Nicotine Is Actually Beneficial , And That Information Has Been Covered Up

Discussion in 'Health & Wellness' started by Yvonne Smith, Aug 30, 2024.

  1. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Now, I am NOT saying that cigarettes are good.
    I am not saying that at all, just that there are health benefits from nicotine, and it does not have to come from tobacco.
    Plants in the nightshade family, like eggplant, tomato, potatoes, all have nicotine content in them.

    I can across some information about this online, but not enough to really explain anything. I think it was a short from Tucker Carlson, and then from someone else, but today I did a search online and found this video on X, and then looked for it on youtube so I could share it here.

    This doctor does an excellent job of explaining benefits of nicotine, and how to use it. We all know that cigarettes are addictive, but apparently, it is not the nicotine in the cigarettes that is the addictive part. It is the additives they put into the cigarettes that do that.
    I also learned that after cigarettes started having warning labels and people stopped smoking, the tobacco companies bought out food companies, and put their experts to work to make food more addictive. This is partly why so many of us crave junk food.

  2. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I just watched a video on Rumble by Dr. Ardis, and he explains the whole thing about nicotine , covid, cancer, blood clots, and all of the rest of everything. I remember we had a thread in the conspiracy section about covid having to do with snake venom, but even I thought it was pretty far-fetched.
    However, what they did was manufacture artificial venom and that is what is being used, as opposed to them actually getting the venom from these snakes, snails, lizards, etc.

    He points out that people used to put tobacco on snake bites and the nicotine healed them because it stops the venom from clotting the blood and causing respiratory failure.
    This is a long video, and I can’t even begin to get into all of it in this post, but it is worth it to look dr. Ardis up on YT, watch the rumble video, or buy his book that explains everything in detail, including how to take nicotine, and how much to reverse the damages.
    It turns out that you have to pre-order the book, and it is only available in paper form and not an ebook yet. It comes out in October, so for info now, watch the YT videos.

    Not just people who had covid or the vaccine have issues with this, because it has been put in our water systems and also in the air in some places, at least that is what I understood. I just ordered some of the nicotine patches and am going to start taking them as soon as they arrive on Monday.

    This is going to interest you a lot, @Don Alaska !
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2024
  3. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    I cannot watch an hour and a half video @Yvonne Smith, at least not this time of year, but I appreciate the heads-up. There have been many good studies done whose results get suppressed because the results were not what was intended or were not according to an agenda. It has been suspected for years, mostly from anecdotal studies, that nicotine slows or stops the progression of Alzheimer's and other dementias. It won't be confirmed by peer-reviewed, controlled studies because researchers fear it may be true and they don't want to prove it. There was the study about abortions and breast cancer that has been addressed in another thread years ago. The researcher there promised further study, but never did the study, or at least never published the results. Another study that was suppressed showed pipe and cigar smokers actually live longer as a whole than do non-smokers. They have higher rates of cancer, but the death rate from all causes is enough lower to overcome that. Lots and lots of studies like that that the general population never sees. I also brought up the fact that a CDC metanalysis of studies regarding masks and hand sanitizers controlling viral diseases showed that they did nothing to do that. In other words, when all the Federal health people were forcing or demanding these things be done, they already knew they didn't work but were testing compliance of the population.
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  4. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I discovered that Vanderbilt University has a study called MIND, that is using nicotine patches to help elderly people who have memory problems, or just to help their memory stay functioning well.

    I watched the little news video and then went to the website and read about the study, and then emailed them to see if they still have openings and if i might fit into what they are looking for.
    If you look on YT, there are quite a few videos, and many of them are much short than this interview with Dr. Ardis is, so you could look at some of those instead.

    This long video I posted does have conversations, questions and answers, so it probably takes longer than just a one person video explains things would take.
    I was really interested in the pictures that show the little venom things invading a persons blood and how they started disappearing within hours after nicotine patches were put on the person. Those are available online, but you have to watch the video to know the proper links for the WEF and DOD articles to see what they said about using the venom. You might be able to just scroll through it and stop when Dr. Ardis shows the website links for those.

    It is really shocking to find out that the snake venom thing was actually true, even if we didn’t understand what it was and how it worked before. To realize that they are manufacturing this in quantities and putting it in things like cosmetics (for anti-aging ), and even in a water supply, is scary.
    Bobby Cole and Don Alaska like this.
  5. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Here is one of the websites that he gave out, and it is from CNN Health pages. You can’t read what the link was, but Nino put it in google and this is the CNN page that it opened.
    As you can see, this suggests actual snake venom , and not the synthetic venom that is what is actually being produced, according to Dr. Ardis.

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  6. Don Alaska

    Don Alaska Supreme Member
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    Mar 6, 2018
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    I have also read things about venoms being used in vaccine production, but I need reliable independent confirmation of that.
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  7. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    This is part of what was discussed in the long video, and there are links to government websites talking about the use of venom, and making the synthetic venom of several different snakes or sea snails.
    It will also be in the book, but the book is not being released until October, and then , only in paper form, for about $35. I want to read it, but not until I can get the digital one for my ipad, so I can control the font size.

    In the meantime, I am going to see what else i can find to research this. Here is another doctor who is talking about how nicotine patches can help, and also Tucker Carlson has talked about this a little bit.

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  8. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I tried a half of one of Bobby’s nicotine gum, and it was okay but didn’t do much, so today, I had a whole one.
    I am AMAZED at how much better I feel ! !
    It is a 3mg gum.

    I was watching a Tucker Carlson video about why he likes the ZYN nicotine pouches so much, and was going to post it here, but then it turned out to be pretty risqué. I played it for Bobby, and he said definitely NOT something to post on the forum, so you will have to search it out yourselves if you want to know more.
    Bobby has some 4 mg lozenges, so tomorrow I will have one of those and see how that goes. He tried one of the 6 mg ZYN, and he said he felt a lot more alert, and energetic, too. Not saying anything more about that.

    In any case, with just the 3 mg, I have more energy, feel like my circulation is better, I am alert and thinking good, and more……
  9. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    This is interesting. I quit drinking, and then started smoking cigars because I "deserved at least one bad habit," or some such nonsense. Then I had a hard time quitting the cigars so I used nicotine gum. Then I quit the nicotine gum because I assumed it was bad for me.

    This subject recently came up on another forum. One issue that was raised was nicotine's appetite suppressant properties/benefit, and how that's been lost since cigarettes have been taxed beyond the common man's reach.

    I don't have a paid membership on that other forum so cannot search for topics or keywords. I'll see if I can find the thread where people are discussing their favorite non-cancer causing nicotine delivery products, and post them here.
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  10. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Cigarettes are very unhealthy, but most of that is due to the chemicals (I read there are around 500) that they put in cigarettes, and those are addictive, plus the tars get into your lungs.
    However, the more I am looking, the more that I am finding people are having benefits and no downsides with taking the nicotine in other forms. Tucker Carlson started with the gums and lozenges, from what i can see from some of his videos about this, and then after he found the ZYN, that seems to be his favorite now.

    We have discussed a lot here about the big pharma wanting to keep people unhealthy, and then telling us things that turned out to be actually good for us were bad, and vise-versa, like with seed oils and margarine.
    Even when nicotine patches were helping people with covid recover and go home, they were still putting out info that smokers were more at risk, and unless their lungs were ruined from the smoking and tars, they were not worse off, and the nicotine was helping them.
  11. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    It's difficult to reach a compromise because tobacco products contain the most nicotine but they carry health risks. Some people use patches, gum, or tobacco-free pouches. Then there's vaping...

    One person said that Equate (Walmart) brand nicotine gum is the highest quality he's ever used because it's made in Denmark. Another person preferred Target's brand, which is also made in Denmark.

    There were admonishments to not put the nicotine monkey on your back, and to try 200-400mg Sulbutiamine (a synthetic derivative of thiamine to treat fatigue) and a B complex instead. I can attest to difficulties quitting nicotine gum, but there are lots of facets to habits besides the chemical addiction. In fact, I switched to regular gum to get off of the nicotine gum I used to get off of the cigars I smoked. It took a while for me to stop chewing regular gum.

    Here's one of the 2 threads on this topic. They discuss specific branded products there.
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  12. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I looked up the nicotine in cigarettes, and there is around 8-10 mg, +/- ; but it said that smokers do not get the full value of the nicotine, so they only get 1-2 mg per cigarette.
    At that rate, even the 3 mg gum has more nicotine than a cig does, and that is assuming the person smoke the whole cigarette and does not get distracted and forget they have it lit.
    Plus no lung damage.
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  13. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    The Walmart/Target gums come in 2mg and 4mg. One website said 2mg is to help smokers who wait 30 minutes after arising to fire up their first cigarette, while the 4mg are for those who keep a pack of fags and an ashtray on their nightstands for when they first open their eyes.

    This thread has me thinking I may want a bag of chew around for topical medicinal purposes. I may talk to some of the locals who grew up picking tobacco as children on the family farm.
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  14. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I tried one of the 5 mg Zyn pouches earlier this afternoon just to experiment a little and found that there was a definite boost of energy after about 3-5 minutes of use.
    Contrary to what one might believe, the boost had no ill effects such as the jitters and such but instead had a rather soothing effect along with some clearing of my brain.

    After about an hour with the pouch I tossed it but for the last 4 or so hours and counting I still feel the effects: e.g. I’m alert and I feel good.
    So far, I have nothing bad to say about the nicotine pouches but aside from the mg amount one can take, there is something that one needs to be aware of.
    It’s like exercising to lose fat. No one can localize fat loss because during exercise, the whole body is affected and not just the abs or legs etc.
    Same with the nicotine pouch: The whole body is affected and not just the brain, the back the neck…everything.
  15. John Brunner

    John Brunner Senior Staff
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    May 29, 2020
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    Is that how long a pouch lasts? Does the experience degrade before you've squeezed all the nicotine out of the thing?

    So is this a good thing, or is this an admonishment?
    Bobby Cole likes this.

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