It seems that mostly everybody I know has some sort of cold, sinus, ear jnfection or some other virus. We all seemed to do better when we were actively avoiding Covid. Do you think all that mask wearing, hand washing, disinfecting, avoiding others over the past 2 years has lowered our immune systems thereby not being able to fight off common germs now that we're out and about?
I believe MOST in the world have POOR IMMUNE SYSTEMS> I do not...I've been taking: Grape Seed Extract for 26 yrs soon Vit C every day Vit D every day Zinc every day And a host of other supplements to keep me in GOOD HEALTH. No colds, no flues, no vaccines in at least 40 yrs. I'm 84 this summer. No mask, no jabs, no hand stuff and I get good restorative Deep Sleep.
I would place the probability of that being the case over 50%, based on my personal experiences and that of others who didn't do all those covid-avoidance things. The focus on natural immunity seems to be increasing now that people have learned masking and vaccinations don't stop much of anything for any time.
Without getting too specific, let's just say my degree of sanitation has not really changed all that much. In fact, I go out of my way to exercise my immune system. I'm not certain that a year or two of hyper-hygiene has diminished people's immune systems. I would think it would take much longer than that, perhaps even starting in childhood. But that's pure conjecture.
I do know that I have more breathing problems when I wear a mask going through airports and such, which is the only time I wear a mask other than for medical appointments. The long-term wearing seems to be a problem for me and I haven't had any breathing issues in the past. My wife had to wear a mask at work last year and noticed that her asthma was much worst with the long-term mask wearing. Short-term masking (a couple hours or so) doesn't seem to matter. I think I have a strong system as I was exposed to all sorts of things during my working life and was seldom ill. I did, however, wash my hands 20+ times daily and sometimes even more for the 50+ years I worked.
The only time I wore a mask for any time more than a few minutes was at a meeting several weeks back. The result was an awful headache. The last time I visited the Dr. for a checkup, masks came off once in the exam room, where the NP said they gave her and others in the office a bad headache. Evidence would suggest masks are not only ineffective but can be bad for you.
Lady, you are most definitely one of the lucky ones! And, I DO commend you for that. We take a Senior Vitamin and other supplements, but. Gotta check that Grape Seed Extract out. But, unfortunately, we are both Diabetic II and the med we take for that can interfere with some supplements. We could get rid of the Diabetic II thing, but then again the "but" comes in.
It is of note that Iceland has reportedly dropped ALL covid measures. This means no lockdowns, no mandates, no vaccine passports, no masks, no social distancing, no social restrictions, no isolation, etc. In short, Iceland's government has decided to deal with covid through natural immunity. Why did they do this? Simple. The stupid prescriptions listed above as being abandoned didn't work. So why hasn't the U.S. adopted this approach? The reasons would be money and the desire for political control. It would appear to be more about that than your health. Not to worry, though the covid crisis will be replaced by the Ukraine crisis, as crises help keep weal political parties in control.
Cody Man, grape seed extract works to improve so so many health issues. And yes even Diabetes.
Ok, this is what I just read: Grape Seed Extract Side Effects Given below are some of the grape seed extract side effects which can turn out be serious: 1. Bleeding 2. Hemorrhagic Stroke 3. Allergic Reactions 4. Unsuitable For Pregnant And Nursing Women 5. Drug Interactions 6. Other Minor Side Effects And, both of us take ibuprofen for pain.
The communities and groups that ignored the lies about a false pandemic have done the best for centuries. Internet search for many examples: the virus theory. Likewise, the higher the toxic load in a persons body and mind, the more likely they get sick. The lower the toxic load , the less likely they get sick. No luck involved, sheer grace if they have avoided toxins without even realizing how blessed they are. Likewise, the many things that help the body/person that have been used for thousands of years are poo poo-ed by fda, cdc and gov.. The truth about grape seed extract , if known to everyone, would cost the pharmacy over a hundred billion dollars profits loss per year, give or take a few billion. "Does Grape Seed Extract Have Any Side Effects? Currently, grape seed extract hasn’t shown any negative side effects in human studies with doses up to 600 mg daily. There was one study designed solely to test how much grape seed extract people can take before side effects kick in. It found that doses of up to 2,500 mg daily (27.7 times the amount in Fortify) over the course of four weeks still failed to show any harm."
This is from a an X posting by Dr. Brian Ardis, talking about how sugar can shut down our immune system in under an hour ! Quote: Consuming Processed Sugar Suppresses Your Immune System By Going Inside Your Bone Marrow & Within 45 minutes, Stops Your Body's Ability To Produce White Blood Cells That Fight Infections Like Bacteria, Yeast, Viruses, Fungi & Parasites. White blood cells, also known as "killer cells," are highly affected by sugar consumption. Sugar literally shuts off your immune system & makes you more susceptible to ALL viruses, ALL infections. They compared sugar to Prednisone. Prednisone is a Steroid & its job is to suppress your immune system. It's called an immune system suppressant. Sugar suppresses your immune system more than Prednisone. It takes 75 grams of Sugar to shut down the immune system in only 45 minutes, lasting 5 hours. This means that even someone who slept 8 hours, takes supplements & exercises can seriously damage their immune system function by drinking a few sodas or having candy or sugary desserts throughout the day.
I eat sugar but not much because it raises my sugar. We buy the least processed and chemical filled as possible, but do have a half level tspn in my coffee 3 times in am.