The hero president flew off to the Virgin Islands for a week of vacation this morning. Other than location I’m not sure how it’s any different than any other day for him.
No pre-Christmas attacks as some were predicting, but maybe he knows something we don't and wants to get out of DC and Delaware.
Gives him another chance to fall down the steps of AF1. (Or did they install that "Stair Climber" thing? )
Interesting that the President didn't consult the Secretary of Defense for over a week. Austin was in the hospital and nobody knew. Even the second in command wasn't told that she was covering. Essentially nobody was heading the Defense Department for over a week! It is a good thing that the world is at peace and nothing is going on, or we could be in deep sh**. Just imagine what would be on the news every moment if this were the Trump Administration? I am sure nothing would be said, or the word "incompetence" would not be used every minute of every day.
Missouri and Florida are beginning processes to remove Joe Bide from the ballots in those state, and the Texas Lt. Governor says it is being considered there as well, for condoning invasion from a foreign power(s) with no effort to stop it, and in fact encouraging the invasion. Treason in office is one of the terms being cited.
Just because some people are Hell bent on destroying our foundations does not mean that we all grab a pick and get to work. *sigh*
I just think they are bringing the idea forward that what the Woke Dems do sometimes comes back to bite them. The biggest thing was Harry Reid removing filibustering judicial nominees. His action resulted in Trump and McConnell being able to pump through judges and filling the open positions that were left and intended for Hillary to fill. The point being demonstrated is that no one group of individual (in Maine, I think) can or should be able to limit voters' choices, especially when there are no convictions of any crime. Accusations are not enough, and it is being demonstrated for the Supreme Court what will happen if they allow the Colorado decision to stand. We already have a bunch of political prisoners being held without trial. It feels a bit like China or the USSR.
The Lt.Gov. of Texas (Dan Patrick) is a goofball, former sportscaster for the Houston station KHOU, who painted himself blue during the Houston Oilers "Luv Ya Blue" insanity. He also owned several sports bars in Houston... so imminently qualified in the political arena. (Can you sense my disdain??)