I am in Washington state for two weeks. We then go home to process whatever has come out of the gardens and greenhouses.
We ordered some cilantro seeds yesterday since my daughter said it is good toxin remover. @Yvonne my daughter is like you in that she believes in natural healing of concoctions ,herbs,etc...
I don't mow my septic mound as it is too tall for me to feel safe on it. It is not well covered with soil over the sand and has a lot of grape vines and weeds on it. I pull the thistles and cut back the brush. Over the years I have put in daffodils, tulips, red monarda, lillies and other perenials. I was thinking of sinking some planters in all over it to make it easier to weed and change annual things out. This might be the year because one of the renters said he wanted to plant flowers on it too. And he is artistic! Hope springs eternal.
Welllll, generally we don't eat off the septic and we cover the cabbage with netting to keep the cabbage moths confused. But I could put in one cabbage for you, Tony.
Good morning to all- So I just cut the last of our winter broccolli, and our early spring brocs are looking quite good as they get bigger each day in the little greenhouse I put together a few weeks ago. I tilled under most the winter garden- left the spinach beds and the onions and garlic, but the rest of it now becoming mulch for this year's spring garden. I will probably get first-crop seed potatoes from the local feed and seed store and get a bed worked up and ready to put in early crop taters. Then I'll need to put up stakes and string for our spring crop of snow peas- we all enjoy fresh snow peas. The birds are really going at it, and the trees and bushes are showing signs, so I guess I'd better the rest of spring garden things going. you all be safe and keep well- Ed