A New Day

Discussion in 'Personal Diaries' started by Marci Miller, Jun 22, 2021.

  1. Marci Miller

    Marci Miller Very Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    Thanks @Babs Hunt !

    I have to go do dishes and take a shower and tend to some laundry. Be back in a bit.

    Welcome @Steve Pecos !!!! *Hugs*
    Yvonne Smith and Steve Pecos like this.
  2. Steve Pecos

    Steve Pecos Active Member

    Jul 6, 2021
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    It is good to find you here Marci.
  3. Marci Miller

    Marci Miller Very Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    Morning. Another long day ahead. Wish I could call in. I probably won't be on tonight. Hope you have a wonderful day!
    Beth Gallagher likes this.
  4. Marci Miller

    Marci Miller Very Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    Morning. Just now getting some coffee in my system. I hafta go shower and get ready to go to town for a bit. Don't want to but there's some important things to take care of. I'm half tempted to go in my lounge clothes and bed head. LOL! I hate going out anymore. I've been so cranky because of work that I don't really wanna see anyone face to face right now. Or hafta spend time with anyone. It's been awful. Not sure when they will get someone to take my place in the kitchen so I can move out to the cafeteria but it's starting to feel like forever.

    Read an interesting article in Science News that came in my email about this virus. They gave 3 possible scenarios on how things with this virus may end. Either the majority of us get vaxxed and we are able to keep COVID pretty much at bay which will decrease it's danger to that of a cold. Or we will remain in this state of extreme danger as people march around unmasked and unvaxxed. Our other option was something in between the two making it a seasonal thing with a certain rate of infection and possible death.
    A lot of health facilities may be facing another employee shortage crisis if they decide to force us to get vaxxed. I have no issue with getting vaxxed unless I develop problems with it later on. If I start having bad reactions to it then I will have no choice but to stop taking it. However, if the US decides to go communistic with this we may all be forced to get vaxxed or suffer some consequence soon enough. In Paris they're already demanding that everyone get vaxxed or suffer some consequence for not doing so. This thing could really tailspin into a huge mess if they keep forcing people to do stuff against their will. When you stop and think about the possibilities that could take place....if workers are forced to get shots and they all quit...whose there to take care of customers. If entire states or countries are forced to get shots...we lose business or the jails become packed with COVID breeders. Pretty soon that affects supply and demand and there we go down the rabbit hole to hell. Sounds like good times doesn't it? Perhaps if we had a few more "sheep" we wouldn't be facing this mess in the first place.

    I was talking to one of the docs that works at the hospital and he said they've blown this vaccine thing completely out of proportion and that people only read the headlines and not the whole article of all this crap they post. He said every single COVID patient they've had to hospitalize has all stated that they made a mistake by not following the safety advice and now they're either sick as hell or on their deathbeds. I don't see it as being sheep. I see it as making a choice to protect ourselves as well as others. If you don't want the vax I don't blame anyone. But I don't agree with all this stuff about the masks not working. Together...the masking and distancing help. The vax just adds to that. It was terrifying getting that vaccine and not knowing if I would survive it...but when I looked at what might happen to my system with the COVID and the idea of drowning on fluid in my already damaged lungs...I made the choice to try to take care of myself. And there's never been anything wrong with that. We don't call people sheep who accept other medical treatments or go on diets because the government has a food pyramid and all these specifications on how to eat and what to eat. So why are we being penalized for trying not to get COVID?

    I don't do politics. If politics are the only reason someone isn't getting vaxxed or not wearing a mask that just seems very careless to me. To gamble on your own health as well as the health of others. I'm surprised it doesn't bother anyone to sit in a restaurant full of people or sit next to someone and talk in each others faces and know that it's possible that this interaction could cost them their lives. One could argue that cancer takes lives...old age takes lives...but this thing has wiped out millions of lives in just one year. All it takes is one exposure. We have a lady who came to work with it. She didn't die but she was sick as hell. Still won't wear her masks at work even though it's now an OSHA mandate. Next thing you know...she'll show up at work with the Delta variant and it's not going to miss anyone.

    All I can do at this point is pray that the combination of distancing...masking and vaccinating will keep me from death's door. If they offer us a booster this fall...I'm taking it. If the shot kills me it kills me. I'm willing to risk it to keep safe from such a deadly virus.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Lois Winters and Nancy Hart like this.
  5. Nancy Hart

    Nancy Hart Supreme Member

    Jun 3, 2018
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    Your doc is right. I've noticed the videos with false information usually have a clickbait title, targeting those most likely to share. They usually go on for at least 30 minutes, sometimes an hour (on purpose). And if you have the fortitude to listen to the whole thing, they usually change the subject quickly and go into grievance politics.

    But I still don't get the motive. It must be more lucrative than getting a regular job like everybody else.
    Steve Pecos likes this.
  6. Marci Miller

    Marci Miller Very Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    I don't think youtube pays better than an actual job. I just think there are people about that like to scare people and pot stir.

    Steve Pecos likes this.
  7. Marci Miller

    Marci Miller Very Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    Got my chores done. Now I'm feeding my face. I called the pizza place and ordered my usual. Plus I had points for free breadstix. :cool:

    I can drive myself to work tomorrow. YAY!!!!!

    Our work computers are down so I can't check my pay stub. Oh well. *Shrugs*
    Yvonne Smith and Beth Gallagher like this.
  8. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    @Marci Miller

    Greetings! My nephew lives in Lawrence, and sometimes remarks about the high humidity, too. He lived with me in Las Vegas in 1972, and appreciated the dry climate more. But he re-married, and........'nuff said.

    Marci Miller likes this.
  9. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    My ex-husband was from Kansas. I don't hold that against Marci, though. :D
    Lois Winters and Frank Sanoica like this.
  10. Marci Miller

    Marci Miller Very Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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  11. Steve Pecos

    Steve Pecos Active Member

    Jul 6, 2021
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    You have that right, and the world is full of them right now. What drives them is a mystery to me.
    Yvonne Smith and Marci Miller like this.
  12. Marci Miller

    Marci Miller Very Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    Morning. Well the tire place did NOT get the tire fixed. So rather than risk getting stuck in the parking garage or damaging the tire I will be taking the cab...AGAIN. This will be the 3rd time in with the tire on Tues. I'm gonna tell them if I wake to another flat after I get it back again I'm gonna be ticked. This is interfering with my appts. and errands and it's becoming a royal pain in the butt. The mechanic is a jerk anyway. I will never buy another set of tires from these people. Or take my car in for repairs with them again if I can help it. I have a couple places that I can take it that should be cheaper.

    Gonna be a long weekend. :(
    Frank Sanoica and Beth Gallagher like this.
  13. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    OMG, how annoying. I don't know why people are so half-assed these days, other than they get paid more to sit on their butt than to work... but that's another thread. Sorry, Marci. Hope you get that fixed ASAP.
    Lois Winters and Marci Miller like this.
  14. Steve Pecos

    Steve Pecos Active Member

    Jul 6, 2021
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    That is downright irritating.
    Marci Miller and Beth Gallagher like this.
  15. Marci Miller

    Marci Miller Very Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    For now just taking it one day at a time. Survive today. Tomorrow will be waiting for me. Like a stalker. LOL!
    Yvonne Smith and Beth Gallagher like this.

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