Origin of the Earth, Sumerians, Nibiru

Discussion in 'Conspiracies & Paranormal' started by Yvonne Smith, Jan 25, 2015.

  1. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    Although this is neither a conspiracy theory, or about paranormal, this sub-forum does include ancient earth topics and possibilities; therefore I would like to open the subject of this theory of earth's origins for opinions and discussion.
    Basically, the Sumerians were one of the first advanced civilizations on the earth, and they wrote what they knew, or were told, about the origins of the earth and solar system.
    Part of that story was about the planet which we call Nibiru hitting a planet called Tiamet and shattering it, and the large part of what was left of Tiamet after the collision formed into that we now call planet Earth.

    Lloyd Pye, who speaks in the short included youtube video, also has other lectures about earth and early mankind's development, and there are some interesting videos on Youtube about what he calls Intervention Theory, which is an alternative viewpoint than either Creationism or Evolution Theory.

  2. Richard Lee

    Richard Lee Veteran Member

    Jan 25, 2015
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    OK I would like to argue with this guy. Not trying to rain on your parade Yvonne, but talking with you in other threads I can see you have an interest/passion and are bright enough and creative/open minded enough to research and learn what is already known and make up your own mind - that means not being waylayed by pseudo garbage :)

    I'll explain some of the main reasons of why I think that - hope you take the time to read and are not offended. Just the main points - I disagreed or found fault with pretty much everything he said, but a lot of that is quite tricky to explain why.

    A lot of what he is saying is just wrong - for starters Mars has plate techtonics (http://newsroom.ucla.edu/releases/ucla-scientist-discovers-plate-237303) - there is no reason to think many of the larger planet do (although the outer most ones will be too cold to see much movement - and inner most Mercury/Venus may be too small, hot and dense)

    What he says about Pluto is very poor - Pluto is really only a planet because so many people say it is - really its a planetoid and is too small to be classed as a planet - it is no bigger than many of the other rocks out that far - we just can't see them with small lens telescopes (like those used by early astronomers that discover Pluto). If we say everything that orbits the sun is a planet, then there are trillions (3 asteroid belts are full of rock that do just that).

    His talk of missing crust is nonsense - the crust is there! Also what he talks about the planet being a meting ball of molten rock that takes 1/2 billion years to cools and is cracked like an egg - is strange to say the least. The centre of the Earth would have cooled 4 billion years ago if it was only hot because that bit hadn't cooled down yet - it is pressure that keeps it molten, and currents within the liquid. The Earth formed 4.5 billion years ago - life started 4 billion years ago (Cyanobacteria - it created the breathable atmosphere for us - and in doing so suffocated itself into extinction so we have a very definite period in the fossil record)- life could not exist on any planet that was still molten or had a tiny skin/shell,over a massive molten core.

    OK now the real cruncher - if a planet, larger than Earth, but small enough to be life supportable (he mentioned the equation for life in his video - it includes many things including size because the wrong size means the difference between water forming or not and atmospheres too) was in the solar system instead of the Earth - it would have to be closer to Jupiter than we are otherwise the suns gravity would claim it, and assuming Jupiter, being huge, does claim it instead - it would be a fine range where it could be in a stable orbit - but lets give it the benefit of doubt and say mathematically there is a suitable orbit. Now we send a plant-killing asteroid (a "free-plant" sweeping into our solar system for the first time is an asteroid - they are just classification of rocks by size and role, if in orbit around a star its a planet or an asteroid if not big enough - if licked in orbit around a planet, its a moon or satellite, and so on) - and this planet-sized asteroid whams into our planet with enough force to shatter it - what happens? ...Ok here he tries a little blind side, a little slight of hand - he talks about stones and water, and makes us think of the planet hitting wet all of liquid rock - but it is not valid. Why? If you jump off the top of the olden Gate bridge and go in feet first like you do off the side of a pool - guess what, your bones shatter. Hitting a liquid at a high velocity would be like hitting concrete at a slightly lower velocity - something with that much mass, and traveling at speeds enough to be that big, and not get nabbed by the sun on the way past - would be like throwing a porcelain figurine off the top of the Empire State Building and hitting a puddle and expecting that it would be ok! So what would happen? It would shatter completely - it may end up as a few big chunks and lots of fragments, but guess what - then they would be affected differently by the sun and Jupiter and go crashing into one or the other. Smaller fragments would have a better chance - they would get spread out (not like his liquid spreading out - because they could not happen either - the change in density would make it either boil away or crystallize up and act just like small fragments) and end up as part of the asteroid belt.

    This reminds me of the often rerun "Was God an Alien" series (which came from Daniken's book pretty much) - so many people watch and are suckered into beliving it. Why? because it is addressed as a serious documentary with so-called experts giving us evidence that seems to prove or at least highly suggest what that it is true. Problem is most of the "experts" aren't - and much of what they say is pure bovine excrement - and they know it - they out and out lie. For example they talk about the "ancient Indian mystic texts" that show Indians on flying machine with beam technology weapons - they did most of a whole episode on that - guess what it dates back to the early 20th century - was written by a guy that said his Indian spirit guide told him about it - planes and weapons that could just as easily be the trajectory lines of bullets in the pictures (or even beam weapons) existed either in reality or in literature by that time. In another bit they go on about a complex interlocking wall that that shows no tool marks and is 19000 years old or something like that - well its 1,700 years old and not only are there tool marks the site is litted with part built pieces and used sharpening stones for sharpening copper tools - they were there, they knew, they chose not to disclose and to simply lie.

    The problem with these sorts of people is they make any rational thought and want of discovery along non traditional lines seem like pseudo science too - their attempts at the lime light actually destroy the chance of real research into these per-historical times. They form a cult following, but are never accepted by main stream academia, scientists or historians because those people have the education to see through their lies. There is much we do not know - especially about the per-civilization past discussion, ideas and exploration is needed - open minded for sure - but not dogma.
  3. Jenn Windey

    Jenn Windey Supreme Member

    Jan 22, 2015
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    The concept of Nibiru never fails to remind me of Immanuel Velikovsky and his thought that Venus was ejected from Jupiter. Maybe he was right and both the moon and Nibiru are the results of that projectile shattering into other pieces besides Venus. It all came from something right! Nibiru is just a new spin for an old tale most likely, anything to sell units.

    And Richard- Sorry I believe the godhead IS of alien origin. One word- Panspermia
    Yvonne Smith likes this.
  4. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    For sure, there is a lot of interesting information out there. It is hard to actually tell what is real and what is not anymore. News media create stories, put the slant they want on things that happen, and some things are just covered up because they don't want us to know.
    I have been reading about Planet X (Nibiru), and there seems to be a possibility that it is actually out there in a distant orbit. Some of the comets have even longer orbits than the 3500 year one that Nibiru is said to be traveling on.
    If it has come by and caused some of the major calamities of this earth (such as the Great Flood from the Bible and other ancient accounts), then it is reasonable to expect that when it comes by again, we would have a lot of devastation and probably loss of lives.
    If they can't do anything to stop it, there would be no good reason to tell people if there is no way we can prevent it from happening.
    All it would do is cause world panic. So, it is my belief that they would tell us that Nibiru was not real, regardless of whether it is real or not.
    Who knows ? ? I guess, if it gets close enough that we can see it; then we will all know that it is coming.
    Like the Bible prophesy of Jesus coming in the clouds; it will be seen from East to West.
  5. Adam Fields

    Adam Fields Veteran Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    I actually came upon this idea roughly 4 or 5 years ago and spent quite a bit of time researching it. I found it to be fascinating. As time passes I believe it less and less but I still feel as if there are certain things that will forever be beyond our comprehension. Things that we will truly never know most likely.
  6. Juan Ortega

    Juan Ortega Veteran Member

    Feb 9, 2015
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    Such research seems probable if not factual as presented by Zecharia Sitchin. According to his research and translations of ancient Sumerian texts, the Human species was genetically engineered. The alien engineers originating from Nibiru also know as Planet X, coming close to Earth every 3,600 years I believe was the estimate of the time in which it takes the planet to orbit a full revolution around the Sun. Such knowledge however widely supported is being shunned by large corporations or government regimes if you will. Such evidence is interesting and baffling to the ordinary person, seen as taboo.

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