I am not a television person but one of the more entertaining programs I enjoy is "Parking Wars!" I don't think any of us are major fans of "Parking Enforcement Officers" (I want so much to say "meter maids" but that is not PC) but they are doing their job. It is not always the officer that is in the wrong, but the law. Anyway, whenever I got a parking ticket, I'd just stick a check in the mail and forget about it. But this show presents all kinds of nuts screaming, cursing and making many ridiculous excuses, and of course they are always CORRECT! If a person can read then there is no reason for getting a ticket. Sure, sometimes there are no spots available and we chance it, but if we get nailed, so be it. The segment I am watching now is of a kid parking in a fire zone and then he is angry so he backs up into a legally parked car and blames the officer because he was in the way!
I'm not a fan of reality shows. period. The first one or two I watched, I caught on pretty quickly that the scene was deliberately set up. Don't know about the show you're referring to, however. Was this a show that had a hidden camera?
No, Fran, there was no hidden camera. The cameras followed parking enforcement officers as well as tow drivers and was entertaining to me that the majority of people wanted to give lame excuses or even become somewhat violent minded.
It has occurred to me that the influx of reality shows merely demonstrates the lack of true talent in the entertainment industry these days. What a shame.
A lot of what's on TV is for the lowest common denominator viewer to get the maximum audience, meaning it's mostly dumbed down.