When Memories Return To Joy

Discussion in 'Other Reminiscences' started by Ina I. Wonder, Nov 26, 2016.

  1. Ina I. Wonder

    Ina I. Wonder Supreme Member

    Jan 28, 2015
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    I, like the rest of you have a lifetime of memories that make us who we are. But sometimes things happen to make some of those good memories become painful.

    For me it was loss. Too many of my memories had become too painful to hold. The birth of my sons, the joys of teaching them, even seeing them become fathers. And then of course there were all the memories of my life with a mate that meant all the treasures of earth and beyond to me.

    It was like I couldn't allow my mind to remember all those memories, because they made me feel like I was being torn apart and lost. And no, time doesn't make it any easier, you just learn to bare it eventually.

    I am a person that questions all, hence my forum name. And my questions finally led me to some answers that I could finally except.

    I began to understand that each of us enter and leave another person's life for the experiences we bring to and take away from each relationship. What we can learn from and teach to each other carry all the teaching that our Creator is trying to get us to see.

    With this understanding I am able to start remembering all of the memories my family have gifted to me, and I can now understand more of what my Creator wants me to learn, and now I am able to bring back the joy into my memories.

    But I did have to go through the anger, and for some reason that was the hardest part for me. The anger felt so petty, but eventually it was what saved me from staying in the pit of nowhere and nothing to believe in.

    I give thanks to my Creator for the teaching that make it all worthwhile.

    This is what the day of Thanksgiving gave to me.
  2. Yvonne Smith

    Yvonne Smith Senior Staff
    Staff Member Senior Staff Greeter Task Force Registered

    Jan 21, 2015
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    That post is beautiful beyond words, Ina, my dear friend.......
    I am so happy to read this and to know that some of the beautiful memories are starting to return, and the mental roses are starting to bloom again in your Heart, after the snow is gone.

  3. Patsy Faye

    Patsy Faye Supreme Member

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Lovely post Ina and agree with your words
    We have to go through a range of emotions till we find that peace
    Bless your dear thoughtful heart :) x
    Ina I. Wonder and Yvonne Smith like this.
  4. Babs Hunt

    Babs Hunt Supreme Member

    Feb 12, 2016
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    @Ina I. Wonder I am so glad that you are not allowing grief or anything else to steal all those beautiful memories away from you, or to make you keep them locked up forever either. When we experience great loss many mental health professionals have articulated that we go through stages of grief such as denial, anger, bargaining, etc. until we reach the final stage of peace and acceptance that what was...is not anymore. When we can reach this final stage, that is when we begin to live again, to feel again, and to unlock our minds and hearts to let out the precious and cherished moments we experienced with the ones we have lost. And it is when we can do this...that we find out that although their physical presense is no longer with us...their spiritual presense will always be with us.

    Some grieving people get "stuck" in one of the stages of grief...and never make it to the final stage where peace and acceptance wait for them. I am glad that you have made it to that final stage Ina...and you are finding life does still have meaning for you and so many memories to cherish.
    Ina I. Wonder and Yvonne Smith like this.

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