You would have to burn it all before it thaws and the beetles hatch. They could fall out of the logs and into a crack, then bingo! I agree with Mary.
It's currently 27 degrees and little snowflakes are swirling. They are melting as they hit the ground, though.
Cold all this week, top temps in the middle 30s. Cloudless sky and wind 8 miles an hour. To cold to go out at my age. Temps low 50s next week
We have had a mixture of snowing and then freezing rain, back and forth almost all of yesterday. Today, it seems to just mostly be cold and the snow has moved on east. Going to be around zero tonight, and the weather guy said wind chill of 15 below ! Our bedroom was 35 last night when Bobby turned on the little heater to warm it up before we went to bed. We have everything closed off here in the living room, and I have my little heater on by my feet. If I am sitting in the chair instead, I bundle up in the blanket. I am so tired of this, and being constantly cold ! At least January is over halfway finished, so we get a little closer to spring each day.
The possible snow on Friday arrived early this morning. It's breezy enough to blow snow off of rooftops but it's sunny and 7 degrees.
I don't like the negative temps and the fact we didn't clean out the barnhouse chimney last fall. Started up the stove for the cat and it started smoking. Had to use an electric oil radiator for him. But it made me doubly aware and has given me one more chance to get ready in case them Dems win in November. But it is pretty out there. And when I drove home the other day, the tiniest bits of ice were breaking off the branches that were hanging low over the road. It looked like someone had sprinkled diamonds around, after the plow came through.
We had -9 the last time I looked last night. 1 degree when I got up and 2 now. It’s supposed to slowly climb to 30 by late afternoon and be 50 tomorrow. Yea! The sun is out and that helps my mood. I hope all can stay warm and keep your power on. Electricity is the biggest thing. I think there was only one brief outage here and it was across town.
It's cold! 6 degrees with -9 wind chill. Warming up to 14 this afternoon. I am hoping the sun will shine at least.
It's 21 degrees at 10 a.m.; supposed to be below freezing all day. The sun is shining and it's absolutely beautiful outside, so I have all the blinds open to let in the sunshine. Just one more day of this and so far so good with the electricity staying on.
Not that anyone cares, but ERCOT has a website with a "dashboard" of supply/demand, etc. As long as the power stays on I don't care how many graphs they publish.
You are the WEF experiment. Keep up the good work! They figured to try it out in a 'warm' state, getting rid of oil.
It's gonna get down to 10°F tonight. Then 10°F Saturday night. Then 13°F Sunday night. I don't like the cold.