Trump And First Lady Test Positive For Cv19

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Trevalius Guyus, Oct 2, 2020.

  1. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I think that most people have made their minds up already, either for or against, or to vote for one of the 3rd party candidates because they refuse to vote for either Trump or Biden.
    He can still have virtual rallies even though he is quarantined, plus Don Jr, Eric, and VP Pence can still make the outdoor rallies. Are they still having the VP debate tomorrow night, has anyone heard ?
    Bobby Cole and Beth Gallagher like this.
  2. Trevalius Guyus

    Trevalius Guyus Veteran Member

    Jan 22, 2020
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    OK, Trump is back in the White House. Whoopee....

    I'm coming away from this little CV19 episode more firmly convinced that I have been right about one crucial aspect of this disease, all along: It is nowhere near as deadly as it has been made out to be, by our alarmist media and "health experts."

    I will qualify the above with: If you are in reasonably good health, like Trump and his wife, then CV19, by itself, will, most likely, not take you down and out, permanently.

    Going further, I strongly suspect that a good number, if not a majority, of the 210,000 "Covid 19 fatalities" in this country were people who would've died from any other disease they contracted, like the flu, because they were already in bad health and/or had underlying medical conditions.

    Yes, Trump tested positive. Yes, he was symptomatic, no matter mildly so. He was back in the White House in a few days. Come on! If this disease was so deadly, in and of itself, there's no way that would've happened. No way!

    Be safe, be careful, wear your mask, wash your hands, often. Don't worry yourself to death, though.......

    I have to add, here, a few close relatives tested CV19+, were mildly symptomatic, and were back in action after two weeks of quarantine. They did not get the royal treatment Trump did, yet they are all just fine. They had no underlying medical conditions prior to contracting CV19.
  3. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    It is almost getting ridiculous the way the media is playing with the whole scenario.

    The first, was it the smartest thing to do to leave the hospital in a motorcade just to wave at the folks who were standing around awaiting news of his health? Probably not but it made those people happy and the world could see that he was in good spirits. Plus, his personal doctors said it was okay and whilst confined in the car, the windows stayed closed.

    Oh, and what about those poor secret service agents that were being exposed to him? According to the doctors, they wore the proper PPE and let’s get one thing straight. There was a BLM protest outside the White House and not one news resource said anything about protesters who, shorn of masks or any protective gear for disease, were shouting in the faces of some Secret Service agents protecting the White House.

    The Next objection the media has is that we have Donald Trump getting back to the White House and he took off his mask and the media is going bonkers over that one singular move. Was anyone within 6 feet of him? Nope. uh, how about 10 feet, 12 feet, 15 feet? Everyone knows the answer. He was up on the balcony and outside with a hundred feet or so between he and the nearest person. Just more media stirring the pot.

    So now, what is the media really so upset about? Melania isn’t upset. The White House staff isn’t upset. Mike Pence isn’t upset and matter of fact, he said he and his wife were on their way to Utah for the debates. The Secret Service isn’t upset and his health workers aren’t upset but the media is.
    I cannot remember which news agency it was but they claimed that the MSM wasn’t invited when he took his ride around the block and there should have been a reporter in the car with him. PLUS, by going around the block and his quick return to the White House he has absolutely torn to shreds the hype, sensationalism and fear that the media has been throwing at the public for so long.

    He even told the American public not to let the virus dominate our lives and we shouldn’t fear it but instead we need to fight it and beat it. The media wants fear, the media wants death, the media wants us to lose and slither away into a hole.

    Perhaps, at the end of the day, one of the things the media is really angry about is that D. Trump didn’t order pizza just for them when they were waiting outside the hospital. Trump did however, order pizza for the crowds who were praying for him and awaiting some good news.
    Trevalius Guyus and Yvonne Smith like this.
  4. Nancy Hart

    Nancy Hart Supreme Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    I agree there was a lot of hyperventilating by the media about this at the beginning. However...

    What most are upset about is that the longer the general population doesn't take precautions, the longer this mess will drag out. Only 2% of the population has been infected so far. There is a long way to go. It will be 6 mos to a year before a vaccine is widely available. What do we do in the mean time?

    The POTUS saying that this is no worse than the flu now, when he knows better, and ripping off the mask defiantly just prolongs this.

    It is selfish to the health care workers, to tell everyone they shouldn't be so afraid. Are we supposed to just flood the hospitals and emergency rooms again for the next 6 months? Rural hospitals in particular are not equipped for surges.

    And what about the people that have to go to work every day just to keep life going?

    People are tired of it. It's still not too late to do something. But nothing changes. It makes no sense. No one can figure it out.
  5. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Some people allow their fears to bring them to a total halt. Many are afraid of leaving their homes and others are afraid to be anywhere near another human. Their fears control them and not the other way around. Rather than using fear as a tool they are overwhelmed by it.

    I have fears just like everyone else does. Matter of fact, I have a fear of someone piling into me whilst driving but, that fear doesn’t stop me from driving but instead, it makes me more aware of my surroundings and the precautions I might have to take should it look like I’m going to get hit.
    When FDR said, “we have nothing to fear but fear itself” he didn’t mean that we have no reason to be afraid. He as well as every general and soldier understood that whilst fear is an eminent entity it shouldn’t be allowed to bring us to a point of overwhelming panic.
    As a side bar, I do wonder what today’s media would make of FDR’s speech if today’s media were to be transported back in time?

    It is a given that we all should take every precaution to keep us free from ANY mental or physical medical challenges brought on by disease or accident but as panic never cured anything, there is a cure for the worse mentally disabling condition known to man which IS panic.

    When we plant seeds of hope and faith the fruit will always overcome those words which promote fear, panic and division.
  6. Nancy Hart

    Nancy Hart Supreme Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    I knew when I was typing that you would jump on the word "afraid." FDR also went on to say he had a plan to fix things. We don't have a plan.

    "In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory "

    "With this pledge taken, I assume unhesitatingly the leadership of this great army of our people dedicated to a disciplined attack upon our common problems."

  7. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    Your last statement is the key; no one can figure it out. Why does anyone believe that Trump has a magic wand. I seriously doubt that Biden, Obama, Bush, Clinton, or any other politician has the ability to end a pandemic, or that we'd be any better off if a Democrat was in the White House.

    The larger issue is the typical American and their rights; it is still (mostly) a free country. There could very well be a mask mandate (as promised by Joe Biden), but enforcement will be a whole 'nuther thing. That's the good thing...and sometimes bad thing... about being an American: At least we have free will. For now.
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  8. Nancy Hart

    Nancy Hart Supreme Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    When I said "No one can figure it out" I meant of course, no one can figure out why we don't have a plan.

    If he had just listened to his Coronovirus Task Force, the president would be reelected in a landslide.

    Now he has taken it upon himself to declare negotiations stop about a Covid relief bill. I'm sure he will change his mind on that, but the damage to him has been done. Why does he keep sabotaging himself?
  9. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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  10. Trevalius Guyus

    Trevalius Guyus Veteran Member

    Jan 22, 2020
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    I believe there's a very real possibility that Trump honestly doesn't want to be reelected. I wouldn't blame him. It's a thankless gig. All of the things he's done, of late, seem to show that he wants out.
  11. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    I don’t think that he wanted to be elected president in the first place, but he has always said that if his country needed him that he would run, and that is what he did.
    He has done a lot of great things while he has been president, most of them criticized by the media who literally hates him so much that there is nothing that he said or did which they would not try to make look bad.
    I think that he is going to do his best for us, as long as the people keep supporting him, but once the economy is better again, and the deep state is not in control, he will find a way to just step down and turn the leadership over to someone else.
    It does look like he is moving us closer to NESARA, and if he is doing that (or something similar), then there would be a whole new government. Since the msm news media does not acknowledge NESARA, we usually just discuss it in the conspiracy/paranormal section of the forum; so I won’t go into any more information about that in this thread.
    Bobby Cole likes this.

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