I am not at all persuaded that these latest squirrels which have invaded the yard and trees are really the United States of American football loving variety of fuzzy tailed, sunflower seed eating, buck-toothed, rodents. Always the optimist I have tried to be patient with one and all but truly have discovered that there seems to be some sort of language barrier in the diner these days coupled with a show of preference toward ethnic foods. While all of our guests do prefer the larger sunflower seeds, I believe I saw one of two bring a bottle of hot sauce and yet another had a piece of pita bread in his mouth. Upon experimentation we find that 2 out of 5 prefer salsa with their meal and 2 out of 5 like humus, frequently sit on the outdoor carpet and also frequently wash their feet in an almost empty flower pot, but only 1 out of the control group likes their seeds southern fried and was found later sitting on a limb and picking his teeth. With all of the test information at hand, the results leads me to believe that the majority of the squirrels would prefer soccer rather than our conventional American football. Even that said, Alabama squirrels have reconciled themselves to the fact that the U.S. only has two football teams (Alabama and Auburn) from which to pick. Since neither one of them is playing, Sunday is just another Sunday at the local church house or at the diner.
Yesterday, I found an ear of corn that we didn’t eat right away, and it looked withered; so I took it out of the refrigerator, and tossed it out under the tree for the squirrels to find and eat. Today, we went outside and I discovered that the squirrel(s) had hauled the whole ear of corn up the tree somehow, and put it on their little roadhouse food perch that Bobby made for them. We have not been putting food up there lately, so I was surprised that they had carried the corn all of the way up there and not just eaten it on the ground.
Our little squirrel feeder is still out there, but we usually just throw bits of old bread in the front yard, and sometimes seeds out for the squirrels now, and they have come right up on the porch when Bobby puts out treats for them on the front porch. Many years ago, when Chipper was still alive , @Bobby Cole made a little squirrel perch/feeder right outside the window where Chipper liked to sit and look outside. Chipper just loved being “nose-to-nose” with the squirrels when they came up to eat, and even the squirrels seemed to enjoy the visits. Marco Poodle loves sitting on the back of the “Poodle Couch” and looking outside through the window; so Bobby said he is going to build another squirrel feeder and ramp outside of the window so that Poodle can be a squirrel-watcher like Chipper was. I can hardly wait ……. Poodle is going to LOVE visiting with the squirrels when they come up to his window ! ! ( Pictures to follow once Bobby has it put up.)
This is a former coworker of mine; I just love this picture. This was made on the deck in her backyard.
I live on some acreage, with plenty of squirrels in the woods. But they won't set foot in the clearings to get to the bird feeders...too many hawks on patrol.
Not unlike a particular senator in the news, now I’m committed and will be surrounded by squirrels and nuts.
My grandmother had a large number of squirrels she fed daily. If she was 5 minutes late with their goodies, they'd hang by their hind legs from the gutter over the glass storm door and beat/scratch on the glass til she came out. I've seen her walk down the sidewalk with 5-6 squirrels following her. She'd turn around and say "Shoo! Shoo!" and they'd eventually go back.
John we have been feeding crows here for years do not flock just a couple crows. They protect our hens from hawks. We saw 2 crows a few years ago attack a hawk in midair and it dropped the rabbit it had caught. Crows will chase them off although when they fight with hawks sometimes the hawk wins, but not all the time.