In the middle of winter when we have not seen the sun for a week and it's cold, snowing or wet I think about how nice it would be to live in or near Florida or sunny California. Now the area around Florida is going to drown and California is on fire. Where to go?
Beats me. At this stage of life I just accept that Hurricane Season is part of my normal. Here in Houston it's 3 days of winter, impossible humidity, heat, mosquitoes, and all things that make life miserable... but it's home.
@Ed Wilson We've decided the DESERT is best. Dry most of the time, thus limited numbers of insects, no mosquitos, very hot summer months, cool between October and April. We get no frost, thus can grow citrus trees, fig trees, and Pomegranate. Apple trees do poorly here, but are commercially grown around Wilcox, AZ. Frank
I think that the answer for this is going to be different for each person. Regardless of where you live, there are some parts of the weather that are not going to be good. I liked living in Idaho, because the spring, summer, and fall were beautiful. I didn’t like the cold and snow in the winter, but even so the winters were not as drastic as places like the Dakota’s , where it gets really cold and blizzards. Here in north Alabama, we have heat and humidity all summer, dreary and damp all fall, cold and dreary all winter, and we are so excited to see the first signs of spring and greenness each year. We do have tornadoes in Alabama, but most of the storms seem to go either north or south of Huntsville. If I could live anywhere, I would move out to the Oregon or Washington coast. I really like Astoria, but any of the little towns that sit up or down along the ocean would work for me. It doesn’t get too cold in the winter, too hot in the summer, and the pacific does not have hurricanes coming ashore like the Atlantic has. When I lived in Western Washington, I really loved it, and I miss seeing the mountains of the Cascades. We did get a lot of rain, but that is not that bad of a problem, and seldom dangerous. When it did flood, it stayed covered with water for several days, because there was no place to drain out from, but that was further inland from the ocean.
If they kicked all the Californians out and let some normal people move in, parts of California could be a very nice place to live.
Great question! I've wondered the same thing myself. Virginia summers are too hot & humid to even go outside. Virginia winters are not "Minnesota Cold," but they are uncomfortable. I understand that San Diego has a decent year-round climate, but I don't believe we can all fit there.
Well, there were those that thought we were completely nuts for wanting to move back to Colorado from northeastern Florida. While in Florida, we endured the heat/humidity, tropical storms, wildfire smoke, lots of lightning and even a couple of hurricanes. After moving back here, we've already endured a fairly snowy winter (last winter) and our first snow (Sept 8th) of 2020. But, after 10 1/2 years in northeastern Florida, we are extremely glad to be back in Colorado..........believe it or not. For years I heard that the very best weather in the U.S. was in San Diego, CA.. When I was in the Navy there, it sure seemed mighty nice, but had some rather cool morning lows during their so-called "winter months". Had to wear my P-Coat on watch onboard the ship.
Okay, well, can this 3rd generation native Californian move to wherever you are? No? Didn't think so. Oh, well.
Naw Well, since this site is kinda glitchy--example the doubling of my post--& since it seems like not only am I, a registered voter & citizen, being encouraged to move out of my own state but to also leave the country, which I have no intention of doing, I think I'll just leave this site instead. Thanks for the unwelcome.
@Lobelia Sackville Hopefully, you will view this before running away! Every social interaction involving interspersing of a variety of individual personalities and dispositions opens the possibility of some hard-liners (like Russia) reacting negatively to newcomers for scant, or ridiculous reasons. Are you certain seeking new sites will open a variety of different circumstances for you? Patience here in this place is truly a virtue. I've been termed everything up to and including a "pain in the ass", yet, I don't feel unwelcome. Frank