
Discussion in 'Conspiracies & Paranormal' started by Martin Alonzo, Apr 17, 2016.

  1. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    I know that anything that points out bad medicine needs to go in conspiracy
    Psychiatry was a science field that took people who were claimed to be different or dangerous and tried to bring them back to being normal [what ever that is]. This was done by conversation and sometime use of things like electric shock.
    The industry had a bad name but in came the pharmaceutical industry to revive the industry. To this point mental illness had no medical test or way of proving someone was sick only an opinion of others.
    But that all changed with the introduction of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders [DSM] this is a list of illness that they can claim and the health system will pay for it is growing every year. Now you have the DSM we can come out with lots of different drugs to treat these illness. Even though there still is no scientific test that will show the illness. Psychiatrist will say it is an imbalance of chemicals in the brain and if this is right there should be a way of testing for that.
    This is a pseudoscience that has got out of hand they are now testing children in schools and the test they use is impossible for them to pass giving them reason to put your children on medications.
    For example if you lost a close family member and you felt sad they would consider that as depression and put you on an anti depressant shortly thereafter you go postal and do some harm and if you ask could it be the drug of course not you are mentally ill and we need to give you more or heaver medication.
    They even are using this to take away rights if in their opinion you have a problem you cannot get a gun. This is still with no medical science tests to prove that you have a problem just an opinion of a doctor.

    Rosenhan experiment
    DSM 5 – Psychiatry Out of Control Is Everything Mental Illness?
    Janice Martin and Mari North like this.
  2. Mari North

    Mari North Veteran Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    Martin! @Martin Alonzo !!! Please dig out your calendar and make a note that we are agreeing on something medical! :p Seriously, I know we're often on opposite sides, but this is the way I've felt for many years, especially after thinking I may want to study it, did, and hightailed it out of any further digging.

    *NOW* there's a disclaimer to that. I am NOT talking about all types of counseling and help for mental illnesses, addictions, etc. This isn't about general counselors, social workers, faith based counselors, etc. (those are very needed, and often successful) but rather about "psychiatry" in a broad sweep... thinking people with mental illnesses or even depression can magically be "fixed" by making an appointment. I've never bought that, and never will.
    Martin Alonzo and Yvonne Smith like this.
  3. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    In one old episode of "Archie Bunker", his wife, very agitated, stated, "Oh, Orchie, I think I need a Psychiatrist!"

    His response: "A shrink?? Whaddaya, NUTS?"
    Martin Alonzo likes this.
  4. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    Mari; There is where we both agree again the type of one on one or group counseling I agree with and this was the old type of Psychiatry. People like Milton Erickson who would work with the patient to get a cure and had no use for drugs.
    Mari North likes this.
  5. Tom Jordan

    Tom Jordan Veteran Member

    Mar 30, 2016
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    I don't think I can agree that psychiatry is a pseudoscience exactly, since I have no doubt that there is a science behind the way that our minds work. As far as sciences go, psychiatry is a young science, and a very imperfect one, which might account for the fact that psychiatrists are wrong most of the time, as evidenced by the fact that that which is considered right changes so often. I am afraid that psychiatrists are way too far away from understanding the way that the mind works to be affecting it through drugs and other means. Probably, the drugs that are being prescribed today will be viewed as we now view lobotomies and electric shocks, which were all legitimate psychiatric therapies not so long ago.
    Martin Alonzo likes this.
  6. Mari North

    Mari North Veteran Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    So many years I waited for Edith to find some backbone... ya know, it was years before I realized who *really* had the run of that household... and it wasn't "Orchie." :)
    Frank Sanoica likes this.
  7. This is one of my top 'peeves' subjects, but I don't want to hog a lot of space here so I'll just add some brief comments (in no particular order):

    1. Check out "Saving Normal" by Dr. Allen Frances- he was one of the main people responsible for the first DSM, and is both extremely angry and completely honest about the scams in these 'new updates.'
    2. People seem to no longer be able to differentiate between 'life problems' and 'mental illnesses.'
    3. Some things I've learned: the largest percentage of 'psych meds' are prescribed by primary care physicians, not mental health professionals; health care providers of any type can receive benefits from pharmaceutical companies for prescribing their drugs; many people believe 'Teen Screen's is gone- it's not; not only Teen Screen but others encourage kids to seek 'mental health treatments' including medications without their parents' knowledge or consent; one nearby high school has had 14 student suicides since it started Teen Screen; there are 'mental health' advocates pushing parents to put their INFANTS on these medications. Please read this:

    4. And to add to the mindboggling insanity: ELDERLY people- DRUGGING elderly folks in nursing homes etc.

    "I'll shut up now," but this subject really bothers me, because there are too many people taking lousy advice from their so-called providers, and at least in some locations it seems providers won't be happy until they have the entire population on medication and deemed 'disabled' because of it.
  8. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    It seems to be one of the first thing that doctors turn to, even when the patient doesn't suggest it.
    When I was in the bad car accident (mentioned in the other thread), one of the problems that I had afterwards was a memory loss. I was not even safe to cook food unless someone was right there because I would notice that the sprinkler needed to be moved (or some oher trivial thing), go off to do that and totally forget i had a pan on the stove.
    When I went to see the doctor, he said that it was depression, and he wanted to give me anti-depressants .
    I was furious !
    I wan't depressed, I was having memory problems. They gradually got better over time; but giving me depressants would have probably only made things worse. Then I would not only have forgotten the pan was on the stove; but not cared when the house burned down......
    Sacheen BrightEagle likes this.
  9. Sacheen BrightEagle

    Sacheen BrightEagle Veteran Member

    Jul 18, 2015
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    Thought provoking posts. I spent the afternoon exploring my thoughts on the subject before deciding to respond. Like many psychologists, I find most MD's/psychiatrists annoying. All too often, theirs is a medical model primarily

    geared to the administration of various psychotropic drugs, which, frankly, do little to cure any illness. Instead, they focus on managing/eliminating "disturbing" symptoms. A cynical person might wonder how much this benefits the

    people around the person experiencing difficulties, rather than the sufferer themselves. The bulk of my career has been spent supporting clients suffering from severe PTSD. Many have been through the medication wars. With the

    possible exception of Ecstasy, which is prohibited by law, even when prescribed by a medical person in a controlled environment, no drug currently exists that effectively cures, or "manages" severe PTSD. Tests on E

    were promising, but, sadly, Big Pharma rules. Some brave therapists have gone underground in an attempt to lower the suicide rate among veterans, by secretly treating them with the drug. By and large, therapy helps, but in

    my humble opinion, the greatest benefit often arises from service animals. The power of unconditional love is no small thing.
  10. If I can add: the link I inserted in my previous post is one of my short articles, and so is this one:
  11. Tom Jordan

    Tom Jordan Veteran Member

    Mar 30, 2016
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    There are people with mental health problems, and maybe some of these problems are helped by the use of medication. My fear is that the medication is too often used to make other people comfortable rather than genuinely for the mental health of the patient. This is especially true of children being medicated in school but may be true of adults as well. Nearly every mass murderer these days is taking one or more of a few psychotropic medications. Are they killing despite the medications or are the medications making the problem worse? I am not persuaded that psychiatric science is sound enough to accurately answer that question.

    Another hard question is whether it might be true that some people are simply too dangerous, through no fault of their own, to be allowed free? The problem there, of course, is that is an area ripe for abuse, as governments have been known to lock political opponents away under pretense of mental health issues.

    Psychiatry is a valid science in that there is much to be learned about how the mind works, but I don't believe it is a sound science. Maybe one day, but I get the feeling that so much of it is based on too little information today. I also fear that much of the research that is being done along these lines are intended to seek ways to manipulate people's minds rather than to make them whole, and that psychiatrists are wrapped up in it.
  12. Chris Ladewig

    Chris Ladewig Veteran Member

    Apr 30, 2016
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    When my son was much younger he was a behavior problem and the school insisted we had to take him to a therapist. We did and he was diagnosed with ADHD and they insisted he had to be on redolin ( i know the spelling is wrong ). After a few days of taking the med. he nearly killed his brother with a wrench. His behavior had changed for the worse. When i refused to give it to him they threatened to take him away from me. I ended up sending him back east to my husbands brother to keep him off that poison.
    Frank Sanoica and Martin Alonzo like this.
  13. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    Good Chris you probably saved his life. I took NLP training and seen many children who the school/therapist claimed they had AD and ADHD and seen them turn around without any drugs.

    In the last few years the pharmaceutical industry has gone big time in to the mental disorder diseases. They are making the problem even worse.
    Frank Sanoica and Yvonne Smith like this.

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