Tonight is the Night!

Discussion in 'Other Reminiscences' started by Bobby Cole, Jan 23, 2015.

  1. Bobby Cole

    Bobby Cole Supreme Member
    Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Creating and keeping friendships can be a little hazardous at times, especially when those "times" include knowing too many details about a person.

    It was almost quitting time on a New Years Eve day, when a friend of mine walked up to me with a huge smile on his face and wished me a happy new year. I had to comment about his apparent zeal because he was normally a pretty serious guy. There were only a few times I saw him this happy in the 3 or 4 years I knew him so I was always curious when he had these "joyous" events. So, trying to kid him a little I asked him if he was going out to celebrate the New Year or was "tonight the night?" A huge YES was practically yelled at me and I was only standing a foot from him. He told me that tonight was a SPECIAL night because he and his wife would buy something a little stronger than soda pop and figure out those 2 special nights per month for the rest of the year when marrital bliss would be forthcoming, and then post them on the calendar. I thought it odd and pretty much thought he was kidding me and let it go and forgot about it.

    A couple of months had passed and I got a phone call from my friend one morning asking me for a ride to work because his car decided to quit running. I went over to his house a little early to pick him up and he stood in the door and waved me in. It was early after all and he wasn't quite ready yet, so he pointed out a seat at the kitchen table and gave me a cup of coffee then excused himself so he could finish getting dressed.

    I sipped at my coffee and looked around a little and then my eyes caught a calendar hanging on the wall just a foot from me and at my right shoulder. I saw two dates on the first page that were circled in red. Daring to be nosy I paged through the rest of it and saw, to my amusement, the same circles on different dates throughout the calendar. When Tom came out, dressed and ready, I tilted my head toward the calendar and told him that I had doubted what he told me on New Years Eve and thought his story was funny. "No," he said, "It's all true and you know what?!!" Pointing his finger at the calendar and sporting a huge smile he said, "Tonight's the Night!!"

    From then on, whenever I saw my friend in an exceptional mood I knew that Tonight, was indeed, going to be his night. By the way........He had four daughters. April, May, June, and Julie and so far as I know he is still working on the rest of the calendar.
  2. Richard Paradon

    Richard Paradon Supreme Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    That is pretty funny, Bobby! I wonder what will happen when all the months of the year are transformed into his children's names!

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