What's Your Thought's On Ufo's? Hoax Or Real?

Discussion in 'Conspiracies & Paranormal' started by Lon Tanner, Feb 10, 2019.

  1. Tony Page

    Tony Page Veteran Member

    Jan 25, 2021
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    Terrifying, I think one is knocking on my front door sounds like Gene Krupa
    Beth Gallagher likes this.
  2. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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  3. Tony Page

    Tony Page Veteran Member

    Jan 25, 2021
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    Back to reality.
    UFOs / USO's appear two different physical types one is metallic, the other is a Orb or glowing ball.
    Many sightings of the Orbs have been attributed to swamp gas, ball lightning or other natural phenomena.
    Other sightings where the Orb changes color, splits into multiple Orbs, or maneuvers in unnatural patterns and seems to be controlled, are the ones that can't be identified. Where do they come from? what is the function?
    My belief is they originate from US Military bases. Videos I have seen taken by civilians in non-military areas, seem identical to those taken above Area 51, and Military bases. Just recently I saw i a video taken through the windshield of a car heading towards a military base in Hawaii. As the car approached the base behind the fence of the base an Orb appeared, it split into 3 Orbs then flew erratically, eventually combined back into one then disappeared. It appeared to me to be some kind of a sensor or monitor because the car was approaching there fence.
    Many sightings of the metallic UFOs have been attributed to aircraft, birds, planets, etc.
    Sightings that can't be explained I believe are real craft, there's too much evidence to think otherwise. Probably some are u.s. military secret aircraft, others I don't know, maybe our enemies, or a hidden civilization living in caves.
    If the greys or any alien is real I could believe they are living in caves or underground, look at the size of their eyes and the color of their skin they could be a cave dweller.
  4. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I agree that some of the objects that we think are UFO’s are actually advanced military planes (or something similar); but another possibility is that if we are being watched and maybe monitored by beings not from the earth, then that might be why they are seen over top of or near, military bases.

    I think that if they are here, some might exist underground because we know that there are a lot of tunnels underground where someone/something could exist virtually unknown to us, although I believe that our military does know about them.
    I also think that it is quite possible that some look enough like humans that they can exist along side of us, and we would not know that either.
    In the Bible , when angels appeared, they were often mistaken for men; so it seems reasonable to me that this could still be the case.
    Marie Mallery and Tony Page like this.
  5. Tony Page

    Tony Page Veteran Member

    Jan 25, 2021
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    I've seen the videos of a UFO's near nuclear military bases and they shut-off the systems so missiles couldn't be fired. My recollection this happened three times twice in America and once in Russia. Security at the base did report UFOs to there superiors, I don't recall the shutting down of the missile silos as ever being confirmed.
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  6. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I don’t think that anything that confirmed there being “space aliens” would ever be permitted if it were true, and I have read about them shutting down missile siloes, too. There pictures of what looks like a UFO hovering near a volcano (Mexico ?) also, not sure whether they were doing something or just investigating from overhead.

    We have had pictures of what appears to be spacecraft in old paintings that are around 200years old. Here is one example, but there are many others if you do an online search. This picture shows the actual painting, and then an insert of the UFO part with people inside.
    Also, people have taken what looks like little airplane carvings from South America, and using the dimensions of the carving, it would actually fly.

    Chris Ladewig, Faye Fox and Tony Page like this.
  7. Tony Page

    Tony Page Veteran Member

    Jan 25, 2021
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    We must be watching the same shows I've seen all of that, it makes the ancient alien Theory more convincing.
    I was in my teens there a newscast of a video taken from inside a helicopter of a crew member sitting by an Open Door and looking out at something, the camera then scan through the open door to see what the crew member was looking at, it was a UFO as plain as day you can see the structure, you could see the windows. I never saw that footage again, not on any of the shows or archival videos.
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  8. Joanna Newton

    Joanna Newton Very Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2021
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    I'd always thought it was all nonsense.. til I watched a couple of documentaries on Roswell. I do not believe all of those people who said they saw bodies, non-earthly materials, etc., were making it up.
  9. Tex Dennis

    Tex Dennis Veteran Member

    Feb 27, 2018
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    As much as I have been in remote areas in my life especially at night I have for sure seen many unexplained things most of the times there were others with me that also saw them, believer in something there for sure. Just way to many sightings not to be.
  10. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    Having seen many UFOs and knowing what advancements we had back in 1947, it is my opinion that the Roswell incident was not alien, but manufactured in one of the many secret military installations in the southwest desert. If it was alien then it makes no sense why it flew lightyears just to arrive on earth and crash. Nothing at the crash site indicates it could have operated outside of the earth's atmosphere. The military was much too anxious to clean it up and silence it.

    I believe that ancient civilizations came from another planet in our solar system that no longer exists. Ancient drawings and objects seem to document this.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2021
    Tony Page likes this.
  11. Tommy Gunne

    Tommy Gunne Very Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2019
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    If they're that advanced why would they live in caves?
  12. Tony Page

    Tony Page Veteran Member

    Jan 25, 2021
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    That comes from Admiral Byrd writings of an Advanced civilization living under the Antarctic. It's the "Hollow Earth" theory, many UFO enthusiasts believe that's one of the options for where UFO'S originate.
    Yvonne Smith and Beth Gallagher like this.
  13. Samual Yoder

    Samual Yoder Very Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2021
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    With all the camera phones why can't they take photos or videos that are not blurred or out of focus, seems only those who do not know how to take photos or videos are capturing these images?
  14. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I am quite willing to believe in extraterrestrial life, and to accept that they may have visited the earth over the years and played a part in the history of humanity. It seems only logical to believe that earth is not the only planet to sustain life, after all.

    However, pretty much everything I read or see in various documentaries seems fake to me, not because the idea is unbelievable, but because the people who are putting these things out are unbelievable.

    There are people whose reports of sighting a UFO are credible, but the vast majority of UFO reporters don't come off as credible, and just because something is flying and the person seeing it doesn't know what it is, it isn't necessarily from another planet. The bulk of UFO reporters come off as being not at all credible, and they pretty much drown out the ones who might be both honest and sane.

    In that sense, it's a bit like the Bigfoot stories, except that there are even fewer credible Bigfoot sightings. How come no one who hunts Bigfoot has a camera that works? I have cameras hanging on trees in my backyard, that I paid less than $100 apiece for, that would take clearer pictures than any of the Bigfoot photos I've seen.

    I'm mentioning Bigfoot by way of comparison only. We already have a Bigfoot thread.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2021
    Tommy Gunne, Bobby Cole and Tony Page like this.
  15. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    I'll do a thread on this in greater detail. I've just not known exactly how to put it together to make any sense...

    I crossed paths a week ago with a guy who was big into pre-Clovis artifacts. The conversation started off rational enough, with agreement on COVID bs and government bs, then it took a turn into pre-Clovis people and a simian race that had ruled here in the past. The guy said that The Star Council came here in 2019 (not sure where from) when COIVD hit and they tried to help us out, but things fell apart.

    But since he knew who they were, I guess that's not technically "unidentified."
    Bobby Cole and Yvonne Smith like this.

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