This just might stop all these immigrants and the Chinese flying over just to have their baby in the US Trump plans to sign executive order curbing birthright citizenship ... 2 hours ago - President Trump said in a newly released interview he plans to sign an executive order ending so-called "birthright citizenship" for babies of ...
I think a lot of judges will try and stop it especially the Chinese tourist trade bring in pregnant Chinese to have their babies in the US
Lindsay Graham, who apparently likes his new role as a pro-Trump conservative, introduced a bill to end birthright citizenship.
Yeah, probably. But the good news is (I think) that once the executive order has been signed, even if there’s a court battle there should be a “stay” on the citizenship issue until it hits the Supreme Court. In other words, a baby born to illegals in the U.S. will not have immediate citizenship and if I am not wrong, the parents will also have to wait for any “rights” that would have been due the child prior to the order. The other side of the good news is that once the order has been signed and an unknowing illegal has registered the baby as a citizen, we know where the parents are and where to ship them along with their babe in arms..........
Thus far, the Supreme Court has not weighed in on the question of whether the 14th Amendment means that someone born to an illegal alien who crosses our borders is a citizen. Clearly, it wasn't intended to mean that because it wasn't applied to the children of illegal aliens after its passing. It was intended to ensure that the children of former slaves were citizens. The relevant portion reads: After it refers to "All persons born or naturalized in the United States," there is a qualifier: "and subject to the jurisdiction thereof," The second part of that sentence wouldn't be there if it were redundant. It is a qualifier, stating that "all persons born or naturalized in the United States" must also meet the second qualification before they are assumed citizens. So there is certainly room for argument, particularly given that it wasn't applied to the children of illegal aliens following its enactment. I think we are the only country in the world that still has a law that says that if you can get across our border before delivery, your child is a citizen. Either way, Trump was smart to take it on, as was Senator Graham, as that's the side you want to be on coming into an election. Even if he loses on the point, he is shown to be fighting on behalf of American citizens.
Senator Graham has been freed from the onus of John McCain. It is good to see him act like he is actually from South Carolina. I am sure that any attempt at this, whether from the Executive or Legislative Branch, will be decided in the Judicial, probably by the Supreme Court. I can't imagine them not taking it to review when it gets there. Like you said, @Ken Anderson, some district court judge in Hawaii is probably already being dragged out of bed to review it even if it hasn't been passed or implemented yet.
Okay, is everyone ready for a whole lot of irony??? I mean, downright close to being absolutely ridiculous I-R-O-N-Y ??? !! Of all organizations, Planned Parenthood is up in arms about D. Trumps solution to anchor babies. An organization which discontinues the rights of a baby by killing it is saying that the president is denying the birthright of a baby born in the U.S. because the parents are illegal. Just slap my face and call me spanky if that isn’t the “stupidest” bunch of ..................
Here's a few more. Birthright citizenship is not actually in the constitution (New York Times) Birthright citizenship: a fundamental misunderstanding of the 14th amendment (Daily Signal) Revoking birthright citizenship would enforce the Constitution (New York Post) 9 things to know about birthright citizenship (Heritage Foundation)
Birth hotels in S. California and S. Florida are a big hit for creating U.S. citizens. The Chinese (California) and Russians (Florida) will spend between 40K-80K just to get to the U.S., rent a room, have the baby and then go back home. They pay a handler who teaches them how to lie about their reason for visiting the U.S. and getting the visa, how best to hide the pregnancy and which airports to avoid. They’re even instructed where to have the baby so that all the services will be free. The baby is automatically a U.S. citizen and not only can enjoy all the rights of an American citizen but also, at the age of 21, sponsor his or her parents (or whoever) for legal immigration to the U.S. Do Note: The U.K and France had similar problems at one time and now both countries do deny citizenship to any child born in those countries via visiting foreign parents. Note 2: I dislike the Huffington Post but this link seems reasonable enough to reference.
There is also a clause at the end of the 14th that specifically leaves enforcement in the hands of the Congress, so interpretation should be something left to the Congress, not requiring an amendment.
I agree with Trumpy on this one... it may have worked alright back during our ancestors time..but times have changed and this law needs to be abolished.