A big thumbs up to this one!! That never even crossed (no pun intended) my mind, but yes, we aren't hearing all of the story. Nothing new with that though, we usually either get lies, or half-truths at best. I do know this will only stop when people stand up and say "no way"!! Like the mothers who are standing together to fight the CRT!! They may not win, but I am so proud to Americans stepping up to the plate, as well as people in other countries fighting for what is right.
I bet the boys are lining up to date and marry "her" (just joking, that's not to put men down, I mean "real" men ). Will the real man please stand up?? What was that game show, "What's my line"??
next thing you know, he's and she's will just be donating eachother's parts to one another. Maybe that's how they do it??
I just looked ....... near as I can tell, it won Miss Nevada , and will represent Nevada in the miss America pageant ........ I swear this country is really circling the drain.
You got that right Ron ;( Can you imagine making a decision like that, and "then" changing your mind, argggg, ruin what life you did have
I love this man, wow, to have more leaders like Mark Robinson, Lt. Gov. of North Carolina. I've seen a few video with Mark in them and I am praying for him, and for more folks to step up and tell the truth whether people want to hear it or not!!
So, a California guy goes into a Denny’s Restaurant lady’s restroom and sexually assaults a girl then, when he is caught he suddenly decides he’s a girl and after sentencing he is housed with other girls whilst in Juvy. https://nypost.com/2022/01/27/hannah-tubbs-sentenced-to-california-juvenile-detention-facility/ Ya just can’t make this stuff up!!
Oh thanks Thomas, That's a scream!! I'm downloading that one since someone will complain and take it off Youtube probably!!
I can't even read it but I sure believe it. It's hard to believe it can get any worse, but I believe that too ;(
Okay, so I was reading an article in the Daily Wire and come to find out, the 35 girls who share the women’s locker room with “Lia” are a little upset. The trans walks around however he/she wishes with or without a towel around him/her and the school fully backs the trans telling the lady swimmers that they’ll just have to put up with it or else. And also, come to find out, the trans isn’t Gay because he/she is attracted to females and brags about his dates with said gender and of course, nude women showering in a locker room would provoke some physical reaction from a male even if they’re trying to act female. The whole thing is beyond being woke and is in full stupid mode.