New Guy On The Forum. Voting

Discussion in 'Politics & Government' started by Ed Marsh, Jun 1, 2020.

  1. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I do submit to you sir that you confuse reasoning with something I rarely exhibit which is hostility. I am not hostile toward anyone unless of course, if you’re selling drugs on my street, but other than that, I am always open for a Good logical dialog complete with real proofs.

    All I do is write the facts and leave it at that without all the extra expletives and wishy washy generalizations which have nothing to do with the subjects actual truths and are simply meant for those who are easily offended.
    Yvonne Smith and Lois Winters like this.
  2. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    Bobby, I've been disabled and unable to work for the past twenty years. I live on the $900 check I get from SS and I'm not even close to scraping by. Every month I lose more of the equity I have in my house because I have to borrow to live.
    So, you're suggesting that I not spend my stimulus check because of an ideological disagreement with Trump? You maintain this is reason and not hostility. I disagree.
  3. Lois Winters

    Lois Winters Veteran Member

    Oct 30, 2019
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    I agree with Bobby on this. Again, why is past acquaintances so important? The past is long gone and really has nothing to do with the now and hereafter. I've had a few questionable friendships in the past, but so what? No one I know of judges me on that whatsoever. Think about this if you will, the media continually paints this President in the worst pictures possible. Most of which is based on his past life. I remember him as a young business man and regardless of what he did in his business dealings or his personal life, the media treated him abominably. So, it continues and regardless of what he does, he's the bad guy in the eyes of the public.
  4. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    I guess we are at an impasse on this. If you don't think it's important Trump had Mafia friends and that his close association with people like Roy Cohn are not relevant, I cannot "prove" that they are.
  5. Al Amoling

    Al Amoling Veteran Member

    Aug 20, 2016
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    I think what a lot of do is we learn form our past and move on.
    Martin Alonzo and Lois Winters like this.
  6. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I’m very sorry for your plight in life Dwight but it still raises another question. Would you have taken say, a million dollars or more directly from Donald Trump’s pocket had he picked you to do a job on one of his construction sites or to do whatever you used to do during the time when you indicate that Trump was so corrupt?
    I mean, your part in it would be for services rendered legally but it still remains that, according to the gossip, he had made his money from corrupt deals.
  7. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    Bobby, I'm sorry to say, but I find your question a little silly. Would I take a million dollars from. Trump? If I did or did not it would prove not a thing either way.
  8. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    To put it mildly, you dislike D.Trump because of his various relationships with some people of ill repute. That is all well and good until you decide to do that which you accuse Trump of doing.
    Trump makes a deal with Cohn so that makes D. Trump dishonest. You make a deal with Trump, no matter what the reason is, that puts you in the same pot you put him into.

    Now do you see the correlation? Is it silly now?
    Martin Alonzo and Lois Winters like this.
  9. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    Maybe I shouldn't have used the word "silly". I wasn't trying to be rude.I certainly see your point. I understand it but don't agree. The difference lies in the fact that a sick and broke person such as myself might accept money from a corrupt person out of pure, desperate need. Trump was born rich, would never be poor, and his acts were of greed, not need.
  10. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    Exactly. Abortion is the least of my concerns. I want CLOSED BORDERS (build that wall), fair trade agreements, and a booming economy... which Trump delivered until the stupid Corona Virus. Do I like Trump? NO. Will I vote for him? YES.

    Joe Biden is a pitiful old man with dementia; whomever is chosen to be his VP will be the president in short order if he is elected. So pay more attention to that nominee than to old Joe.
  11. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Yes, to some it might have been a bit rude but I do not get offended easily.

    Ya know, I have worked for and been around a lot of men and women who are at their very base, greedy and being very general about it, I found the majority of them to be useless people.

    The thing is, I haven’t found that kind of greed with Trump. Yes, he likes money and knows how to create it but I see a lot of good spending too and some good decisions.
    Mar-A-Logo used to be a very private golf resort which didn’t allow black members but, call it greed to want Everyone’s money, Donald bought and opened up the club to anyone who has the bucks to join.

    Now, I could go on and on about what he does with his money but here’s a link from the Washington Post.

    Ya know something too? It would be impossible for me to give that heartily but I’m glad that somebody has the bucks to do it.
    Something else. Yes, we still pay D, Trump’s salary and he donates that salary to charity so in a way, by proxy I’m putting in a little on his charities too.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2020
    Lois Winters likes this.
  12. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    Lois, you use the word "acquaintances" on purpose, I assume, to avoid saying "close friends and allies". Your question would then be "..why are past close friends and allies so important?" It kind of answers itself.
  13. Dwight Ward

    Dwight Ward Veteran Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    I disagree, Ed, about liberal and conservative meaning nothing. I'm general progressive and have been called a socialist by some. If I were merely a "liberal" I'd attract much less hostility.
  14. Lois Winters

    Lois Winters Veteran Member

    Oct 30, 2019
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    You should avoid assuming anything, Dwight for you know what that usually means. I use the word acquaintance as most people have just that . Close friends are generally few and allies connotes a different kind of friendship than what a person considers such. When you get right down to it any friendships or allies of the president be it when he was a young man or later in life is really none of our business. His present associations are concerns to us only in the sense of his position as a leader. Outside of his presidency, I doubt, if given the opportunity, I'd include him in my circle of friends. He possibly could be an acquaintance, and if so, no one should make any judgements about me because of that.
  15. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I must come forward and confess.
    There is a man with whom I have had several business dealings with and I do suppose some might even say that we are friends or at the very least, friendly towards one another.
    The problem isn’t that he’s a criminal although he does sell drug paraphernalia in his convenience stores but.....(drum roll) he’s Hindi and I’m a Christian.

    Yes folks, by Dwight’s definition of guilt by association, (sniff) I can no longer say that I’m a Christian because of my association with a known Hindi who sells drug paraphernalia in his convenience stores. My Christian values must be corrupted therefore.....I too am corrupt.

    There now, I feel so much better (sniff).

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