There has been an awful amount of press lately raising concerns about the National 4th of July parade. The President wanted tanks so, he has tanks which is really nothing new in a parade for certainly, if we look back at some of the most recent inaugural parades, we see tanks. “BBBBut......the parade is going to cost nearly 90 million beans,” says the left wing media. “AAAnd, the TANKS, what about the TANKS”? is again echoed from one commentator to another. Funny, but there is no mention about the other military entities that are always displayed in the National parade. The Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines are always represented in force as is the VFW and the American Legion. Even the Daughters of the Revolution will probably be there as well along with a few in Colonial garb playing Yankee Doodle Dandy on the Fife and Drum. No, just the Tanks and the expense of it all. Tanks and what they supposedly represent and 90 million bucks. Maybe they should have kept the tanks out of the parade because surely, the military shouldn’t show the American public what we are paying for. Might as well negate the fly overs too because mercy, they make soooo much noise and are probably a major cause for global warming. Do we even need a parade? As far as I am concerned, no but I do not represent the majority of Americans. People love parades and most guys, or at least the ones I know, love tanks so it follows that if the gays get their rainbow, and the ladies get to see their kids marching in a band, that guys get to look at tanks. In my opinion, 3 or 4 tanks really isn’t enough but again, who am I to say? As for the cost of the whole parade being paid by the American taxpayer......Our president said he was going to pay for it out of his pocket or at least, that’s the way I heard it.
Wouldn't bother me, or my wife, at all attending a parade that has Tanks or any other military equipment in it. But, then again, we are very "pro" military as we are very "pro" law enforcement. One thing for sure, I'd have my digital camera on and taking all kinds of photos of all of it. Love to see military men and women in either full dress uniform or their working uniform. Then again, there are many people who are anti-military. A friend of ours, who was an Army infantryman in Vietnam, doesn't like the idea at all. Obviously we both disagree with him. But, as I'm constantly told...…."to each their own".
The last time we had a large military campaign, it was not to commemorate the birth of our nation or anything that one might associate with something that should having meaning for all of us, but the the inauguration of John F. Kennedy. Had Hillary won the election, if we managed to survive two years of that and still be an independent nation, and she decided to have a military parade to celebrate Chelsea's birthday, or perhaps to welcome some of her Chinese friends, the media would have no problem with it whatsoever. No one would question the reasons for it, the expense, or anything else. Whatever Trump does or doesn't do, the media is going to try to make everyone upset about it. That's what it's all about.
Pictures from the Kennedy parade, and also from the Eisenhower parade, both showing military power and tanks included. A quick internet search shows quite a few of these pictures. I think that the liberal media is doing themself more harm than good by all refusing to show the Presidential Independence Day parade. From what i can see, Fox is showing the festivities, and they will probably get the audience that the other media sources might have shared, had they not decided to ignore the parade.
I notice that the media are complaining about the cost. They never complained about the Obama's extravagant vacations or the wastefulness of bringing Broadway productions to the White House for a "Royal " performance.
Heck, Obama lit up the White House in rainbow lighting and at one time, took the American Flag off the White House and no one from the left complained. Some even went so far as praising the actions.
The press isn't near as offended about the cost of the parade as I am over the fact that those media bobble heads even get a salary.
I didn't watch the parade, but I did watch Trump's speech and the salute to our military; it was excellent. A real shame that the MSM wouldn't televise it--wouldn't want to preempt important stuff such as "Wheel of Fortune." You can bet that if this was during the Obama administration, it would have been carried on ALL networks. Pathetic and dare I say, chickensh*t.
Some gaffes in his speech but I haven't seen any reports of destruction of D C roads or the park. due to the tanks. I guess citing taking over airfields is a big Fing deal. LOL
Thanks for posting that, @Joe Riley! Now we wait to see how his opponents will criticize it. Perhaps too Pro-American, he left out the contributions of illegals and gays...who knows? They have already wailed about the cost, but I guess they think all those planes just sit on the runways except when in combat. During Carter's administraion that was true, but not really since.
When I heard him fumble and use the line about George Washington taking over the airports, I knew that was going to be the takeaway line from the whole day. Although Obama visiting 57 states wasn't worth making a fuss over, and neither was his reference to the Marine Corpse.