Time For New Government

Discussion in 'Not Sure Where it Goes' started by Martin Alonzo, Jan 5, 2021.

  1. Martin Alonzo

    Martin Alonzo Supreme Member

    Mar 7, 2015
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    The constitution says if the government no longer works the people should cast off the government and start anew. Maybe this is what is going on now Trump is pleading for the governors to come clean and tell the truth. The corruption is through the justice system, politico system, news system, education system, banking system, and medical system.
    President Trump is pleading for people to save this system but they are not interested so maybe that is why he wants patriots to show up in DC so we can bring in a news system based on truth and patriotism.
    Foreign interest seem to be strong to keep this failed system maybe because it is corrupt and can be controlled.
    It will be interesting what is coming

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