Good Article Summarizing Threats To U.s. Dollar

Discussion in 'Politics & Government' started by Thomas Windom, May 4, 2023.

  1. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    Every market deals with today's realities and opinions of the future. If the US defaults, then after the dust settles, the markets will see what the then-current reality is. If the US is in the same relative-to-other-options position it was before, and it's relative risk level and relative future potential are the same as before, then there will be minimal damage done. In fact, it might make things batter, because the risk of another such default would then be far off in the future. However, if those in charge make it clear that they are in a permanent Screw & Sabotage mode, then the market will take that into consideration, too.

    The other immediate effect it's liable to have is that other nations [China] may do the same, since they would have the cover. One rock through a window is vandalism, 100 rocks through windows is a "mostly peaceful" protest where honest people might now be tempted to throw one.
    Mary Stetler and Ed Wilson like this.
  2. Richard Whiting

    Richard Whiting Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2022
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    I would like to read about budget talks of say the last 15 years or so, but I don't know how to find such information. I am particularly interested in how far the talks have been pushed before the gov't could have failed to pay its debts.
    Does anyone know how to find such information ?
    Thomas Stillhere likes this.
  3. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    Final day until the late hour. I want to say they have passed serious temporary budget measures such as our military over the years. I don't think they would ever shut down pensions and SS, if they worry about their own payroll they will come up with something because their payroll is not excluded from the law or constitution. They would like to think it is but it isn't.
    Mary Stetler and Richard Whiting like this.
  4. Richard Whiting

    Richard Whiting Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2022
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    Yes, I agree that they would NOT shut down pensions or SS. If they were to do so, the voters would remember it on election day and throw the buggers out of office.
    I vaguely remember they once or twice had to shut down all Nat'l Parks because they were not able to pass a budget on time. What else they shut down, I don't remember. Didn't that happen only a few years ago ?
  5. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    Yes it was Obummer who shut down all national parks, people removed the chains and obstacles and went in anyway because they belong to the public not the guberment. It was a political stunt of course and even tho they had not passed a budget it shows the level of ignorance of some of these morons they elect. I can't think of anything the past two democrats done for America other than let every illegal in the southern hemisphere walk in and use our money to take care of them. I don't think most people understand we have a specific amount of money allotted to care for illegals and all these millions that have been thrown away was totally illegal and the half wit in the white house should have been impeached already. I will hang on until Hanoi Jane is gone and also that half wit.
    Richard Whiting and Don Alaska like this.
  6. Richard Whiting

    Richard Whiting Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2022
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    I normally watch the local and natl news. In recent LOCAL news they are sounding the alarm for major Navy contractors. They claim that in case of a gov't shut down tens of thousands of employees will be "locked out of work". In San Diego, navy work contracts are a big deal.
    Thomas Stillhere likes this.
  7. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    My Brother worked for National Steel and Ship Building in the 70s. They had the contract for refitting our new soon to be fast reaction force for the Navy. After we had embarrassment of not being able to project force or rescue any American from hostile actions such as those stupid Iranians had done. The Navy came out after the first year and inspected progress and were so pissed at the Yard they pulled every ship to Puget Sound Naval Shipyard to be finished and ready for deployment. My Brother once told me that the workers there had stuffed empty whiskey bottles and beer cans behind the bulkheads, I have no doubt some pretty shoddy work was taking place. My brother took a few beers each day in his lunch box.

    There was a little dive bar on the corner across the street from the main gate of the ship yard and he would go in and drink till he couldn't drink any more. He says to me one day after work he got into a tussle with the owner, bro probably being belligerent, and they tossed him out the front door onto the sidewalk. He said he was laying there face down and the six pack he had purchased to take home came flying out the door just over his head. ha So Happy Times soon came to a halt and everyone was given the choice of moving to Washington Puget Sound or being laid off indefinitely. He set around for two years living on unemployment until it finally ran out.

    His best friend who also worked there at the Yard with him had been a licensed bug sprayer so he helped him after hours go into closed businesses and spray for bugs. There were several bars that he had the keys to and the two of them just about drank the places out of business. :D
    Don Alaska likes this.
  8. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    In the middle of the "crisis," Congress is--once again--going on vacation.

    Déjà vu all over again.
    Don Alaska and Mary Stetler like this.
  9. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Interesting things in the news about this, concerning the special communications satellite phones that were handed out to Senators this week. Some information is saying that at least some of the senators are not going on a regular vacation, but to a safe shelter for the “continuity of government” should there be some kind of an attack on America.
    Along with this, there is the information about the 30 tons of explosives that somehow “disappeared” off of a train that went from Wyoming to California and ended p empty when it arrived. that the train car took 2 weeks to get from one place to the other seems strange to me as well.

    The people that watch military airplanes and helicopter flights are reporting a lot of activity way beyond what is normal for the last week or two, and some of them are seemingly flying back and forth over certain areas like they are searching or surveying the area for something. The charts they post definitely shows a lot of military air activity, and most of it is on the eastern part of the US.

    So, the question is; are the members of Congress just going on vacation, or are they being sent someplace safe in case on some kind of an attack in DC ?
    Don Alaska likes this.
  10. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    So, the question is: Are the members of Congress just going on vacation, or are they being sent someplace safe in case on some kind of a STAGED attack in DC ?
  11. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    Nothing would surprise me with the trash we have in our government. Not only in congress or the senate but the CIA is also known to be tied to the coup on Trump, that was well documented just like the FBI. The half wits in congress aren't smart enough to be a cohesive unit but just a few bad apples such as we already know by name are willing to continue their traitorous activities in a back room. I am not at all thrilled knowing who the military leader is and how he has already committed treason for communicating with the chinese leaders behind Trumps back and yet he is still in power simply because the democrats had the keys. Not very hopeful to see the new congress toss that AWipe out on his ears. Knowing the railroad has always been bad for getting product to market it would not surprise me to see that load of explosives found 30 years from now in some dusty rusted out car sitting in a bone yard of the railroad. There have been times in our past that cars were found like that holding all new Ford Edsel's lost in shipment, not a devious loss but a don't care loss you might say. The same could happen today with so many rail cars over the nation. It's like counting money with rail cars, there is supposed to be this many on this hitch and if the number is right then the billing slip must be complete. cough Then of course there could be some Patriots out there being very cautious about what all we're seeing today in government. You have the IRS weaponizing buying millions in guns and ammo etc, just one lone wolf that should be totally shut down with prejudice. We are the weakest we have ever been thanks to so many thugs and worthless roaming the streets. We know they have been used by the democrats to do their dirty work and keep the news stream lying or silent which ever comes first. Even today they are still making news rather than reporting news. I simply don't watch or listen to any mainstream BS. I feel pretty safe here in OZ, unless the cost of soybeans bottom out nothing is going to make a bang where I live. Now it's time for me to go shop and come home and sit for a while. Thank heaven I won't be buying a lot this morning my knees don't have two store left.
  12. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    It sounds like McCarthy caved, so Biden will be raising the debt limit and increasing taxes like he wanted to do.
  13. Thomas Windom

    Thomas Windom Very Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2022
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    He’s a Republican, it’s what they do. Democrats are rabid dogs for their agendas. Republicans just don’t want to be bothered.
  14. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    Once again, I'll repeat what radio commentator Andrew Wilkow says:

    -Democrats run for office to aggressively pursue their agenda
    -Republicans run for office to stay on the DC cocktail party circuit
    Don Alaska likes this.
  15. Thomas Windom

    Thomas Windom Very Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2022
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    I heard something similar (paraphrasing)…democrats seek office to pursue destruction of our way of life, republicans seek office to preserve the destruction.

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