Eyes That Don't See Eye To Eye

Discussion in 'Health & Wellness' started by Faye Fox, Dec 3, 2022.

  1. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    My eyes decided they wouldn't track right together. After another complete eye exam by the specialist/surgeon, she could find nothing that she could correct, so off to a specialist eye doc that corrects such with lenses that a local place makes under his direction.

    Before I could see him I had to go through another eye exam to verify the results the surgeon found.

    After an hour of the big guy doctor trying this and that, he found the problem and tried prisms to see how to correct it. Finally, when I was about to puke, he found the correct combo.

    They had my glasses ready three hours later. I was amazed.

    Have any of you had to have prism put in your glasses? I am learning how to move my head since there is a fairly small spot where the focus is the best. Training my eyes and head positions for that spot is interesting, to say the least.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2022
  2. Beth Gallagher

    Beth Gallagher Supreme Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    Glad to see you back and especially glad that the eye specialist found a solution for your tracking problem. I don't have a prism in my glasses but I do get the "optical migraines" that cause a prism in my vision from time to time!! :D I have progressive lenses and one eye is significantly weaker than the other so my prescription lenses are interesting... and I do have to move my head frequently to find that sweet spot.

    My vision seems to be getting worse though the ophthalmologist doesn't find any significant issues when testing. This getting old thing is for the birds.
  3. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    I have always worn progressive lenses, but these are newer progressive ones that are supposed to give a smoother transition and work best with this prism thing.

    If your vision is getting worse, I am betting my money on your cataracts are worse than they look to the eye doc. To get Medicare to pay, all you have to do is say your vision is worsening. My original optics doc from 6 years back, had me changing my lenses every 6 months before I finally called BS and went to another doc that didn't also own the glasses business and they sent me to a surgeon immediately. It was at least 2 years too late to save my one eye from glaucoma that couldn't be seen because of cataracts. I will never go to any doctor that also owns or has a financial interest in selling glasses.

    There is a reason your vision is getting worse and chances are it can be fixed but the glasses profiteers love you changing them at least once a year but every six months is even better for their financial portfolio.
  4. Joy Martin

    Joy Martin Veteran Member

    May 4, 2019
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    Faye, good news....

    For me I can truly say the mega yrs of grape seed ex have done my eyesight wonders. At 84, they continue to work fine with scipts that are well over 10 yrs old. And I have not been to eye doc in over 10 yrs. I know I'm ok, probably a little blurry but no surgery here. I do just fine, I am farsighted with a lazy right eye.

    And Vit C and Lutein work for our best eyesight...I'm big with these 2 also.
    Jeff Elohim likes this.
  5. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    While grapeseed extract does offer several vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to eyesight, there are some dangerous side effects that apply to me.

    I have an old ulcer with a big 35 year old blood clot in it and also I have had colon cancer. Also, my mother and grandmother had strokes and with that history and my current brain nerve damage from the zoster virus, taking grapeseed extract could be fatal. There have been several documented deaths in old people due to brain hemorrhage attributed to GSE even with consumption at the recommended dose.

    I get the same vitamins and minerals found in GSE, by taking these vitamins in a water-soluble cold processed oil form. The oil form is more beneficial because it is absorbed more readily and also serves as a lubricant instead of a possible irritant.

    I was taking grapeseed extract and also olive leaf extract (recommended by an ND) and several other vitamins when I got the singles that almost killed me and left me with severe irreversible nerve damage. It was later discovered that while these powder-filled capsules might have had some value, my system was not absorbing them and most folks don't get much value from powdered extracts compared to oil extracts.

    It was also discovered their anti-viral effects are nonexistent and there are no documented studies that show such extracts have any anti-viral value whatsoever. They may help strengthen the immune system but have no direct effect on blocking viral replication.

    Last year my eye doctor added a B vitamin complex to my therapy since testing showed I was low in them. The biggest thing anyone can do for their eyes in the way of vitamins is oil capsule vitamin D.

    I am glad you get so many benefits from GSE, but many folks don't and in some cases like mine, could be fatal. I would advise anyone thinking of adding GSE or any other supplements, to review it with their PCP or better yet, a gastrointestinal doctor. Neuropathic doctors are usually dead set against life-saving drugs like daily lifetime acyclovir for those having "shingles" nerve damage.

    One word of caution! GSE if taken with things like ibuprofen or aspirin, can cause internal bleeding. This is why two weeks before surgery, surgeons require you to stop using GSE or anything natural or synthetic that keeps the blood from clotting.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2022
    Beth Gallagher likes this.
  6. Alan Sidlo

    Alan Sidlo Very Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2019
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    saffron was one of the ingredients used in egyptian eye makeup called kohl. it's believed to have protect the desert people's eyes in the harsh environment.

    i was experimenting with the phytochemicals crocin and safranal (from saffron) to treat ocular issues, primarily glaucoma, and macular degeneration, when i realized it was also a potent mood enhancer (nootropic.)

    further research revealed that the sumerians used it for treating mental issues.

    i applied an emulsion using an eye cup and it did wonders. i suppose a simple decoction would be helpful, just make some saffron tea! let it cool, then use it as an eye wash. oh yeah, it's delicious too, so enjoy a few sips while you're at it. let your partner get involved... use your imagination.

    How can saffron help macular degeneration?
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2022
  7. Joy Martin

    Joy Martin Veteran Member

    May 4, 2019
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    Faye talk about Fatal, how about the pharma drugs, you and I just disagree and that is ok....and yes those taking pharma blood thinners a warning about taking both. I once met a lady yrs ago with an allergy to grapes and that's been it for almost 27 yrs...

    peace out and watch those pharma drugs.

    And yes I stopped all supps before surgery and back on them shortly after to keep healthy from a hospital stay and to help with the healing process.
  8. Thomas Windom

    Thomas Windom Very Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2022
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    My wife has pretty strong prisms in her glasses. She gave up driving for a while until she got it fixed. She would see double any time she looked slightly off to the side and it scared her.
    Faye Fox likes this.
  9. Faye Fox

    Faye Fox Veteran Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    I use pharmacy drugs sparling and only when absolutely necessary or no alternative proven therapies are available. The only drugs I use daily are latanoprost for my glaucoma and valacyclovir for zoster and I will for life because it is the only thing that works to block the virus. There is NO NATURAL way to block a virus from replication once it is or was active. A strong immune system helps but isn't always enough.

    Smoking marijuana 24/7 would replace the latanoprost (which has no known side effects) but when would I sleep or how could I function? There is no known universal natural remedy for glaucoma that works even close to the eye drops. My eye specialist is an MD and also an ND. He always reminds patients to eat greens, beans, and berries. If there was any natural way to treat glaucoma, he would be on top of it. He has an ongoing loop on his waiting room TV that plays a video of lectures against meats, dairy, and antibiotics. He only prescribes antibiotics if a patient has an infection. He won't prescribe them after surgery as most eye surgeons do, only if an infection is present. He reports his cataract surgery patients get infections after surgery at a rate of 50% even ones that take extreme precautions.
  10. Thomas Windom

    Thomas Windom Very Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2022
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    My wife, in addition to the above problems, was developing glaucoma. In her specific case, she was able to resolve it by having a Goniotomy performed on both eyes at the same time she was having cataract surgery. So far, so good.
    Faye Fox likes this.
  11. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    There are age old, hundreds or thousands of years used effectively and totally safely, ways and foods etc to remedy such things as people experience that they most often go to a doctor for. The money in charge, in control, does not want people to know, so a multitude of distracting information is used to protect the humongous profits and to prevent as many as possible from finding out the truth and being set free.

    The results of people who do not engage in witchcraft and sorcery have shown that natural supplements which increase health and well being are not dangerous, as the official authorities once admitted even in their publications (this was before and well-before 1955, proven and without any hesitancy nor doubt).

    Now, the money is in Goliath-style control, and will not let go. Escaping is rare.

    Still, for anyone who looks, it may still be possible to find. (unless trusting the profiteers).
    Alan Sidlo likes this.
  12. Jeff Elohim

    Jeff Elohim Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Before making changes, finding an experienced, knowledgeable tester, or reading voraciously books written before 1950, and about such things that were commonly used total safety before 1950,
    might help.
    Sometimes changes result in unexpected events, which are almost never if ever unsafe, but they can be uncomfortable
    and/or cause some uncomfortableness due to lack of knowledge about what is occurring.
    Changes are expected, positively always, in a healthy life-building direction, away from drugs.
    The political, medical, and education (and religious?) system does not approve, and actively seeks to quash all such efforts to find the truth by anyone.
  13. Alan Sidlo

    Alan Sidlo Very Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2019
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    interesting... i took the liberty of putting links to some research regarding the claims you're making just to provide a reference to the strategies i take. understandably your dr would probably not recommend either approach because they deviate from common practice, are not on the market at the moment, or they are simply unaware.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2022
  14. Alan Sidlo

    Alan Sidlo Very Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2019
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    the eyes open the door to lymphatic possibilities. wink, wink...

    Lymphatics and Lymphangiogenesis in the Eye

    "These studies have revealed that lymphatics contribute to the ocular homeostasis and that ocular lymphangiogenesis may play important roles in eye disorders. This paper reviews current knowledge on lymphatics and lymphangiogenesis in the eye and discusses the possibility of lymphatic-targeting therapy."
  15. Alan Sidlo

    Alan Sidlo Very Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2019
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    imagine having open access to the bbb, the blood-brain barrier, all in a tidy package from fermented black walnuts?

    "Arginine-rich cell-penetrating peptides are short cationic peptides capable of traversing the plasma membranes of eukaryotic cells. While successful intracellular delivery of many biologically active macromolecules has been accomplished using these peptides, their mechanisms of cell entry are still under investigation."

    sadly a slight case of shortsightedness had them poisoning test subjects (intramuscular injections) due to unrealistic expectations.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2022

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