Blood Pressure Medication

Discussion in 'Health & Wellness' started by Beth Gallagher, Jan 16, 2020.

  1. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    This morning I was reading the latest AARP Bulletin, which includes an interesting article on blood pressure medications. The gist of it is that the old reliable thiazide diuretics might be the safest and most effective choice for many people, based on recent studies. I plan to take this up with my cardiologist when I go back for the consultation after my stress test later this month. (I looked for the article online but there is only a short summary available.)

    When I was first diagnosed with high blood pressure probably 15 years ago, I was given HCT, Hydrochlorothiazide. That is the old-school diuretic and I suppose it got the job done. After I had an attack of gout in 2012, my doctor changed my BP medicine to an ACE inhibitor, Lisinopril. (Diuretics are not good for people with gout.) I haven't noticed any side effects other than that annoying "Lisinopril cough" when I lay down at night.

    I'm going to ask my doctor about the possibility of returning to the HCT medication since I have been seeing my blood pressure creeping up lately. There is a combo medication that might work better for me, since it combines ACE inhibitor with diuretic.

    What type of BP medication do you take? Is it effective and do you have side effects?
    Bess Barber and Lois Winters like this.
  2. Hedi Mitchell

    Hedi Mitchell Supreme Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    I was on that Hydrochlorothiazide until here recently. And another one I can't longer on it epither . On beta blocker also. Doctor took me off because of extreme fatigue and low BP...
    Hence the problems I have now..
    Side effects ? I don't know.
    Beth Gallagher likes this.
  3. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    I have often wondered about the effectiveness of BP medication, especially since my first diagnosis was by my PCP. He scribbled out an Rx for the medicine and then never checked my BP again for at least a year. :rolleyes: I have a couple of BP monitors (one wrist and one regular) but I'm terrible about using them. This week I'm supposed to keep a record of my blood pressure for the cardiologist but I have forgotten about it almost every day. o_O
  4. Hedi Mitchell

    Hedi Mitchell Supreme Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    You really need to this. Set your phone for time to take BP .
    Yvonne Smith and Beth Gallagher like this.

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