Saw this film the other day, and was quite surprised at how much I enjoyed it. About the life of a man, Alan Turing, who during WW2 cracked the German Enigma encoding device. Turing was played by Benedict Cumberpatch, who did an excellent job. He was also a homosexual, and was prosecuted for that after the war. I don't want to spoil the film for you, but I would recommend a watch. It also won an oscar I think, though can't remember which one.
Thanks a lot for the recommendation! I was thinking about which movie to watch today, as I haven't seen one in quite a while, and this one seems really interesting. I will give it a shot tonight!
I have heard about this movie also, and the report was that this is a good movie to watch. I had never even heard of Benedict Cumberbatch before, but apparently he is a well-known movie star. It will probably be a while before it comes out on Netflix; if it even does. Some of the movies that I really want to see never seem to make it onto Netflix, and the ones they send me information about are not ones that I am interested in. I really like Pierce Brosnan, and would like to see "The November Man"; but so far it is not on any of the free movie channels. Has anyone seen November Man, and if so; what did you think of it ?
Haven't seen this one, but the trailer looks interesting. I see Pierce Brosnan is getting back into his secret service type role, probably some good action to be seen here.