Thought about it and edited my reply here and will just say...…..Good Morning. Is it really a "good morning", well, that can just depend.
Well yesterday turned out to be the best day of our vacation here, it was also the longest and most exhausting, but so worth it. We eventually got to our bed at 9pm and instantly fell asleep We spent the day on a tour organised by our Russian host, in the National Park where we were staying, it involved a drive to a jetty on a huge lake in the centre of the park, then a couple of hour long boat trips, a trek through the jungle to another lake at a higher level formed by a dam, then a ride on a bamboo raft to a cave full of freshwater coral formations, set in the side of a mountain. I will post the photos in the Three Weeks in Thailand thread... Waking up at the place we were staying in the park A simple breakfast The cabins where we stayed...
Thanks for the compliment @Holly Saunders, I feel it's easier to take photos with a wow factor in such exotic places as Thailand ................. the fried egg is part of the traditional stir fried dish here called "Holy Basil" , I first came across this egg on top idea in an Indonesian dish called "Nasi Goreng" which we had a lot of when we were there a while back, although it sounds odd at first, I like the added moisture and flavour it gives to a dish. Nasi Goreng
Thanks @Babs Hunt you have to thank Lisa really, but for her inspiration and drive I would be in an armchair myself watching the world go by
Good morning all, raining steadily here, dark and gloomy. ..but the upside is, that it's washed all the snow away and brought the temps up a lot!! Hubs is home today so we may be going out for a late lunch later and I'll grab a bit of shopping while he's at the barber shop... have a good day folks...
Hello from Bangkok airport, we are waiting for our first flight to Doha at 7:30pm. We spent a wonderful last day in Bangkok city, finding some hidden treasures, I will post some photos when I eventually get home tomorrow Have a great day everyone
Snow has ended and temps in the 20s F. We got about a foot of new snow, and I have to get back out and plow again before the next round of snow arrives. I gave a presentation on seed-starting at the local garden club this morning. My wife was supposed to be at work, but she has come down with some illness, so is home in bed recuperating.