What Do You See When You Look In The Mirror?

Discussion in 'Faith & Religion' started by Joe Riley, Feb 17, 2016.

  1. Mary Stetler

    Mary Stetler Veteran Member

    May 30, 2021
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    This is funny. I seldom bother to look in a mirror but I pass one every time I am in the bathroom. Just yesterday I looked up and noticed. MY HAIR IS WHITE!!!! I said that out loud to hubby and he said, Yup.
    Maybe for Easter I will stick my head in a vat of brown stuff like I used to.;)
  2. Johnny Forster


    Jun 9, 2024
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    I see my Self. I think of my past which, for the most part, is filled with frustrations and unfulfilled dreams and goals. I ask myself why am I here?

    My intentions always have been good, and my efforts were always made with hope for a better life. I see my parents who devoted their hard work and their love in our upbringing (my siblings and I).

    I see my inner thoughts which are always there to remind me .... why could I not have had a better life? I ask is it because of something which I had control over, or is it my fate? I think about fate and free will.

    I see my aging skin and the sagging eyes, and ask why my creator has kept this creation of his in His Creation for so long while not revealing His reason and purpose to me.

    I see the result of many years of striving. I struggle to see real happiness in that face.

    I see my father's face and wonder if he had the same inner experiences as I have.

    I see myself and wonder if my children, had I decided to bring any into this world, would have the same inner thoughts when they looked into the mirror.

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