I Remember...

Discussion in 'Jobs I Have Had' started by Von Jones, Mar 19, 2016.

  1. Patsy Faye

    Patsy Faye Supreme Member

    Nov 21, 2015
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  2. Rachel Rodarte

    Rachel Rodarte Veteran Member

    Sep 30, 2015
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    Amen Brother
    K E Gordon likes this.
  3. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    And add my "Amen, Brother" along with the rest of them ! When we lived at my litttle trailer out "in the sticks" in northern Idaho, we didn't have to be concerned about traffic either, and the plus side of that was that if you slid off the road in the winter, or just got a flat tire somewhere, the next person to come along would always stop and help you out.
    Not that way here in the city of Huntsville, for sure.
    You have to watch out for all of the traffic no matter when you are driving, and we do our best not to be out on the road during rush hour , period.
    Not only that, but we live on a short little street, where it should be peaceful and quiet, and for the most part, it is. But we have those crazy motorcyclists (two of them !) down at the other end of the street, and they race past our house just as fast and loud as those bikes will go.
    And then we have the drug people, they go back and forth, back and forth, all day long, either looking for their drug, or maybe delivering them to someone else.
    Sometimes, the idea of living back in the Idaho snow seems a lot more appealing than the Alabama traffic does.
    Rachel Rodarte and K E Gordon like this.
  4. Von Jones

    Von Jones Supreme Member

    Jan 25, 2015
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    Speaking of driving in another city, when my father passed we, me, Johnny and my sisters drove to Chicago, Illinois. It was beautiful driving into the city at sunset but once we got out into traffic the day next it was absolutely crazy! Not only the drivers but bicyclists and pedestrians. No regard for street lights and signs. It was the worst driving experience I had ever had and I wasn't the driver!
    Chrissy Cross and Rachel Rodarte like this.
  5. Rachel Rodarte

    Rachel Rodarte Veteran Member

    Sep 30, 2015
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    Hey everyone, how are you doing?
    When we moved from Texas to California, it was almost the same. The neighborhood we grew up in, was quite. It was so safe that I use to walk from my friend's house to my house by myself. She would walk me half ways, I was scared, but I always got home safe. You were able to see the freeway traffic, we also saw a couple of bad accidents. As the neighborhood kids grew up, things started changing, some of the boys joined gangs and that was when everything went down hill. The guy who join the gang, who lived across the street, broke into my car, I knew it was him. There also drive-bys shooting, they got so out of hand, that even the policemen couldn't control them. Out of all the people or neighbor I grew up with, there is only about four original neighborhood left, everyone else has moved or passed away. Since we moved out of the neighborhood, there are 3 now. Still selling drugs, breaking into the neighbors houses, and nothing is done. I'm happy that we moved out of there, I'm sure that this neighborhood is not clear of drugs, but it's not like over there, One thing I did notice is when you call the cops, they come right away. I rather live in a quite neighborhood, where older people, than to live where young one do. I guess it's my age, but I prefer quite, and I can't stand loud music anymore, not the kind they listen to now a days.
  6. K E Gordon

    K E Gordon Veteran Member

    Apr 23, 2016
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    I have never lived in a high crime area, and I hope to never live in that kind of an area. There have been some theft incidences here, but that is because alot of the people who live in this development are not full time residents. They simply come down for weekends, and some of the thieves know that the residences are not occupied all the time. Oh and of course, the guy who lives down the street from me is the world's biggest victim. and got into some dispute with the President of the Development claiming he tried to kill him. It ended up in court....There's one in every crowd!. I don't like the Pres either, but my down the street neighbor is a nut case!!! :p:D
    Rachel Rodarte likes this.
  7. Marilyn Pahl

    Marilyn Pahl Veteran Member

    Aug 18, 2016
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    I worked for Libbey Glass Division Owens Illinois, Toledo Oho. 25 yrs. This is a 1950's ad that I found.
  8. Marilyn Pahl

    Marilyn Pahl Veteran Member

    Aug 18, 2016
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    I timed studied glass blowing machines. My late husband was a forming engineer/ trouble shooter for Libbey. He worked there 42 yrs.

    The next job was Albertsons's where I worked 5 yrs. in there bakery. This is in Naples, Fl. I had a request from a group of Cubans that will stay with me till the end. They came to the bakery and wanted to buy a big cake we had with guava filling. The one fellow wanted me to pipe on the cake a note written in Spanish. It was in regards to the sun will always shine on you Ellion. I asked if this was the little boy that survived the fatefully boat ride from Cuba to Miami, and his mother drowned? He said, yes, they were having a party for him here in Naples.This made national news. Ellion's father petitioned the Castro government to have his son return to Cuba. I seen Ellion's picture in the newspaper when he was a teenager in Cuba. He looked so handsome, dressed in black pants, white shirt and tie. his school uniform.

    The last job was at Walmarts, I worked there 8 yrs. And was in night receiving/stocker. Pip had the car in the day time, to get to school, and his job. The job I had was helping unload boxes of merchandise out of 53' semis. Clean up anything broken, spilled like shampoo, body lotions they were the worst. Then sweep out the trucks with big shop brooms. The boxes were stacked on pallets. and moved out of receiving with pallet jacks, to all the departments in the store. Then we had to go to our signed department and stock shelves. I had HBA, (health and beauty aids). There was only one person to a department, and a least 5 pallets. I'll say one thing it was fast moving, everything had to be put up, cardboard to the compactor. If it was full, we had to make a bail. Many were afraid of the compactor. You had to keep a pallet right in front of the machine when the door was open, so when the bail was set you hit the release button it would land on the pallet with a thud. It would scare a person if the weren't around it much. Area cleaned before we went home. One Christmas we were really swamped. There were 3 semis in one night, but we were to only do 2. On our coffee break, someone broke the seal on the 3rd. truck. When that happens the truck has to be unloaded and cleaned out. Our boss was fit to be tied. All we did is unload boxes, stack on pallets. We couldn't take them out to the floor. forklift driver stacked them to the sprinkler system. This was the first time I was afraid working my job. We hadn't gotten on the floor to stock those pallets sent out, they had to come back, for customer safety. We finished at 6:45am 15 minutes before clocking out.

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