Ethnicities, Minorities, Women, Foreigners, As Experts In News

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Ken Anderson, Dec 29, 2018.

  1. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Have you noticed that when a US television news channel has an expert on, whatever the subject, that expert is rarely a white male? Or, If so, the white male will be from some other country, and will be speaking with a heavy accent.

    There are some, to be sure, particularly former politicians or pundits, but the guidelines that have been in place for years, throughout the US media, including Fox, are to look first for someone who is a member of a minority class, or who has some ethnicity about them, and preferably a woman.

    So if they want to feature an expert on some subject, such as terrorism, global warming, school shootings, or some other issue that is in the news, if the person acknowledged to be the most expert on the subject is a white male, and a United States citizen, they are supposed to look for someone else instead.

    The concern was that people might get the idea that most experts were American white men, and the networks were determined to counter that, at least until such a time when that would no longer be the case, since there's less of a point in becoming an expert in something if you're still going to be overlooked because you are white, a male, and an American citizen.

    I'm not talking about the guests that news shows sometimes have on, or about the political pundit shows, like Hannity. They probably have guidelines about who they use too, but I haven't heard of them. This has to do strictly with the people who the news shows bring on as experts.

    Often, I can barely understand what an expert is talking about, due to the the thick accents or lack of fluency in the language, and I think, "It's a US topic. Can't they find an expert who at least speaks the language?"

    That's the reason. Of course, they can and do put white American men on as experts from time to time, either because they have what they are looking for in the way of expertise, or simply because they were available, but if a news network failed to balance the occasional white American male expert with someone who is pretty much anything else, they will have violated the policy and someone with the network will call them on it.
    Bobby Cole and Shirley Martin like this.
  2. Nancy Hart

    Nancy Hart Veteran Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    Maybe white males have been slacking off for a few years, and need to start working harder to become the experts. They are getting a little more competition now. ;)
  3. Joe Riley

    Joe Riley Supreme Member

    Mar 3, 2015
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    .....said the white, female expert. ;)
  4. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    No, it's an actual policy guideline.
    Don Alaska and Maryt Hope like this.
  5. Lulu Moppet

    Lulu Moppet Veteran Member

    Nov 14, 2018
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    If it's an actual policy guideline then you surely must be able to provide some proof. Right?
  6. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Of course. I don't make stuff up. But not tonight. I'm in a hotel in Portland right now, and this guidelines is cited in a book that I have at home.
    Holly Saunders likes this.
  7. Lulu Moppet

    Lulu Moppet Veteran Member

    Nov 14, 2018
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    Thas alwrite eyecan weight. Oops, rong thred.
  8. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I am SO thankful that I didn’t have a cup of coffee in my hand when I read this post .......... it would have been splashing all over my keyboard, @Lulu Moppet !
    As it was, I almost fell off of my chair, I was laughing so hard.
  9. Holly Saunders

    Holly Saunders Supreme Member

    Nov 16, 2015
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    We have a similar policy here .... which has relatively recently been implemented mainly by the BBC , our biggest production company and by other Tv companies to a little lesser extent

    It wouldn't be true to say the majority of ''experts'' are non-white, in fact that's not the case at all, I think newscasters for example are pretty much evenly spread between whites and non-whites, but the BBC have been making a conscious effort to use minorities where they can.. for example those with obvious disabilities are now working front of camera rather than behind..

    Someone with a missing limb ( usually something like an arm which is obvious, rather than someone in a wheelchair where it's easier to hide them behind a desk).... or presenters who are openly ''Out & proud* for example.

    I'm all for the minorities getting the same opportunities as the majority...however I do get irritated when a minority is used in a role they're simply not suitable or qualified for, simply for the television company to be seen to be PC...
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2018
    Bobby Cole and Hedi Mitchell like this.
  10. Patsy Faye

    Patsy Faye Supreme Member

    Nov 21, 2015
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    I did have coffee and nearly choked !! :p :p
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  11. Peter Renfro

    Peter Renfro Veteran Member

    Sep 13, 2018
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    Not meaning to hijack but it is in the same vein. Have you noticed the advertising world tripping over themselve to make Politically correct commercials? The car pool with one Hispanic woman, a black woman, an Asian and one generic Caucasian? Ever since Obama the proliferation of tall slim light skinned black actors, the ever rare mixed couple of a black woman and a white male. The jewelers commercial featuring a lesbian couple, or the OTC medicine featuring a gay male couple.
    I am all for inclusion and know that all these folks have needs just like everyone of us,but this pandering is stomach turning.
    These companies are like the obnoxious little girl in class jumping up waving her hand PICK ME PICK ME
    There is probably some kind of Award that these producers are trying for that will pump up their resume.
    Shirley Martin likes this.
  12. Lulu Moppet

    Lulu Moppet Veteran Member

    Nov 14, 2018
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    So bitter. Blacks and Asians and Gays are part of our crazy quilt. Whites are a minority in the grand scheme of things. Live with it. It's not pandering, it's Selling Merchandise; trying to make whatever product user friendly. You may say you're all for inclusion, but if this were truly so, your stomach wouldn't be turning at the sight of it. Just so much inclusion, like once in awhile, like a blue moon, won't cut it. This will not change, it will not go back to the good old days, which were only good for some people, not all people. Got a lot of catching up to do, yessir.
    Bobby Cole and Mary Robi like this.
  13. Tex Dennis

    Tex Dennis Veteran Member

    Feb 27, 2018
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    What gets me here in the US is an expert that is half a world away relying on internet sites all with a slanted view and never been there done that types, I pay those people in life no attention, I only am well versed in a few things but when I see a stupid thing or someone trying to push one it is a huge turn off on them. In life or media both.
    Bobby Cole, Don Alaska and Patsy Faye like this.
  14. Lulu Moppet

    Lulu Moppet Veteran Member

    Nov 14, 2018
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  15. Peter Renfro

    Peter Renfro Veteran Member

    Sep 13, 2018
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    You are totally misunderstanding what I am trying to say. Looking for some evil where none exists. All I am saying is that in order to appear politically correct they are coming up with these artificial constructs. While there may have been a car pool as racially balanced as the one in the commercial it was probably only once on Venus. There are innumerable dark, medium,heavy short black actors that could stand in for the light skinned spokesman.losing non of the message. It is no coincidence that skin tone changed after Obama was elected.
    I am very inclusive, my family is a rainbow of colors and flavors and all are loved equally.
    It is pandering plain a simple'
    Shirley Martin likes this.

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