John Lennon's Report Card - 1955

Discussion in 'Music' started by Tony Nathanson, Oct 9, 2024 at 3:43 AM.

  1. Tony Nathanson

    Tony Nathanson Very Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2023
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    He was 15 years old.
    John Lennon's Report Card at 15.jpg
    Today’s “Boris’ Rare Images” is John’s 1955 report card.

    His “Religious Instruction” teacher writes, “Attitude in class most unsatisfactory,” while his math teacher reported “He is certainly on the road to failure if this goes on.”

    15-year-old John was clearly a dreamer: his physics teacher says, “His work always lacks effort. He is content to ‘drift’ instead of using his abilities,” and his French teacher writes, “An intelligent boy who could be very much better with a little concentration in class.”

    As a final blow, the school’s Headmaster concludes, “He has too many wrong ambitions and his energy is too often misplaced.”

    His report card wasn’t all bad though: his art teacher writes, “Good work this term.” His “singing” class report is left blank, perhaps signifying he didn’t show up.

    Thankfully, John chose to spend his energy on singing, songwriting, and co-founding The Beatles, the most commercially successful band in pop music history and the reason for this page.

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