I beliieve that all of the above are for sure factors in it. But I also believe that some of the video games enter into it as well. If you look closely at them [the games] they are all about killing ! And the more the player kills, the more points they score. I'm not sure all young minds have the ability to separate fiction from reality ? ............jmo Just go back a few decades, when the concern was porn ..... and young minds , saying it degraded & exploited females & promoted them as nothing more than sexual conquest for young males. IMO it is the same thing with the video games & violence. ........ again jmo.
That depends on what state you live in. Further, conservatives do not blame "everything" on the libs at all.
I didn’t catch the name of the game but yesterday on the radio they were talking about a game where one of the levels to complete was to be a school shooter. Apparently, even after some negative reviews, the owners of the game refuse to amend the game and take the school shooter level out. Imagine your young teen whilst playing a video game. He’s gotten to a level where he has to plan, initiate and complete the problem of killing his classmates.
I'd blame this on the parents. Think about the father who buys teen sun a semi-auto hand gun, without any safety training.
True. Parents aren’t monitoring what their kids are watching or doing with their devices and to the latter part of your statement, a lot of dad’s just aren’t what they are supposed to be; teachers and definitely NOT a friend who allows anything the child wants. Also unfortunately, some kids without dads do not have the type of guidance they need and take any avenue such as joining gangs to fill the void of good mentors and families.
I’d say that about now is when some good stuff should be presented. I read and hear about kids doing stupid things and the reasons why they’re doing it and frankly, it takes a bit to have any confidence that things are really going to be alright for the future and then…..along comes “Tie Tuesday”. Mr. Danial Jackson, an elementary school teacher working in the Chicago public school system has asked his second grade boys to come to school on Tuesday wearing a tie and it would seem that his students love the idea. Jackson states in the video that when he was a kid, it was his grandfather who taught him how to tie a tie and I guess he thought that he should pass on that information to his students. Anyway, in todays social climate it doesn’t take a whole lot to make things look a tad brighter and I hope that this short video makes ya’ll’s morning start out with a little more of a positive attitude as it did mine.
Good morning to all- There are many, many good things that kids do and of course, no recognition is ever given to their positive behavior. It is not easy being a kid these days, but when we think about it, it has never been easy growing up. There are challenges and temptations and there are bad people around. But most kids find their way and do OK. and that's the message: we'll be OK. you all be safe and keep well- Ed
Ed Marsh, And which ones are those temptations? Be aware I was a HS teacher for more than two decades.
Good morning to all- Silvia- Since you taught high school for a while, I'm sure you know very well what temptations for kids are out there. Drugs, guns, other kids, other people who want to use/abuse kids, cars, cell phones- there's no shortage of temptations. Anything which gets between a kid and what the kid really needs to be doing is a temptation. Heck, there was a big bakery in my home town which sold at all hours of the day and night hot from the oven fresh baked bread. That place was a big temptation for me to skip class or ease out of work There have always been temptations for people- always will be. Most kids find a way around or through such things which get in their way. We'll be OK. you all be safe and keep well- Ed
Yup. Trees are meant to be climbed and electric fences beg to be pee’d on. Who is it but the kids themselves who teach each other how to play? Hopscotch, tag, hide and go seek, baseball, wrestling etc are all passed down from child to child. I watched a “trap” being set on YouTube the other day. Someone drew a hopscotch thingy on the sidewalk in front of their house and then recorded what people did. Kids from 6 or 7 years old to about 80 no longer walked on the sidewalk but played hopscotch on their way to do whatever they were going to do. To me, it’s just proof that there are still some really neat things going on out there. Maybe it’s time we just look a little harder for them instead of concentrating so heavily on the all the stupid stuff that’s going on.
Great idea, take pride in your appearance ang it may lead to other areas like character and lifestyle. Young people today need good guidance.
All they see online, in the movies, in the news, and on their games is violence. Probably in their neighborhood, too. They are desensitized to it. I wish I knew a solution.