I guess since Lon passed, that does make me the oldest living member now. I'll be 90 in January. Where does the time go? I certainly don't feel it most of the time.
Marley is now walking me these days, Faye. She will run ahead of me for about 10 or 15 steps and then stops, looks around and waits til I catch up to her. I tell her, "Lead on MacDuff." She does.
He is around but his memory and organizational skills seem to be failing faster since his wife died. He is in a nice assisted living place and logs in here on occasion.
Where is @Marie Mallery ? She's not posted in about a month, and I cannot find any Last Seen date. MuhREE!!!!!! Where you at, child?
Yeh, I looked at her comment history (why do some people make their profiles private?) and saw the June 12 comment. I did not see anything that would indicate why she's not around.
I guess she finally got all the videos moved from Youtube. Hey Marie, git yer butt back and let us know how you're doing!!
(why do some people make their profiles private?) when you find out let me know. And why not list where your from or where you are living. Does not have to be city or town even.
If I had to fill out that data on a publicly-available place on the internet, I would lie. I never answer any security question honestly (high school name, high school mascot, mother's maiden name), nor do I ever answer the same security question the same way on different sites. Every site that asks my high school name gets a different answer, etc. If one site gets hacked, the info is usable in that site only. My weakness is sites like this where in conversation I eventually disclose more than I "should" if I were to retain maximum identity security (where I now live, places I have lived, stuff like that.) I don't understand why anyone would fill out personal data in a Profile and then set it to "Private." Why fill it out at all, or more to the point, why be accurate? I like being able to scan people's posts and the threads they have started when I'm trying to recall something, and it's frustrating to come up against that wall. ps: I just looked at my Profile, which is set to Public. I said I live in Central Virginia...that is accurate. So is my gender.
I don't demand a lot of information here. As for personal security, with few exceptions, I have always used my real name and address, where addresses are requested and, despite the fact that I used the same password for everything for several years, I haven't had very many problems. In fact, the only one that I can think of was a couple of months ago, when someone got my debit card information and used it for one single-digit amount and two $500 charges, but the bank caught it and it didn't cost me anything. I just had to get a new debit card. That wasn't from anything that I had posted, as I'm sure that came from someone or some site that I had purchased something from. Following that, I closed my accounts on every online shopping site that I had used except for Amazon, and any that I may have forgotten probably don't have currently valid card info anyhow.
Yeh, this site asks for very little, which is why I'm surprised to see that folks lock down their profiles when I'm searching for their posts. Anything of a personal nature I've disclosed has been in the voluntary context of conversation. I, too, have had my debit card compromised, but as you say, the bank covered me. To my knowledge, that's the only time any of my data has been stolen. But I do tend to be hyper-cautious. That's why I worked in a contracts career for a while...I see risk in getting out of bed