The Old Company Website Of The 336th

Discussion in 'People I Have Known' started by Thomas Stillhere, Jul 15, 2023.

  1. Thomas Stillhere

    Thomas Stillhere Very Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2021
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    Don Racson passed away 3 years ago and with it our website was down for a long time. I had the url for the return of the site a couple years ago but it went missing again. I happened to search again tonight and it is back up. Here is the url if you care to visit. There is a drop down menu that most things are still available but a couple are not function. The site has not had any entries for some time since everyone moved over to facebook, at one time this was the only way to catch up with old friends. There are many photos in the photo section. Also there is audio and I think some might have been removed because they had a little foul language, not sure because I did not listen to any tonight since I have all of the audio stored on disc. I just didn't see all the audio listed.

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