Same thing happened to my daughter 20 years ago CC.. she also was at a stop light, and the car driven by a student drove right into the back of her. Wrote her car off, but all these years later she still has to have occasional PT on her neck because of the severe whiplash.
I just remembered that X-ray of my skull..wish I would have asked for it. I didn’t take my earrings out and it was a skull with big loop earrings, lol. The car that hit us was going slowly so that’s a plus....think he was slowing down for the stop but then got distracted.
Thankfully, no PIT today. But, as far as PEAK goes...…...we are now renting a spot for our boat in Colorado. So, along with the packing, will now have a place for a paid transport to drop our boat in May, then, hopefully by June 1st, we will be driving out of here with a car load of stuff headed to the elk, rodeo, lakes, corn fields and tractor areas in northern Colorado next to the foothills of the Rocky Mountains.
Did you find a place to rent yet? Talked with my sister this morning...they had a blizzard! Roads were closed and her hubbys work was closed also. It was her daughter’s day off so don’t know if Walmart pharmacy was open or not. She said she got 8 ft drifts in her driveway. That was her pit for today.
@Holly Saunders , I do hope your hubby doesn't have whiplash. Thank goodness, he wasn't more seriously hurt.
Thanks Shirley... yes we're all glad his car is such a long car if you understand my meaning.. if he'd been driving a small car he may have sustained some serious injuries... .
My niece was driving a Pinto once and hit a parked Corvette. The Corvette was cracked from end to end. Her little Pinto was hardly damaged.
Peak: Got my first widows benefit deposit of the new year and I got a $39 raise...yay me. It will cover all the few bucks here, few bucks there that went Netflix, my internet etc.
I think that your post about your husband’s accident must have been contagious, @Holly Saunders . This morning,my son sent a message and video, and he just got hit head on by a driver in a large pickup truck who was not paying attention to his driving. You can see that the white pickup is coming off of the off-ramp way too fast, especially for an icy roadway, and when he tries to slow down to avoid hitting the truck in front of him, he skids across the road and right into my son’s Prius. Thankfully, he said he is okay also, but pretty sore and stove up right now, and worried about getting another car as good as his Prius.
OH Yikes @Yvonne Smith , thank goodness your son is alright... but yes like my husband he's got the evidence in his dash cam there for insurance purposes..
Absolute peak of my day, week... such happy news: Missing 3-Year-Old Boy Is Found Alive In Woods Of North Carolina January 25, 20191:52 PM ET
Pit and Peak of my last two weeks while being gone. First though- Howdy do to you all- I have looked and made occasional post,but that is about all. Two weeks ago, left home to house sit for my brother and his wife,and in the mean time had intended to start on cleaning out my father in laws house,who passed away over a year ago. Will skip the boring details, but that just did not happen. Once again, I would like to remind you all, living minimal is best as we age. Do not save crap you think the kids may want-ask them not what they want and save only that. It a is a nightmare .. A PIT anyway moving along. My brother lives in a very nice house in a secluded almost country like atmosphere. He and the wife were driving to Las Vegas to see the recently born one and only grand baby for them . A very long trip,so we offered to watch their dogs also. No problem, they are very well behaved. However Radar our dog, did not take kindly to being in new area and having two extra competitors. Three days alone in another room, he changed his tune, and became bit of a buddy to them both. A peak. Great house, but too large for us. Very hard to keep warm, was constantly cold. There is not much to do in someone else house ,when it freezing cold outside and you don't know anyone close by. We did take a two hour drive to a sawmill, so Mark could buy some wood that is much cheaper there. Nice drive, uneventful other than a driver in front of us who was trying to kill us all on the highway with his erratic driving. It was nice being away, but we could hardly wait to get home. My brother was ecstatic to be home, claimed they would never make that drive again. Last night my back started acting up again, big time-Big Pit.Using my cane today. Look bad, feel awful and but I am home and that is big Peak!
No blizzard, just a snowstorm. Just looked it up. We were there for the 2003 and 2006 blizzards. To early to look for an apartment to rent, but getting the storage spot for our boat made us feel really good. Won't have the boat transported until middle of May, so will have to pay for two storage spots until then...…...the one in northern Colorado and the one we are currently in.