Truth Social

Discussion in 'Gadgets & Tech Talk' started by Ken Anderson, Apr 25, 2022.

  1. Steven Stanick

    Steven Stanick Very Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2020
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    Well, I am not being fined $10,000 every day and answer this question. Which presidential candidate made a call to the state of Georgia when he knew he was losing the state (and election) saying "Give me 11,780 votes. I need 11,870 votes to win your state." Is that how our democracy works?
    Did you read my post about Thump asking if it would be OK to shoot protestors?!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and I'm not kicked off Twitter. So you see there are man differences between myself and Thump.............................."dude!
  2. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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  3. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    The United Staters isn’t a DEMOCRACY. I do submit sir that you can’t even get that right and you’ve been a citizen since when? Bloody disgraceful is what it is.

    Heck, if you don’t even know what the the United States is then how am I supposed to expect you to do some studying about one of the most recent Presidents of the United States and someone you have latent tendencies of adoration?
    (That envy thing you have going on is really causing you some problems isn’t it?)

    Oh, and the question you asked is merely rhetorical in nature and got it’s foundation as push bit by the left wing media so there’s no need to be disappointed.
    In all actuality, when was the last time you watched a sporting event and said, all we need is 7 more points?
    See? No harm, no foul. The object of your envy did nothing wrong.

    Note: Just because you’re not like DT doesn’t mean you don’t want what he has.
    Last edited: May 2, 2022
  4. Steven Stanick

    Steven Stanick Very Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2020
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    Come on. are you really going back to high school civics?! You are truly a follower of Thump and his loyal subjects like Dr. Oz, Mike Lindell and last but not least Marjorie Taylor Greene who also don't believe in democracy.
  5. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Given that we don't live in a democracy, I don't understand the point.
  6. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    Many of the undereducated don't understand that democracy was deliberately avoided in the constitution, as democracies always become mob rule. They wanted to ensure that minorities are defended.
  7. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    There is a constant drumbeat from the media, from Democrat politicians, bureaucrats, and even people who like to call themselves conservatives, that would suggest that the US is a democracy, probably because they know that a democracy couldn't be sustained. Constantly, our military is portrayed as defending democracy, and so on. But the US is not a democracy, and it wouldn't have lasted even fifty years if it were.
  8. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    The constant drumbeat you mentioned is addressed to the undereducated (thanks in large part to the public schools). I totally agree with your comment. Democrat voters are usually easy to fool.
    Ken Anderson and Al Amoling like this.
  9. Al Amoling

    Al Amoling Veteran Member

    Aug 20, 2016
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    I will
  10. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    The Constitution was ratified in 1779 so I’m not taking you back to Civics Class but to the founding of this great nation. You know, the United States.
    Go to your room, crack a book and when you’ve done your homework and can actually produce some factual content then maybe folks will take you a little more seriously.
    Thus far all you have produced in the political sense is gossip and being one who continues with that gossip is the sure earmark of a follower, never a leader.
    A leader strikes out on pathways that produce the truth. It’s harder and sometimes much more tedious but still, when you know something is right because you turned every stone over to find the truth then you can stand up to anyone and be satisfied that the knowledge you have warrants your convictions.

    And yup, if Trump were to run again and after a lot of considerations I thought that he’d be the best one to lead my country in the right direction then sure, I’d vote for him.
    So far as the others you mentioned, I know of them but why would I follow them? In my book they have a voice and use it but in the grand scheme of things, their insignificance is such that they really do not merit a lot of my personal attention.
  11. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    I opened a twitter account and closed it same night, I hated the format and still never participate in any format such as twitter. I think it morphed into something it was never intended to be. I spent a lot of time on regular private owned forums over the years and today it is getting very hard to find one yet the engines are mostly still free for anyone to start a forum. Finding the user is a whole different story.
    Bobby Cole likes this.
  12. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I see Twitter as something very different from either a forum, or even from Facebook. With both of these, I enjoy interacting with people, and on facebook, I look forward to see what is happening with my friends and family, and share on there when I want to post a picture or information about something.

    With Twitter, I see it as basically a news blurb outlet for information. While I do retweet posts that i think are relevant, or that I like; I never post anything personal, or even look at friends twitter feed.
    I follow news and other information that I am interested in, and check Twitter several times a day just to see what is happening in the world.

    As an example, the fire at the food factory in Chesapeake, Virginia, which has been in the news recently. As soon as firefighters were called to the scene, local news was posting that information on their Twitter feed, so people can learn about it much faster than even watching online news sources. People all over the world post their local news and information on Twitter, and to me, it is sort of like having my finger on the world’s pulse and keeping up with what is happening.

    I have not decided whether I will join Truth Social or not at this point, but will probably be checking it out before too much longer. People are sharing information from TS, Facebook, Instagram, Parler, and other social media websites on Twitter anyway, so I can find most of the important information just by checking in one place.
  13. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    May I add that voting still has it's place and value. The electoral college keeps the majority from overpowering the minorities. Whoever loses wants to get rid of the electoral college. Just like the potential losers want to get rid of the filibuster. I am surprised how important it is and that the Democrats have used it many times.
    Lois Winters and Bobby Cole like this.
  14. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Whether lightly insensible or just plain ignorant it’s hard to tolerate that which has been falsely proclaimed for so many years by so many people.
    In Obama’s speech to the Democratic party in Wisconsin several years ago he said, “Words Matter” and to follow that up he said, “Don’t tell me words don’t matter”.
    The media along with a major portion of the nation went all gaga about such an astute reminder but yet, when it comes to being in a clinch with the left, words don’t matter unless they say so.

    Notably, I’m not down on @Steven Stanick for his poor choice of words because he’s not alone by using the word Democracy for indeed is isn’t just the left wing folks who tout the word without knowing the meaning but millions of Americans from all walks and all beliefs.
    It could be innocent enough but as I remember it, every student of our generation learned the Pledge of Allegiance so there should be some vague clue as to what we are being called upon to be loyal to.

    Dunno. If I get some reports that the Truth site is really based on revealing various facts in our very small world then I might put some serious thought about it.
    As it is, I really enjoy the Just Facts site that comes everyday on my FB page because if anything else, it puts to bed many preconceived and inaccurate arguments that just don’t pass the smell test as well as those with blatantly false information.
  15. Steven Stanick

    Steven Stanick Very Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2020
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    Google countries with republic forms of government then those with democratic forms of government. We are still a democracy despite the view of a mentally unbalanced ally of Vladimir Putin.

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