As They Say, "someone Has To Do It...."

Discussion in 'Jobs I Have Had' started by Will Lawrence, Nov 26, 2015.

  1. Will Lawrence

    Will Lawrence Veteran Member

    Nov 19, 2015
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    I tell everyone I've spent over 40 years "playing in other people's poop". 20 years on the construction side building water/wastewater projects. Made many "wet" tie-ins where I watched the undigested corn, lettuce, etc. run between my legs.
    The next 10 years was with a firm specializing in the design/marketing of process equipment used in the water/wastewater industry.
    The last almost 15 years I've been on the engineering side, on site, making sure the project is built correctly so the water is drinkable or the wastewater is treated properly.

    Over the years, I've seen some very interesting things come running down the sewer lines. It is amazing what people can flush, never cognizant of the issues it may cause downstream. Of course, most of those stories are not for reciting at the dinner table.

    The industry has been good to my family and I. Over the years as we commission new sewage treatment plants, I've tried to get local 5th/6th grade classes to take tours. So many have no idea what happens when they flush a toilet. It just goes away!!! When they see raw waste coming in the headworks and clean, clear water flowing out into the receive streams, they get a better understanding of the technology required to keep our rivers and streams from being completely contaminated.

    As people drive our highways, they have no idea of the network of piping systems which lay underground. Water to your home is fed through underground piping systems. Underground piping systems take the wastewater from your home to a treatment facility. When you mix in the natural gas lines, phone lines, fiber optic lines, etc. we live on a "spider web" that is necessary to our existence as we desire to live. The construction of that network and the maintenance of it require dedicated folks who are taken for granted... until you have no drinking water or your toilet won't flush.

    I'm 69 years old and need to be retired. Our firm just doesn't want me to do so. They keep putting jobs in front of me. Kids today are content to sit behind computers in cubicles. They don't seem to have the desire to work in areas where some manual labor is required... even though such a career can be not only financially rewarding but also be of service to your neighbors and friends.
    Ike Willis likes this.

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