Your Thoughts On Marco Rubio

Discussion in 'Politics & Government' started by Lara Moss, Feb 6, 2016.

  1. Lara Moss

    Lara Moss Supreme Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Marco Rubio just cruises along with no ups and downs, no mood swings, no wavering, isn't loud, doesn't attack his opponents even when baited by the media. He's inching up as many tire of the others. When he answers questions he doesn't hesitate, doesn't stumble or mumble…nor does he blow any questions off. I've never heard a bad answer from him. He's the most consistent of all the presidential nominees…and quietly confident. What are your thoughts on Rubio?

    Bonnie Thomas and Ike Willis like this.
  2. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I can say that they would make a good looking "First Family".

    He is too far right for me though. I am more moderate on the social issues.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2016
    Bonnie Thomas and Ike Willis like this.
  3. Will Lawrence

    Will Lawrence Veteran Member

    Nov 19, 2015
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    His wife looks like Jennifer Aniston... so that gets my vote!!!!!!

    Rubio is the "electable" GOP candidate... and, hopefully, the only one. If the GOP wants to see one of theirs inaugurated in January 2017, it needs to be Rubio. Cruz is NOT electable. Cruz exudes negativity. Everything is wrong and everything needs done away with/changed... but no clear answers as to how that will get done. Waaayyyy too far right. Cruz/Clinton would see the first woman POTUS.
    Trump IS electable. If that were to happen, I could see WWIII... much of the Country tied up waiting on the SCOTUS to rule much legislation unconstitutional... financial deals made with China/Russia/India, etc. that would put millions more Americans out of work unless they would labor in sweat shops for $1/day. Trump "says" all the right things that a disgruntled citizenry may be thinking. How many of those things he says can be done?
    So, IMHO, Rubio can give Clinton a good run and is electable. Rubio understands what needs done and I really believe he would work diligently to tear down the fences established during the current Administration by almost everything being "my way or the highway" by both the POTUS and Congress. Rubio is young and will appeal to the younger voters. Youth elected Obama. Youth can be a huge swing vote in 2016.
    Ike Willis likes this.
  4. Lara Moss

    Lara Moss Supreme Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    I agree with everything you said except maybe the youth. Yes, maybe Rubio could get the youth vote for the primaries but not for the presidential election if Bernie Sanders is a candidate because Bernie seems to have most of the youth locked in on his side. The general election is a long way away though and it could change. The youth like Trump too because he's speaks his mind and doesn't follow protocol.. Yes, she does look like Aniston lol.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2016
  5. Bill Boggs

    Bill Boggs Supreme Member

    May 13, 2015
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    He's got a lot going for himself.
  6. Lara Moss

    Lara Moss Supreme Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    He does Bill but did you see the Republican Debate last night? First question out of the gate and Chris Christie spent 5 minutes totally humiliating Rubio for his lack of experience. Obama had no experience going into his first term either. No one brings that up. I wish they would because democrats voted for him…twice.

    But Christie was rude and ugly. I used to like him but that was mean. Of course, he's desperate to take Rubios spot in the polls. He may have just done it.

    All the Candidates delivered their best debate last night though…all of them.
    Bonnie Thomas and Ike Willis like this.
  7. Sheldon Scott

    Sheldon Scott Supreme Member

    Mar 13, 2015
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    I think the Republicans just lost the womens vote by excluding Carly Fiorina. There was no reason not to have her there.
    Ike Willis and Lara Moss like this.
  8. Ike Willis

    Ike Willis Supreme Member

    Jul 9, 2015
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    Christie's a thug, IMO. When he started in on Rubio, I was yelling at the TV for Rubio to STFU and quit repeating himself, but he didn't. I would support Bush, should he make it.
  9. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Will someone please tell me who the most moderate Republican is, I'm having trouble because I'll read one thing and then it changes.

    The Republican Party needs to realize there are lots of voters like me....MODERATES.

    They seem to lean too far to the right. Trump would have been okay if he didn't go overboard with his mouth.

    Even though he has good ideas, he can't go blowing off his mouth like's just not presidential.

    I don't like Hillary or Bernie, so I'm just hoping for the best on the republican side. I'm not very happy about any of the choices though.

    This is going to be a scary election for me and I don't see any good choice for President.

    When I take those quizzes, I come out with either Trump or Cruz.

    Also, and I dread saying this on here but I am Pro Choice and I know many Republicans that are also. I don't believe it should be used as birth control and willy nilly but I want women to have that choice if they absolutely need it.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2016
    Bobby Cole and Ike Willis like this.
  10. Lara Moss

    Lara Moss Supreme Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Bush, Rubio, Kasich, and Christie "sound" moderate to the voters although their stand of issues is not always moderate. Trump is a moderate in his stated positions. Trump holds positions that appeal to each part of the Republican party. Only thing...he doesn't oppose same sex marriage. I like Rubio's stand on that. He doesn't oppose same sex marriage but does think that some businesses should be exempt from serving them such as wedding photography whereas others, like hotels, should". Odd examples but you get the gist.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2016
    Ike Willis and Chrissy Cross like this.
  11. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Same sex marriage is not an issue for me. I actually don't know anybody that is even gay except my childhood friend, but I'm not against it. I feel we should be able to live our lives that makes us the happiest as long as it doesn't hurt others.

    The reality though is Except for Trump, Cruz and Rubio the others are basically out in my opinion.
    Ike Willis likes this.
  12. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    As president, Rubio would simply do whatever his handlers told him to do. He would follow the agenda followed by Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama. Whether the next president is Clinton, Bush, Sanders, Christie, or Rubio, the agenda wouldn't change -- it might speed up with either of the Democrats, or with Bush or Rubio, but the direction wouldn't change; probably not with Cruz, Kasich or Carson either, and maybe not even with Trump. Unfortunately. I am in favor of Trump, not so much because I trust him implicitly, but because he seems to be the only wild card.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2016
  13. Krissttina Isobe

    Krissttina Isobe Veteran Member

    Aug 28, 2015
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    I think Rubio is too young to be Pres. with not enough experience in life nor with international politics. You can see it all now in this video.
    Ike Willis likes this.
  14. Sheldon Scott

    Sheldon Scott Supreme Member

    Mar 13, 2015
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    Experience in politics is what this country doesn't need. We have too much of that kind of experience already. Our government wasn't designed to ne run by professional politicians. Those in control of our government now are very experienced at getting us near 20 trillion dollars in debt, letting our borders be overrun, regulating our small businesses out of business, and I could go on and on.
    We need to take our government back from the politicians. Unfortunately the only way to do that is by electing people to political positions.
    The Tea Party movement has been a great start. We have elected some good people that believe as most of us do that our government is too big and out of control. There are just not enough to turn the tide as yet, especially with the president we have. Ted Cruz was elected for this reason as well as Trey Gowdy, Tom Cotton, and Mia Love, to name a few I'm familiar with.

    Donald Trump is completely an outsider from politics. I think he would do well as president. Trump and Cruz are my top choices but any of the Republicans running would be better than any of the democrats.
    Yvonne Smith and Lara Moss like this.
  15. Lara Moss

    Lara Moss Supreme Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Krissttina, that "Rubio debacle" has many underlying layers of deceit. The audience consists of paid seats by donors and special special interest groups who don't want Rubio nor Trump to win. The audience treated Trump the same way. Trump called them out on it too…good for him! Trump only got 12 seats for his people and the rest went to donors and special interest groups.

    Then the media made it worse. You have to decipher what's true and what isn't that you're watching on TV. It's nearly impossible unless you follow closely and study all angles. Rubio repeated himself because he was trying to steer the conversation back to our country under Obama which is what the American people want to hear about…a smart move on his part but the media portrayed it as a complete "debacle".
    Yvonne Smith likes this.

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