Is North Korea A Reasonable Threat?

Discussion in 'History & Geography' started by Bill Boggs, Jul 29, 2017.

  1. Bill Boggs

    Bill Boggs Supreme Member

    May 13, 2015
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    Over time I have been reading news reports of North Korea's testing of Inter continental ballistic missiles. It now seems they are approaching a place we have said they can not go. I note with some interest the chairman the joint chiefs of staff is /was recently at the pentagon discussing military options and that during this time the joint chief's counterpart in South Korea was called to confer regarding these North Korean tests among other defensive strategies, I'm sure.

    Of course this is strictly speculation on my part but it seems we don't have many options when it comes to North Korea. I feel we may be approaching a time when we feel some limited military action may be called for as a warning to the powers that be in North Korea. I don't think we would want North Korea to attack South Korea but that is a possibility unless our response is handled with kid gloves. I feel the North could lay waste to their Southern neighbors without too much ado.

    We don't know the mind of the North Korean leader. We don't know the totality of our options regarding North Korea. We can't know China's reaction. I surmise we do know how the Japanese feel about all this. It could be my own speculation is unfounded and I stand here blowing against a strong wind. But it is merely speculation, the kind of guessing I did before the first and the second military excursions against Iraq way back when. I invite your comments on the matter.
    Harry Havens likes this.
  2. Harry Havens

    Harry Havens Veteran Member

    May 24, 2017
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    My 2ยข.
    Even prior to these developments, any intervention would have laid waste to Seoul and resulted in tens of thousands of deaths. It is likely the reason any real military option was removed from the table, other than periodic saber rattling. The deterent being that a North Korean attack would end the regime and lay waste to N.K.

    We now have a North Korea with nuclear weapons and likely soon the delivery methods. With South Korea contemplating nuclear weapons, Japan likely to quickly develop a program, the stability of the N.K. regime now becomes the issue, imo.

    Were the N.K. regime to feel its power slipping and the end near... can anyone doubt the proverbial button would be pushed? I suspect the fact that N.K. would be laid to waste really becomes secondary to the regime. That was always the issue, but limited to the Korean penninsula. But now long range nuclear capability has been added that essentially affects everyone with the exception of Africa, South America, Spain, Portugal, southeast of a line from N.Y. to Cabo, Mexico. and New Zealand.

    That leaves the world in the predicament of propping up a regime it largely hates.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2017
    Bill Boggs likes this.
  3. Bill Boggs

    Bill Boggs Supreme Member

    May 13, 2015
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    Then you think all this happening currently is merely saber rattling? In this respect, do you have any concern of American leadership? Thanks for your comeback.
    Harry Havens likes this.
  4. Harry Havens

    Harry Havens Veteran Member

    May 24, 2017
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    As to leadership, I think this goes all the way back to the Korean War or Conflict. Once the cease fire took hold, North and South Korea hardened the DMZ and continued til this day. The deterrent being an attack from South Korea would likely end up with the destruction of Seoul and an attack from North Korea would end up with the destruction of Seoul and pretty much all of North Korea. That was from the conventional standpoint.

    As to North Korea's development of Nuclear Weapons and delivery, I suspect it goes far beyond just protecting the regime... although its failure would provoke a nuclear/conventional response.

    You mentioned the Persian Gulf war. Think Scud missiles and where they originally came from. Can anyone truly believe that N.K. would not sell its technology to the highest bidder, especially a fully developed technology? North Korea is not as isolated from the global community as our press leads us to believe. Many of our less friendly countries are quite friendly with N.K. and might like having a fully functioning nuclear capability and delivery system. Whose to say that Iran and N.K. aren't working to be suppliers?
    Bill Boggs likes this.
  5. Bill Boggs

    Bill Boggs Supreme Member

    May 13, 2015
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    I would suppose or may have read that the original scud missiles in the Middle East came from North Korea to Iran then on to Palestine. I suppose it is understood Iran and North Korea have been working with each other on the development of an Iranian Nuclear weapon or that North Korea has furnished technical knowhow parts to Iran.

    The Middle East conflict, I think, will always be with us. At some point I feel nuclear weapons will be used by some country because of their proliferation. In past times I thought Palestine would use them if they possessed them. Assad might if they were available. Some hot head seeking revenge or respect in the world.

    We are not privy how the decision making body is set up in North Korea (our intelligence may know) or what advice Kim Jong-un has available or listens to. Some senior members, we are led to believe, have been purged. Korea is an area of concern. I doubt they are ready or have the whether all to land a nuclear payload on U.S. territory but if they could will they try, and will we attempt to stop them militarily?
    Harry Havens likes this.
  6. Harry Havens

    Harry Havens Veteran Member

    May 24, 2017
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    Clearly, there would be a response, but likely won't take place unless the regime fears its loss of control is imminent. There are several countries which enjoy North Korea's threats and posturing against the U.S.

    I think it is only a matter of time, before the Saudis start a nuclear program to balance the Iranian threat. As for Assad, it was a North Korean designed reactor capable of producing nuclear bomb material, that Israel destroyed in 2007.
  7. Bill Boggs

    Bill Boggs Supreme Member

    May 13, 2015
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    Well, we shall see what comes down the pike. Harry I enjoyed reading your comments. I'm sure you would sit well on anyone's think tank. I have recently encountered Korean students in South Korea who hardly know there was ever a war or know completely nothing about it. They have asked me about what the countryside looked like back then and how the people lived.
    Harry Havens likes this.
  8. Harry Havens

    Harry Havens Veteran Member

    May 24, 2017
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    Thanks. Appreciate your initiating the thread.
  9. Gary Ridenour

    Gary Ridenour Veteran Member

    Apr 27, 2015
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    rockets and missiles are one thing but if he really does have a workable ICBM its time to march. he can, with relish kill us all. this is pacification by the world. do we back down?? . Hitler did the same when he invaded the Sudetenland it was a test of the west's will. if we stand up he was prepared to turn tail and run home. it was a bluff. he won. is this midget doing the same thing at the point of a missile??
  10. Harry Havens

    Harry Havens Veteran Member

    May 24, 2017
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    @Gary Ridenour - Retaliating against North Korea for their striking us or attempting to strike us, is one thing. But a pre-emptive strike by the U.S.?

    Does the U.S. have the capability to destroy all North Korea's defenses along the DMZ?

    If not, a possible retaliation would kill thousands and maybe 10s of thousands of South Koreans and the total casualities would be in the 100s of thousands.

    Such an action in 2017, would result in the U.S. becoming the global pariah, imo. Quite a gamble based on thinking all is a bluff.

    Any action would need to be initiated by South Korea, imo. If South Korea were to strike the ICBM sites and the nuclear facilities, then a message would be sent that South Korea considers the nuclear/ICBM threat greater than the loss of life within their own country.
  11. Gary Ridenour

    Gary Ridenour Veteran Member

    Apr 27, 2015
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    I said IF he really does have a workable that can hit us. wait or go after it?? then what. you make the call
  12. Harry Havens

    Harry Havens Veteran Member

    May 24, 2017
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    What would you propose? We can then discuss that action and the potential reactions.
  13. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    No matter how they do it unless they go for peace there will be many body bags and I don't think the US is ready for that.
    Patsy Faye likes this.
  14. Gary Ridenour

    Gary Ridenour Veteran Member

    Apr 27, 2015
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    you would have us sit tight and let him throw the first punch right?? I am for a pre-preemptive but not on a massive scale. just like Assad. we know what your doing and can reach you where ever you live. something to think about.
    Tim Burr likes this.
  15. Harry Havens

    Harry Havens Veteran Member

    May 24, 2017
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    What would such a pre-emptive strike look like and what are the possible ramifications?

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