Gerd, Reflux, Heartburn And Why Do You Have It?

Discussion in 'Health & Wellness' started by Joy Martin, Oct 5, 2019.

  1. Joy Martin

    Joy Martin Veteran Member

    May 4, 2019
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    I had some heartburn about 57 yrs ago when pregnant and none since and that's a long time ago. So many on other groups talk about their gerd, reflux etc and all the drugs they are taking and the Zantac was just called due to possible cancer issues. I love to dig into WHY as the doctors sure DO NOT, they just write their scripts for their drugs.....

    If this hits home with any one you, are you taking your magnesium or getting ENOUGH high magnesium foods? I've been studying the mag vs calcium issue for years and truly believe magnesium is what is missing in so many bodies.

    These are only a couple info sites, there are more.

    On a personal note, my son in law lived on Tums and god knows what other PPI's, and he would not hear me about my info and he's gone at 55, cancers got him.

    My daughter who was married to him, had stomach issues all during their marriage and even ended up with stomach surgery and then the doctor had her taking Zantac for years, she's lucky she's still ok and no cancers.. With this latest on the Zantac pull, she took herself off the drug and is doing good...she's the one who brought HGH to me. So she believes the HGH is working there too. I sent info on the mag discovery, she takes it but hoping enough.

    And on the stomach surgery, she NOW years later realizes she probably never needed a surgery, just a huge change in life and what went into her body and what did NOT.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2019
  2. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    This might help you understand how the stomach works and how to cure those problems. I tell a ot of people to use apple cider vinegar before you eat to get that stomach acid up high for digestion

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