things out for themselves. In that way, I can still check in with the forum without people getting upset because they can see that I am there, yet I still haven't done whatever it is that they want me to do. Other people might use it so that people don't bother them with conversation (chat) requests or something.
Place your cursor over your profile in the upper right of the page, and a box with options will appear. Choose the one that says "Privacy." At the top, you will see a checkbox that reads, "Show your online status." By default, it is. If you want to change that, click the box.