Joe Biden Dementia, Possible Resignation, And Replacement Candidate

Discussion in 'Politics & Government' started by Yvonne Smith, Jul 1, 2024 at 7:16 AM.

  1. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Joe Biden has been suffering from dementia for some time now, but the media has worked to cover that up , and photos and video that showed his mental incapacity have been kept off the internet as much as possible, so many people believed that Biden was competent to do his job as president of the United States and leader of the Free World.

    Last week, that all changed. Millions of people in the USA, and all over the world, tuned in to watch the debate between the two presidential candidates for 2024, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden, and people everywhere were shocked to see how incoherent Biden’s responses were during the debate.
    Some of his words were literally un-intelligible, or not coherent to the topic being discussed, like saying that he “beat Medicare”; but most of the time, he just stood there , looking totally lost about what was happening. The moderators were giving him hand signals to try and alert him for when he was supposed to respond.

    Naturally, this caused a total panic in the Democrat party, and now many of his supporters have cancelled fund-raisers, and are demanding that Biden drop out of the 2024 presidential race and be replaced with someone capable of doing the job.
    We are long past the primaries, so there is no way that the American people can have a vote for the person they want to replace Biden, and it is looking like it will be a decision from the Democratic convention in August, if not before.

    Obviously, if Biden is not competent to have a campaign, he is not competent to be the sitting president, either; and his doctor said he was not competent enough to stand trial for any criminal activity; so if Biden has not been an actual president, we need to know who has been running this country in his place.

    We have been discussing some of this in other threads here on the forum; but it looks like this is going to be a topic that will be headlining the news for the next few months; so I wanted to start a specific thread for us to follow along as this takes place and discuss what is happening.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2024 at 9:52 AM
  2. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    According to some of the news I listened to this morning, Joe is insisting on staying in the race with Jill and Hunter behind him all the way.

    I guess it’s a “make of it as you will” kind of a thing. As for my opinion, if Joe backs out then Hunter won’t have any marketability on the foreign stage and Jill would have to do without all the servants and staff she’s grown accustomed to.
  3. Johnny Forster


    Jun 9, 2024
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    Every time I see Biden try to act as though he knows what is going on, I get a deeply sick feeling in my core. I try to reconcile the crowd cry of "America is great" with this sickening display of the American political system in action. I honestly would like to know what group of manipulators is calling the shots at the top levels of our government.

    I also tremble knowing that we are not really certain who has the say on the final authorization to release nuclear weapons, especially now with the possibility of nuclear exchange at a high level of possibility. Certainly the Biden handlers are not going to allow this near vegetable of a mind to make this call.

    Jill Biden and Hunter Biden are being completely irresponsible and I would say anti-American in their continued support of this near vegetable mind in his (their) seeking to allow him to continue this intentional insult toward the American populace. (I am assuming the reports of this being so are reliable)

    Honestly I am fearing that our enemies are now plotting to take complete advantage of the incredible puddle of mush that is posing as American leadership.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2024 at 10:13 AM
  4. Ed Wilson

    Ed Wilson Veteran Member

    Dec 6, 2019
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    From the viewpoint of his handlers, Biden is the perfect candidate to be president since all they want is a person who does not have a mind of his own, and Biden clearly demonstrated that and that his own mind is basically inoperable.
  5. Jacob Petersheim

    Jacob Petersheim Very Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2024
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    Biden backers are in deep denial, muttering into their belly buttons in a fetal position but otherwise not saying much. The word going out to them seems to be that the debate didn't really go badly for Joe at all and so just stay the course until the next news cycle.

    In the meantime "be prepared to vote Blue no matter who and be sure to back our local candidates" who are having a ton of campaign cash funneled to them to infect the system from the bottom. Cultural re-education begins at home.
  6. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    The Democrats have created a mess for themselves, but there may be those behind the scenes for whom this is part of the plan. After all, they did not have to allow Joe to debate. They could have refused to appear on a stage with a "danger to democracy" and just opted out. It may be that ol' Joe has served his purpose and will now be tossed onto the rubbish pile of history. Just as I believed that Trump knew what he was doing accepting the debate, I think somebody behind the scenes in the Democrat party has a plan for this. They have known he was failing since before he took office. That is why he was kept from campaigning in 2020, and yet garnered more votes than any Democrat candidate in history.
  7. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Oh, come now. He just had a cold. Dementia is one of the first signs of a cold.
  8. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    I have just heard that Michelle "Mike" Obama might be drafted at the convention. She has always maintained that she hated the White House, but it is possible that she could be another puppet for Barack and his crew and work only 6 hours a day on week days like Joe with the puppeteers doing the heavy lifting. She would look like a martyr taking a job she doesn't want "for the good of the country" while filling the role of figurehead. It would fool most Dems and many Independents as well.

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