Question About Martial Law Scenario

Discussion in 'Not Sure Where it Goes' started by Chrissy Cross, Jul 10, 2016.

  1. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Please don't take this the wrong way and start attacking me for my question or viewpoint but this is something I don't understand.

    Let's assume I believe the evil govt, NWO, martial law scenario and it does happen, I just don't understand how
    You plan on surviving just because you have your guns.

    If I was the evil government I would already know where you all have homes off the grid and I would bomb those first, huge bomb isn't needed.

    How can men on the ground fight against drones and planes and even tanks? Guns or no guns, I don't see
    Citizens having any chance of surviving.

    This is a very serious question in my mind and maybe why I don't get any of this. I hope I get serious answers to my questions and not any condescending replies.

    I really don't get how you can fight the fire power available to them. You think they won't bomb your hideouts.

    I'm not looking for any bravado answers like Ill die with my gun in my hand type answers.

    Also, it won't matter who is president in the NWO scenario, Trump is used to the good life, he'll switch sides in a second and be part of the elite. He already is really.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2016
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  2. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Truthfully, @Chrissy Page , I agree with you on all of this. I do not think that most of those who are off-grid will make it if the government decides to take them out. You can see that easily from what they did at Waco, and Ruby Ridge.
    Being killed by a drone or robot with a bomb or killed in FEMA camps, none of it is going to be good. Bobby and I have talked about this situation, and we are not in any kind of condition to even try the hiding out type of scenario, whether it is from a civil war, riots, or even an attack from another country.
    Since we live by an arsenal, maybe we would be a first target if attacked by an enemy country, and just not know what happened to us. .
    Hopefully, the riots can be kept under control, and everything will just proceed as it always has, and we do not have to try to live through that kind of conditions.
    If you stock up on food and supplies, then you are the prime target for looters, and will end up being killed for your provisions.
    On the other hand, I think that it is good to have at least some food and provisions stocked up, just in case of a natural disaster, such as the tornadoes we had here, or earthquakes, snowstorms, or whatever else can happen where you live at.
    The thing that upsets me most about this, is that I think that most people, of all races, just want to live a quiet life and get along with each other.
    However, some people are easily led, and we end up with these riots, even when they only make things worse, and each time, we end up having more federal control over law enforcement, and becoming a police state.
    History has shown us that having a police state is not a good thing.
    Chrissy Cross likes this.
  3. Ike Willis

    Ike Willis Supreme Member

    Jul 9, 2015
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    Dedication defeats firepower. Read up on Fidel Castro and Cuba of the 1950's. Watch the movie "Red Dawn". Fiction, but will give you a general idea.
    History is full of governments being overthrown by citizens. It might be long and bloody, like Viet Nam. But in the end, who won?
  4. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    That's what I feel also, Yvonne. The only people to benefit with all the racist talk and hate towards police will be thugs and criminals.
    There really aren't enough police anyway to go around, now there will probably even be less...who would want to be a policeman?. I also don't feel the issue is racism
    In police, it's more of a trigger happy type situation or a few bad cops.
    I mentioned that shooting in Fresno of a white teen by a white cop....wasn't justified but it wasn't a big deal except in Fresno.
    There are more incidents of blacks being shot I'm sure but I'm also sure most gangs are black, Mexican and Asian.
    I really don't know too many white gangs except maybe the skinheads but they're of a different nature then the other gangs.

    I don't know the answer but maybe putting more black officers in the predominately black areas might help.

    More training in sensitively and finding better solutions than shooting with a gun to kill.

    Riots aren't the answer, they cause more anger in people.

    The situation all around in the US is depressing. I honestly haven't seen this much hate even between white people and in their own political party. It's just a big old mess.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2016
  5. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    That won't work in this age and our technology. Not only will you have to worry about bombs and tanks and all the govt has, you'll also be fighting with your neighbors. We don't get along now and we won't get along then either and it's a matter of life and death not who you're supporting for president.

    Not to mention all the young thugs with guns, they won't be on your side either.

    There are drones now and all sorts of ways to get the general population.

    Dedication? Maybe half the population will be on your side at the most, add senior citizens and disabled into the mix, going against the young, fit and strong with all sorts of better weapons.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2016
  6. Ike Willis

    Ike Willis Supreme Member

    Jul 9, 2015
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    Who operates all those drones and tanks etc? military personnel. Don't think all the military is on the other side. Pray a lot. If you're worried about your neighbors, kill them first.
    Frank Sanoica likes this.
  7. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I bet your neighbors will kill you first, if you live in an area with lots of crime, they'll be coming for you and your stash first thing.

    Military may be split, that's an unknown. I'm sure whoever has this planned already knows who is doing what.

    Maybe they'll open the border to Mexico and say come on over, kill as many white people as you want and you can keep their loot. That might be far fetched but it's possible. :)

    I'm just trying to say that with today's technology most will be goners. I'm pretty sure the govt already knows where to hit first.
    Plus the fact that we are so divided anyway is to their advantage.
  8. Ike Willis

    Ike Willis Supreme Member

    Jul 9, 2015
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    All I know is, I'm old, wore out and used up. I can't run into the hills and hash it out with the baddies. I have to stay put. If they come for me, I'll die a happy man if I can take at least one out with me.
    Frank Sanoica and Chrissy Cross like this.
  9. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Maybe they'll oblige. :)

    I don't have a gun and depending on the scenario, I may live because I'm not a threat. Or everyone's a threat than I'll die.
    Ike Willis likes this.
  10. Ike Willis

    Ike Willis Supreme Member

    Jul 9, 2015
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    I live in a "gun free zone" building. The most dangerous place to live, other than a ghetto. All I own is a couple pocket knives. Not much of a threat either, I guess.:(
    Frank Sanoica and Chrissy Cross like this.
  11. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Maybe they'll spare us but use us as slave labor. :(
    Ike Willis likes this.
  12. Corie Henson

    Corie Henson Veteran Member

    Jun 11, 2015
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    I'm sorry if I would spoil the fun. Let me just relate my experience with Martial Law. It was declared here by President Marcos in 1972 that caught everyone flat-footed. All his political enemies including the suspected subversives were rounded up before the declaration was aired. The declaration was signed on September 21 but the public got to know it only on that Saturday of September 23. Aside from the arrests, some businesses were closed particularly the media - newspaper, tv, radio. And since it was a surprise, there was nary a protest. Suddenly, the public was so tame that the government could do what it wished.

    On a brighter note, discipline became the order of the day. With the imposition of the curfew hours, the younger generation learned to stay at home when dusk sets in. Even vices were controlled, not much drinking and even gambling was also discouraged. From my point of view, those days are certainly better than now where any move of the government is opposed by a protest so progress is very elusive. That's the price we pay for freedom.
  13. Chrissy Cross

    Chrissy Cross Supreme Member

    Aug 11, 2015
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    If martial law here was similar, my life wouldn't change much. I don't drink or smoke or go out late anyway.
    Bad thing would be the internet would be controlled and that I wouldn't like.

    Maybe that's why all this doesn't even bother me. My life isn't very exciting and I can't think of too many ways it would change except for the internet use. TV I could do without.

    Seriously, what freedoms do I have that I would miss? Freedom of Religion? Don't go to church now.
    Freedom of speech? Don't really use it. Guns taken away? I don't have any.

    Yep, just the internet and I'd get used to it after awhile.
  14. Ken Anderson

    Ken Anderson Senior Staff
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    Jan 21, 2015
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    I think I had a discussion about this in another thread, but perhaps it was another forum. I will be sixty-five years old soon and I have no military experience, so I don't envision myself as being a part of a revolution against a rogue government.

    However, I do have land off-grid, and we should have a well there this summer, and it looks like we'll be on track for having it livable before winter comes. It's a few hours from our house and a couple of miles from the nearest place with utilities. We also have a sizable cache of food that promises a very long shelf life. I have a shotgun and a handgun that I do know how to use, and will probably be buying one additional rifle.

    I don't plan on moving from my house to my land full time because... well, because it's off-grid and a large part of my life revolves around the Internet. However, if the scenario that you began this thread with were to become a reality, which I don't really expect, or if it appeared that things were going to get dangerous where we live, I feel better having an option. If I should need it, it will be good to know that it's there. Otherwise, we'll have a nice vacation camp that we can use while we're still up to it, and sell when it makes sense to do so.

    It may well be a true option for a couple of reasons.

    First, in times of trouble, people generally go south, while I would be going north. Unlike many other parts of the country, I can drive the more than two hundred miles to my land from my house without ever getting on a major road. If I had an ATV, I could get there without traveling any road at all, but that wouldn't be my first choice because I'd like to be able to carry more stuff.

    As I wouldn't envision myself going to war against the government, I don't picture myself as being a prime target. If they wanted to find me on my land, I'm sure they could but I'm thinking they'll have more important things to worry about for quite a long time. Absolutely no one in the town that I live in knows that I have land or a camp up north because we haven't spoken of it, and if anyone were aware of it, they wouldn't know where it was. I'm sure. There are a few people in the town nearest to our camp who are aware that it is there, but they would have little reason to believe that there would be anything there worth bothering with. Only those who went by it on the ATV or snowmobile trail would know that it was there and that was only for the first year that we had it, since I have now mostly obscured it.

    Besides, the town is made up mostly of summer residents since it's built around a large lake, and the full-time residents aren't city people, so they will probably be pretty well set themselves. There are no cities nearby, and certainly not any large population centers so it would probably be a while before the marauding hoards came through the area, and unlikely that they would decide to drive down an unmarked ATV trail, our camp being the only building.

    I wouldn't expect to use my guns against a human being, let alone an army, but they would be available for self protection if necessary, but more likely for hunting. No, I don't like hunting but I can shoot and if it were necessary, I suppose I could bring myself to do so.

    There were small rural areas in lands taken over by Germany during World War II, even in Germany itself, that were largely untouched by the war, even some areas where small Jewish populations were able to survive the holocaust. I have done a lot of reading about the American Civil War and, while it might be wrong to say that there were places in the South that were untouched, there were small towns not on important thoroughfares that survived the war without the devastation seen throughout the rest of the South. Certainly, there were individual people and families who were able to escape it.

    If the government were to become so annoyed with my survival at my camp so as to come for me, I think I'd rather die than go willingly to a FEMA camp. Either way, I'd rather have a plan than be one of the many who are sitting around waiting for someone to save them.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2016
    Frank Sanoica and Yvonne Smith like this.
  15. Frank Sanoica

    Frank Sanoica Supreme Member

    Feb 21, 2016
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    @Ken Anderson Really enjoyed your post (#14)! Quick story quite similar. Moved across country to new job, in Phoenix. Saw rough times coming, Reagan Recession, we bought 40 acres up in the high country, no power, no water, no phone, dirt road 6 miles to access, it was 180 miles from Phoenix, at 6,700 feet elevation, covered with Pinyon pine and Cedar, so plenty of firewood. Bought new Elmira cookstove. Laid off from work, no jobs in sight, we hauled everything up to the place in an old school bus I bought. Quite a few trips, it took. We "roughed it" there a year, at which time my job was offered back to me. Like a fool, I took it. Best year so far of our 37 years together.

    The closest town was Show Low, 26 miles away. We hauled water twice weekly, obtained free in the City Park, 8 or 9 5-gallon plastic containers. One would be surprised how far 80 gallons of water can be "stretched". We had a milk goat, 6 chickens, and raised rabbits. Everything needs water, except the "plumbing", built my own outhouse!
    Yvonne Smith and Ike Willis like this.

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