Chapter 12 - The Banana

Discussion in 'Reading & Writing' started by Maisie Walker, Apr 20, 2018.

  1. Maisie Walker

    Maisie Walker Very Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2018
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    The Banana.

    This incident happened in 1956 while still living in that tied house.

    Barry -our son- had started school in 1955 and I had got myself a job at a small hosiery factory that made mens socks. I had been there about a year when I was asked if I would like to take the responsibility of the seconds department. This meant examining a dozen pair of socks that the folders had got ready for the shops at random and to make sure the goods being sent out were first rate. I got on well with the workforce so there was no resentment from them because when they took the job as a folder they were told they would be spot checked every day, I had also managed to arrange work hours to be able to take my lad to school and bring him home again. It was at this very factory that I met my lovely friend who is now 94. Friends for well over 60 years I wonder how many can claim that privilege.
    I had saved hard from the money I earned and we finally had a bit of luxury when we bought our first TV which was then black and white.

    We had lost both "Sparkie" and "Prince" by then but we still had "Rover".

    Our back door looked on to my neighbours back door in the shared yard that we had and luckily we got on very well. It was Gladys who gave me some of her boys outgrown clothes when I took the children to live with us. Her hubby was finally demobbed from the Navy so they were settling down well. He used to work shifts like my own hubby but he was at home on this particular day and my hubby was at work until 10pm.

    My son was a little lad about 6 years of age at the time and after I had collected him from school I asked him what he would like for his tea. He said he would love a banana sandwich but unfortunately I had not got any bananas. I said I would pop to the corner shop that was two doors away to get him one while he watched Zoo-time on the TV.
    We had not long come off the rations then and bananas became unobtainable for most of WW2 and for quite a while after while getting shipments sorted out.

    Anyway I called in the shop and the shopkeeper and I knew each other very well and I asked her what bananas she had because Barry wanted a banana sandwich for his tea and she pointed to the last one she had left which looked rather fat to me and it was split at the end. She told me to take it for Barry and not to bother with payment because it would only go bad overnight and she would rather it be ate up.
    Bananas years ago had a super taste but over the years they have lost their appeal because they just dont taste the same. Whether its all the preservation of them or whether I am getting old I dont know but having spoken to others around my age they too have said the same.

    Anyway to get back to the tale.

    It was a cold day and I had a big coal fire roaring up the chimney. I buttered the bread for the sandwich and when I started to unpeel the banana I felt something brush against my hand.
    As I looked down I saw a massive spider that must have measured 3 inches across that had evidently been shipped over inside the banana and had been feeding off it. I let out one piercing scream that was most likely heard in the town centre and George who lived across from us in the shared yard was just going to go in his house after visiting the outside loo came running across banging on the back door asking me if I was alright.I went to unlatch the door. My son was looked so scared because it must have frightened the life out of him when I yelled out.
    Meanwhile George had come in and I was trying to tell him what had happened and I was pointing down to the rug where the spider had gone because it must have liked the warmth. George said in wonderment "Good grief I have served 22 years in the Navy and been all over the world but I have NEVER EVER seen a spider that big!!!!!!!!! Have you got a basin or a dish handy? "
    As luck would have it I had a glass dish on the side which I emptied out and gave it to George for him to cover the spider with. I told George to hang on until I got a pair of Cliffs old gloves out of the drawer if he was thinking of trying to throw the spider on the fire.This he did and as he warily lifted the dish he tried to catch hold of one of the spider's legs. He managed to do this and threw it into the flames. The ruddy spider was SO strong it started climbing up the back of the flue but as George poked the fire the flames licked up and caught the darn thing which exploded like a firework.
    During all this kerfuffle "Rover" had shot into the scullery when I screamed.

    My son never got his banana sandwich after all.
    I cant even stand the smell of bananas now although I have tried one or two since that episode and if anyone has one in my home I make them wrap the skin up well and take it out to the bin and NOT have them put it in my housebin.

    I found this cutting in a Sunday paper some years ago and kept it.

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    Bill Boggs and Chrissy Cross like this.
  2. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I'm about a year ypunger than Barry but my life seemed so different than yours or his. Thanks. :)
  3. Patsy Faye

    Patsy Faye Supreme Member

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Sorry Maisie - I had to stop reading that one when the word 'sp....' came up, I had a feeling it would
    Thankfully, I'm not partial to a banana :p
  4. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    In my opinion bananas are just like avocados...they have to be at a perfect ripeness. :)

    As for spiders...not afraid of them but that doesn't mean I like them. :)
  5. Bill Boggs

    Bill Boggs Supreme Member

    May 13, 2015
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    Okay, okay, I still like bananas, ripe or green. I have a place for all of them. I use them in smoothies which allows me to skip a meal.. I dump the peel in the trash bin but I recently read an article the peel is healthful and we ought too be eating them. Maybe so but for myself, I reject the idea. That;s all I have, happy birthday and Merry Christmas.
  6. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Mar 6, 2018
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    @Bill Boggs, if you decide to eat the peel as well, be sure you buy only organic bananas and wash the skin well anyway. Bananas are one of the most heavily sprayed crops in the world.

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